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25 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

I'm not sure that telling someone who is upset that their problem isn't really a problem is going to be the most constructive thing to do.

It's fine to feel vexed by the cost of edition change.

That "problem" just doesn't exist. 

I can understand our BoC fellas, that's a real problem, there is a chance your army gets deleted, but with a recently refreshed army? And about the books, if you buy them just for the rules that is the worse way possible to expend money in this game, we had rules that lasted 3 months, 1 month, weeks or even one day or before the official release. 

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5 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I love the Sylvaneth warband! I like how the Dryads are much improved from their older version, I love the corruption on each of the Sylvaneth, the only thing I'm missing is an insect companion. More insect focus for Sylvaneth would be amazing.

Also, I still don't know how inevitable the Kurnothi are. We don't even have Malerion and his aelves yet, which are a thing in lore a lot longer than Kurnothi were. Same thing with Tyrion.

Dawnbringers 6 may shed some light on kurnoth following kroaks revelation to Allarielle. I'm optimistic we will see something when the new sylvaneth battletome is released. 

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On top of all that, there are modular rules, plenty more opportunities for reactivity in your opponent’s turn via an updated system of command points and abilities, and a ton of tweaks and refinements – not least to the double turn, which has been fine-tuned into a knife-edge decision with a clever twist to scoring. Put simply, it is the best edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar yet.


Still not Alternating Activations then? Gutted. I thought the AoS team would be the ones to finally break the mould for the mainline games. 

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Don't put much attention into Stormcast going bigger. In the 3D models our "slim" Stormcast appear bigger than the first ones, so probably the models surprise us.

They might be, that middle armor is Thunderstrike Liberator which we don’t know the dimensions of yet.

They even point out in the article they’re tougher tanking those warp-bullets & flames so they might make new Libs wider than Vindictors and closer to Annihilators in build to make them stand apart and possibly justify being tankier.

Also it’s not far off anyway. Old Lady Liberator armor was smaller than the males. Thunderstrike is big for both types.


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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Still not Alternating Activations then? Gutted. I thought the AoS team would be the ones to finally break the mould for the mainline games. 

The heroic phase is now kinda it? GW wont allow anything thats not IGOUGO in a mainline game, hell, they didnt even allow it in Battlefleet back in the day, even tho even the rulebook says it would be better to play alternating activations, because its too interal part of the image of the game, you could improve the game by going away from d6s, or to hit to wound rolls, but GW wont do this

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Sons of Behemat are going to be discontinued?!?



No they're are not.
It probably does not make much sense to put a 500 points megagargant into a spearhead box with around 500 points. (Balance, the giant will win, period)


Guys don't overreact XD

Edited by JackStreicher
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37 minutes ago, Draznak said:

AoS : superb cinematic. Technical progress since 3rd edition. Skaven are going to have a great range. A little disappointed by Room Ruination. Seems to be just veterans/bladeguards. The griffin looks nice (I like griffins). For once, I can't wait for more info on rules (please make 1k format nice).


I reserved my judgment until the entire range is show since we don't know much about the SCE side of wave compared to the skaven like via SG warhound. We only have 4 units so far confirm

Hoping that we get some SCE mutants and angels for the Ruination beacuse it would be disappointing if they just hype up this major flaw in the SEC lore and what we get is basically taller warrior chamber. 

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2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

First Yndrasta now her...

Does sigmarification make girls to lose half of their hair?



really? It's just a side-cut which looks more warriors-esque/savage

Fun fact: Hair beneath a helmet are kind of in the way/painful etx. no matter how good the padding is. That's why samurai shaved the top of their heads.

Edited by JackStreicher
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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

No they're are not.
It probably does not make much sense to put a 500 points megagargant into a spearhead box with around 500 points. (Balance, the giant will win, period)


Guys don't overreact XD

It was just a joke, don't worry. I think people are trying to over-analyze this picture way too much, it's not like being excluded from this picture means the death of the faction is all I meant

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1 hour ago, Whitefang back me up said:

This is largely all complete rubbish. I’ve had a look through the core book and I’ll let give you some rules, then I’m gone - flying too close to the sun.

- EVERYTHING is an ability. 

- Morale GONE. Now ‘Control’ stat.

- Weapon range is combat range, everything in 3” fights. That’s it. 

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore. 

- If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic.

Kind of sad I liked the part about moral wounds :/ (it gave me hope)

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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

Also, I still don't know how inevitable the Kurnothi are. We don't even have Malerion and his aelves yet, which are a thing in lore a lot longer than Kurnothi were. Same thing with Tyrion.

