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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What do you mean by integrated?

I understand that factions will be an integration of many multiple, different microfactions (KB and IJ for OW, for instance). A way to explore alternative concepts for the "traditional" armies of AoS, in the same way as the warbands in Warcry (the paradigmatic case is S2D and the Chaos bands).

Edited by Someravella
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Presumably less “here is a very small niche army” that they then struggle to expand in a convincing or compelling way, leading to them mashing up said small niche armies in ways that lack synergy on the tabletop,

and more “here is a broader, less pigeon-holed interpretation of said faction” that allows them to go deeper into its lore, expand it more naturally, and create rules than don’t even really need as much internal synergy on the tabletop because the whole faction is more unified to begin with. (My guess!)

Example 1: Orruk Warclans becomes much easier to run with lots of different types of orruks. You are less restricted by what you can take and what you can take interacts more naturally/effectively together. 

Example 2: DoK and Malerion’s lot. Instead of adding another shadowy aelven faction to the setting with arguably finite design space they introduce it as a natural extension of DoK, adding variety and depth and perhaps internal conflict and all the juicy narrative hooks and character dynamics that come with that into a faction that it could otherwise be argued has been pretty one-note up to now (AELVSS BUT SNAKES). I’m exaggerating but you get the idea! Their lore becomes richer and on the tabletop you have a bigger, more unified and cohesive army to play, and it’s just one faction for GW to support. 

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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Building lists is gonna change, armies will be less constraint and it will be more FUN™ to build lists.

I hope so. I like AoS in the role of the Warhammer game where list building has a lot of freedom to it. Especially now that TOW exists.

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

The confusing thing is it seemed like the scope of the project did change but in a negative way. Kislev and Cathay were originally said to be coming to the game but then weren't but now maybe are again?? With a project like this it definitely does make a certain amount of sense to start small, guage demand and then go from there but it doesn't seem to have been a very smooth process. 

I am very curious what 'the scope of the project has changed' actually means. It would be great if it meant adding support for the other legacy factions in the future or doing 3 plastic kits pet faction instead of one. 

I think it changed in a negative way a couple of months / years after the initial articles that Kislev and Cathay would be in TOW.

My guess is that the plans for TOW in the beginning were big, than somewhere during the development everything was scaled down. For unknown reasons.

Than TOW launched, which to all accounts seems to be one of their most succesful releases of the last couple of years.

Now upper management saw the possible profit in it and it will get more resources. Does this mean that it is again scaled up to their initial plan? Or does it just mean one extra plastic kit + book per year than what was planned since its release? Who knows.

What is clear is that everything seems to go well and that TOW is here to stay. 🙂 

Personally I don't really care about Cathay. I would prefer to keep the focus on the map as it is now. I would love to see a zoomed in campaign on the Empire civil war. But I understand that there is a untapped market with Cathay.

I watch the Honest Wargamer with his square based youtubes and he does seem to be rather enthusiastic about "The scope of the project has changed". He is also heavly invested in AoS, so certainly not anti AoS and not biased for TOW.

Edited by Tonhel
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24 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Building lists is gonna change, armies will be less constraint and it will be more FUN™ to build lists.

What do you mean with more fun? More options? More units? More customization?

It would be cool if you can make an army with CoS/SCE were all units have synergies even when the units are from different battletomes. Although with their obsession with balance, this could also have a negative impact on all these units if you can freely mix units from different battletomes in your army.

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On 3/27/2024 at 10:15 AM, Jagged Red Lines said:

Of course. But it's pure speculation, and imo far less likely, that they'll get abandonware matched play rules that'll last the entire edition. 

Thats what Indexes are though. Rules that last until an army gets a book. We've seen this before multiple times. 

It also makes zero sense to move BOC to legends at the beginning of the edition. The entire point of Indexes is they can release them all at once, and then get around to doing books when they get around to it. Even if thats never. If thats the case with BOC, they'll be on their index until they get a new book or until the next set of indexes. 

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On 3/27/2024 at 11:36 AM, Hollow said:


It's not good for the game to stagnate and never change either. I can see at least a good dozen reasons why GW are going in this direction. It makes perfect sense to me. 

