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6 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Custodes are just in general very popular, largely because they're one of the cheapest armies to collect and since becoming a full army have been very strong more often than not. I do think the difference between a plastic vehicle and single foot character is pretty massive, it would've been more realistic to see one of their resin dreadnoughts in plastic than a grav tank

Annnnd... the Henry Cavil factor? Maybe?

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Got a sneaky feeling that Custodes are stuck in the middle of the ‘divorced parents custody battle’ that is Main Studio and Specialist Games as the big ‘who gets it?’ between 40K and Heresy. 

They definitely won’t get beastmen’d but wouldn’t suprise me to see ‘Heresy in Plastic’ result in the old FW offerings disappear soon after any plastic kits come into practice, even if it’s as iconic as the Telemon ala Leviathan Dreads or anything Solar Auxilia that had IG rules

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2 hours ago, Mortal Wound said:

Customer uncertainty is a significant concern and I wonder how much it will come back to bite them in the behind sales-wise. Because this fundamental paradigm shift in brand confidence isn't just limited to AoS. There's a lot of cross-pollenation between AoS and 40k and even 40k-exclusive people are watching this debacle keenly.

If 6-year old models for a mainline faction that constitute a full sub-army with a unique playstyle isn't safe from culls, what is? People are gonna consider their purchases more carefully. Eldar Harlequins, are those a safe purchase in this 'new normal'? What about Dark Eldar Wracks and Pain Engines? Death Watch Veterans? Thousand Sons Mutalith Vortex Beast?

I was gonna get a couple Predator tanks for my Black Legion Chaos Space Marines. I am not so sure now that I should make that purchase. Heck, I'm assembling Venomcrawlers right now in preparation for the new codex. I was gonna get another one because they'd be cool to play as a formation of three. But should I? Those don't even have a separate kit but share an old starter set-style sprue with another unit...

The erosion of customer trust is a big deal and they opened a Pandora's Box full of it.

It'll be interesting if they get any measurable data to support this trend. 

For my own self, I genuinely plan on dropping GW games. The models are nice, but tbh the toys are what got me to set foot in a GW store at 13 when I thought it was some sort of fancy chess game. 

Once I realized it was a physical turn based strategy game that you could completely decide the aethetic of the army, I was in! Because that project sounded cool and the game sounded cool in theory. I've always found the games to be very rules-complex, often not for the best.

Can't pretend like I won't buy Chaos Duardin when they drop, but I also can't pretend I'm not typing this with the One Page Rules' ArmyForge studio open in a second window. Keep an eye out for "Bad Dwarfs" on the community tab soon when I'm done wrapping things up. If I own the AoS Chaos Duardin tome, it'll be because I found the hype-box to be cost-efficient on the models alone.

The setting, stories, and toys are what brought me in, and other game systems are the only reason GW might get my money moving forward. I don't really have interest in another three dawnbringer books despite liking the lore; I'd rather spend that $150 elsewhere.

I was into AoS because the narrative felt relevant and had an impact on the tabletop: endless spells, new terrain, new armies arriving in-universe right before they hit stores. All that drew me in and I liked it much more than the "let's write new stuff into the story" when the story was paused at five second till midnight.

"All the Sacrosanct went to Azyr and out of the battletome! All the beasts of chaos........................ went home!" is not even remotely what I was anticipating would be the state of AoS almost a decade into it, and it's made me realize that whatever narrative-driven stuff was happening in 2.0 into 3.0 was a temporary wave of lore/tabletop synergy, and we've moved back into "Kaldor Draigo is the BEST grey knight! He's always been here, just like the baby carrier dreadnoughts!" style writing to justify new toys. 

IF I get the 4.0 box set, it'll mostly be to help my friend get some cost-efficient rats. I might flip through the narrative in the core book, but I now have quite a few AoS books I am now much less interested in collecting as a series.

Edited by Pizzaprez
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Ok, so about that 4chan leak.