Well we got a warband, a cursed city hero and rescently the leader of the Kurnothi Belthanos as a model in the main game so very much inevitable st somepoint they be introduced. Remeber how Darkoath took so long to come despite getting warbands and teases

Tyrion will come when we need a new Lumineth wave for now he over there fighting Ulgurothi

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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4 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Well we got a warband, a cursed city hero and rescently the leader of the Kurnothi Beltganos as a model in the main game so very much inevitable st somepoint they be introduced. Remever how Darkoath took so long to come despite getting warbands and teases

Tyrion will come when we need a new Lumineth wave he over there fighting Ulgurothi

We also have Kurnoth Hunters, and Belthanos looks very much like Sylvaneth and not 'the Kurnothi' that people here were already expecting for Warcry. So even if Kurnothi are introduced, it's not necessarily going to be the aelf/satyr/centaur/etc hybrids people are expecting.

Edited by Snarff
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1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

apart from the balancing problems (fully agree) my issue is also with out they break the flow of the game (the "start of hero phase" phase is the worst moment in the game for me) and impact how you build and think about your army -that is, as a tool to score 5/5 battle tactics first, and only second about fighting a battle.

That's my biggest issue with it. Battle tactics are too detached from the actual battle. It's random errants that don't make any sense. Imagine you are fighting a tight battle suddenly your general orders you to do the floss dance INSIDE enemy territory because it grants points. - What? To me the game is no longer a battle but a "do random stuff to win" fest. However winning isn'T the objective of this game, it's to have a fun and close game. (close doesn't mean that the points total has to be close to one another - "Oh no I lost because I didn't have a monster left to run to that objective and do a "dancing bear" - A PITTY).


Now lads, suppress that unit BUT DON'T KILL IT. Then our infantry sweeps in and finishes them off!
*Accidentally shooting the unit dead* "Oh well I guess we will lose this battle, too bad!




1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

Battle tactics existing outside of the scenario's victory conditions are indeed an abomination, to me. They needlessly complicate the game and are another thing to keep in mind while you already struggle with your so many army special rules.

If 4th completely throwed them into the bin, I would clap with both hands.


I agree. If every scenario would present a special situation in which those Battle tactics are neccessary TO WIN THE BATTLE I'd love them. (not to win juding by an abstract points-system in the background)


1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

You’re sad because battle tactics are still a thing.

I’m happy because double turn is taking a big warranted nerf.


The DT should have been culled. It'd be easier to get more of the 40K, LotR and TOW crowd interested in AoS that way (at least in my area). And I really hate it for several reasons.



1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

yes, but again using the "pity victory points" approach that they used for balance in 3rd ed (like, giving new easy battle tactics to struggling factions). So you might still get crushed by a double turn*, but hey you'll win on points.

*my problem with the double turn is only that it makes me sit without doing much for 1 hour+ not about the actual impact on the game

That's just one of the issues. Agreed.

Edited by JackStreicher
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19 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Sons of Behemat, Skaven and Ogors are going to be discontinued?!?




King Brodd has gone back to sleep and so all the Sons of Behemet  have decided to stroll off into the sunset. 

The Skaven were quickly vanquished once the cinematic trailer ended unfortunately.

It's all Ogre.

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Sounds like they're simplifying away the complexity that i like in unit and army rules, and keeping the obnoxious complexity I hate in interrupting command abilities and especially battle tactics.  Double turn stays which I don't feel strongly about, but not going to alternating activations or units actually attached to heroes like I've been hoping for.

Initial impression isn't great to me, but so far it's a lot of talk without anything concrete, so I'm not getting worked up over it yet.

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18 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Are you missing anyone? 😢


Just in case it's not obvious for everyone. We have currently 24 battletomed factions. You can neither do a 5x5, nor 5x4 grid to show them all and/or not have gaps. Just won't work layout wise. 

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Sad to see no models revealed for 4th, but kinda expected. Love the new Chaos Lady though and the trailer was good.

Does anyone know when the next preview is as heard no Warhammer Fest this year, Hopefully there will still be a show next month!

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3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

That's my biggest issue with it. Battle tactics are too detached from the actual battle. It's random errants that don't make any sense. Imagine you are fighting a tight battle suddenly your general orders you to do the floss dance INSIDE enemy territory because it grants points. - What? To me the game is no longer a battle but a "do random stuff to win" fest.

I think the problem there is a narrative vs balance one. 

If your tactics revolve around actually playing the game (ghb 1 tactics), killy armies are going to reign rampant in the tables. The scope of final ghb is more about playing outside the main mission, so if you want to kill me, you gotta go to akward positions or make moves that go against your main plan.

This ghb is pretty more balanced that the first one (even with cracked stuff like primals and blizzard), so I think that the team went the balanced route.

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6 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Just in case it's not obvious for everyone. We have currently 24 battletomed factions. You can neither do a 5x5, nor 5x4 grid to show them all and/or not have gaps. Just won't work layout wise. 

And I think when 40k got their equivalent CP picture they where also missing some factions so it fit better

This was the 40k one:



And its also missing three factions with Custodes, Black Templars and World Eaters in addition to Tyranids. And nothing happened to those three.

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