Please list them. I would LOVE to see them.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Skaven will be more integrated in next book.

Can't find my original quote, but again, if GW chops the clans I'm dropping AoS forever and never looking back, too many other generic flavourless systems to use my rats in to just conform with one, etc. Not gonna waste time on an experience/game system I would struggle to enjoy with those decisions, life is short.

I'd hype up just the skaven minis releases, buy them, sell the rulebook, sell the fantasy marines, and be happy with my OPR group for the rest of my existence

Edited by Garrac
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On 3/27/2024 at 11:50 AM, Ragest said:

Delves are in danger aswell, like older human minis like the tanks, the chicken or the flagellants. Same with spiders in Gloomspite or Bonesplitterz, maybe graveguard and such and the skink range.

To be honest, I think everything pre endtimes can leave AoS at some point.

Theres no way they'll cut Skinks from Seraphon. They just didn't get refreshed in the last wave, thats all. We'll see them eventually. I agree that most pre-AoS models will eventually be redone. They won't be cut. They're not going to cut Daughters of Khaine, even though the entire core of teh army is from WHFB. 

The most likely scenario for any model at all is that it will eventually get resculpted. That's especially true of BOC. Building an army is a decades long investment. They won't throw that away. Theres literally no reason to.

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On 3/31/2024 at 2:29 PM, KingBrodd said:

As of now Ogors have no named character minis. They need some. Also they need a presence in the narrative as of now we are seeing them more prevelant in COS than their own Faction.

They do have a presence in the narrative - I saw them in more than a novel in the White Dwarf, just to mention them, with names and all. As for named character miniatures, that depends when GW decides to release new Ogor models. Watch the next window for Ogor battletome, I'd say.

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16 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Can't find my original quote, but again, if GW chops the clans I'm dropping AoS forever and never looking back, too many other generic flavourless systems to use my rats in to just conform with one, etc. Not gonna waste time on an experience/game system I would struggle to enjoy with those decisions, life is short.

I'd hype up just the skaven minis releases, buy them, sell the rulebook, sell the fantasy marines, and be happy with my OPR group for the rest of my existence

You don't need to be worried about that. Skaven flavor of the army will stay as ever but with a more fun design.

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5 minutes ago, Someravella said:

I hope LRL, Idoneth, and DoK are also souped as Aelven mobs.

No... as it just means less flavour / options / units for Idoneth. Imo, it basically means that they stop development for Idoneth, which is a shame as they could release so much cool stuff for that army.

There is no reason to merge any Elf or dwarf faction. My friend plays Idoneth. He wants to see new Idoneth units, not use Lumineth units instead... .

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On 3/27/2024 at 2:23 PM, foxicious said:

Just chiming in to say that I am not a fan of the idea of souping the Daughters with all the CoS Delves simply for the reason that they are Delves.

I feel like if something like this was intended, the opportunity to implement this would have been the "liberation" of Anvilgard imo. Of course this doesn't mean it wouldn't happen now if GW wanted to do it.

That being said I also don't like the idea of a combined tome of Morathi and Malerion elves. It will probably happen to reduce the number of elven factions, but I still don't like it 🤣


Uh huh.

Personally, I have 0 interest in seeing Dark elves added to DoK. I got into DoK for how elf women, not random dudes. They established aesthetic of the army is women. Adding in  existing Dark elves would ruin that.

I'm not thrilled with a shared book either, if only because I suspect Daughters would get none of the attention, and Malarion would suck up all the releases. As someone with (currently) no interest in Malarion thats just not attractive to me at all.

I think Dark Elves have a good home in Cities, and I hope they stay there.

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Just now, GhostShark said:

Uh huh.

Personally, I have 0 interest in seeing Dark elves added to DoK. I got into DoK for how elf women, not random dudes. They established aesthetic of the army is women. Adding in  existing Dark elves would ruin that.

I'm not thrilled with a shared book either, if only because I suspect Daughters would get none of the attention, and Malarion would suck up all the releases. As someone with (currently) no interest in Malarion thats just not attractive to me at all.

I think Dark Elves have a good home in Cities, and I hope they stay there.