Yeah, it doesn't seem credible and outright contradicts itself at times, but I do believe it raises some interesting questions. More specifically, I'm referring to the bit about the vampires/Soulblight because I've been looking at them lately and can't help but feel that the designers and writers probably want to do something with them but can't quite nail down what and how because currently they look and function identical to the vampire counts of old. (Heck, even their new models are literally just remasters of the old Counts models.) The only real difference they have is that all the other undead stuff they originally commanded has been appropriated by the Nighthaunt and the Flesh Eaters.

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Actually if we go by what happen in Broken realms during second edition, armies that got Dawnbringer releases may likely get model updates in the next edition (with maybe the exception of STD and FEC who got big model release during Dawnbringer)

and Soulblight did get that Snake lady just recently

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12 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Can't see that happening in the coming 3 years

but there is always uncertainty for weird things. 

Void things? XD

Also the second time u say "weird things". 


Morghur army?

Edited by Gitzdee
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3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Can't see that happening in the coming 3 years

but there is always uncertainty for weird things. 

Nice Ogres and chaos dwarfs 

Ok longshot but City dwarf it well aware their leaving

But will new city dawi incoming or should i recruit more humans into my crusade?

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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Nice Ogres and chaos dwarfs 

Ok longshot but City dwarf it well aware their leaving

But will new city dawi incoming or should i recruit more humans into my crusade?

With Old World getting old dwarfs and AoS having chaos, steampunk, and fire dwarfs I find it hard to believe they will ever throw anything dwarf back into Cities.

I would love it, but if they are taking page out of 40k again it will mostly be human and few orgers if we are lucky. I still plan on mixing my non human stuff into it to keep the look going.

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1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

With Old World getting old dwarfs and AoS having chaos, steampunk, and fire dwarfs I find it hard to believe they will ever throw anything dwarf back into Cities.

I would love it, but if they are taking page out of 40k again it will mostly be human and few orgers if we are lucky. I still plan on mixing my non human stuff into it to keep the look going.

I can easily see dwarfs being the airforce/ engineers of CoS and delfs the navy.

Edited by Gitzdee
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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I can easily see dwarfs being the airforce/ engineers of CoS and delfs the navy.

Im fine with Dispossessed being retired but something like Dwaii Ironweld engineer driving a tank or operating the artillery with the humans is what i'm looking for

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33 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I can easily see dwarfs being the airforce/ engineers of CoS and delfs the navy.

I 100% agree and would love to see that, but I think they are the Tau of AoS for a fews years now lol.

Fans: Oh wow this faction has a lot of diversity and different races all working together in the lore?

Gw: Yes!

Fans: Can I see it on the table top????

Gw: No.

Edited by RyantheFett
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10 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

I 100% agree and would love to see that, but I think they are the Tau of AoS for a fews years now lol.

Oh wow this faction has a lot of diversity and different races all working together in the lore?


Can I see it on the table top????


Agree. We lost that train already with the Ironweld Cannon.

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

This is a real problem woth BOC and BS being axed. The uncertainty causing anxiety and fear mongering.


From people that don't have the slightest clue about GW or how it's product lines work. Not only are Ogres safe, they are more than safe. Everyone with eyes knew this cull was going to happen. The only surprising thing about it is how light it has been. 

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1 minute ago, Whitefang said:

Oh there is going to be plenty.

Something completely a challenge to logic. 

Oh god, what dumb idea are they doing now? Dropping Idoneth into Lumineth? Souping Nurgle and Tzeentch? Making another bloody Incarnate? 

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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Oh god, what dumb idea are they doing now? Dropping Idoneth into Lumineth? Souping Nurgle and Tzeentch? Making another bloody Incarnate? 

Sigmar & Nagash kiss & make up, stormcast & bonereapers souped

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4 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Oh there is going to be plenty.

Something completely a challenge to logic. 


Felix Jager return?

AOS necrons?

Khazalid Dwarf faction Lumineth style?

Silent people?


A Sigmar model!? 

dam you you sphinx


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