Exactly, as imo souping means that one or more souped armies will get neglected in favour of the more popular souped army. I.e with a souping of Idoneth and Lumineth I fear that it is the end of Idoneth. Same with Dok and Malarion. The focus will be on all the new stuff Malarion gets and this probably is a the cost of DoK.

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14 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Can't find my original quote, but again, if GW chops the clans I'm dropping AoS forever and never looking back, too many other generic flavourless systems to use my rats in to just conform with one, etc.

Not been keeping up too much with what has been going on but if I was to guess, I'd say think Ork Klans from 40K. So you have for example Stormboyz which are typically Blood Axe, but you can also have Goff Stormboyz. I think with Skaven we will still see Plague Monks but they will be less Clan Pestilens and more just Plague Monks. A casual look at the Warhammer Store, I only see mention of the Clan for Plague Monks. All the other Pestilens units do not mention the clan. 

So do I see that they are loosing a cool bit of background with the clans - no. I'm sure it's just evolved into something different. With the Skaven Vermindoom, there must have been some sort of uniting thing to happen to Skaven but I'm sure they will still backstab each other like always.

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26 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Can't find my original quote, but again, if GW chops the clans I'm dropping AoS forever and never looking back, too many other generic flavourless systems to use my rats in to just conform with one, etc. Not gonna waste time on an experience/game system I would struggle to enjoy with those decisions, life is short.

I'd hype up just the skaven minis releases, buy them, sell the rulebook, sell the fantasy marines, and be happy with my OPR group for the rest of my existence

Integrated doesn't necessarily mean dropping clans. It just means that you can have a list which mixes the clans together without suffering. A major complaint about the cities book is how little interaction between the humans, Daurdin and Aelves. People don't want them to disappear but do want to be able to play them together. I think the same is true about the Skaven clans. Moulder, Eshin and Pestilens are icon elements of the Skaven  lore and I'm quite sure they're here to stay. 

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Better just soup all armies together.

Grand Alliance: Infighting (containing all Aelf factions)

Not to be confused with:

Grand Alliance: Angry (Khorne, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz)

Grand Alliance: Furry (Skaven, BoC, Seraphon because scales count too)

Grand Alliance: Hungry (Ogors and FEC)

Grand Alliance: Soul-y (OBR, Nighthaunt, SCE, Idoneth)

Grand Alliance: Money (only Kharadron, they want a monopoly on this alliance)

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With every new edition, it's unavoidable the community loses a part of its old players. That's how old editions are still played even if they're not officially supported anymore.

However, I'd personnally refrain from writing threads about me "leaving forever if GW does do that", because I would feel really silly when I come back to the game after a while in the end. Life is about change and adaptation, and only the dead never do.

Edited by Sarouan
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Well, totally not biased speculation on what GW can do with dwarves in 4th edition. I see there are several ways to follow for them:

1. Continue going separate ways and receive adequate releases of 2-3 units each. CoS duardins meanwhile will be gone to TOW.

2. Total soup with or without CoS duardin (they will remain same as before if not removed). Big Waagh analogue (like maybe Karaks of Duardin?) to play them all together.

3. Same as the 2nd option, but CoS duardin will be reworked same as marauders were reworked into darkoath or black orcs into ironjawz. Thus, old dwarves will remain in TOW, new ones will arrive in AoS. This variant seems a bit idealistic though. 

I consider soup is not something bad, nor it is good. For GW it will be like "they collected only one of those armies, now they will collect both", so money flow is ok in corporate terms. In terms of rules it can bring new possibilities for both factions (or even CoS dwarves if they will be mixed either), so it is also ok. In terms of lore it is controversial and not as smooth as it can be. Also if they somehow rework standard dwarves to fit this soup and be somehow a mediator between two other factions, that can be great.

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2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

With every new edition, it's unavoidable the community loses a part of its old players. That's how old editions are still played even if they're not officially supported anymore.

However, I'd personnally refrain from writing threads about me "leaving forever if GW does do that", because I would feel really silly when I come back to the game after a while in the end. Life is about change and adaptation, and only the dead never do.

Took me 9 years to scrawl back to square base gaming after End Times, imagine now that OPR exists.

Alltho, you guys are right, I will wait and see for the moment. Don't want to be unfair until proven otherwise.

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