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7 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

You can really blame Rob for that. I'm really not sure GW would be focusing on it this much, had it not been him to wage his private little war on the lack of balance in competitive AoS.

I wouldnt agree. They are focusing more on balance through all systems. Even WU has metawatch, not often as AoS or 40k but even there they follow results and try balance warbands/cards.

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9 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

You can really blame Rob for that. I'm really not sure GW would be focusing on it this much, had it not been him to wage his private little war on the lack of balance in competitive Aos


Edited by Aleser
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1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The problem with Ogors is that they basically removed the most defining feature of the Ogre Kingdoms from Warhammer Fantasy that gave them a unique niche in the universe: their neutrality. Sure they still have mercenaries, but that part is far less emphasized and 80% of the stories with Ogor Mercenaries end with them betraying and eating their employers making you wonder why anybody hires them in the first place. Ogre Kingdoms were pretty much the only guys who were tolerated by every other faction and were equally likely to work with the Empire as much as Orcs and Goblins, but that didn't really fit into the Grand Alliance scheme. Without that neutrality, they're just Orcs but hungry. 

Removing their own god/gods in favour of gorkamorka was a big lore fail too, the great maw was one of the most intriguing things in ToW imo

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7 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I wouldnt agree. They are focusing more on balance through all systems. Even WU has metawatch, not often as AoS or 40k but even there they follow results and try balance warbands/cards.

Yeah, it's pretty silly to blame him for the company's shift in direction, from what I've read the rules studio has plenty competitive players within it which probably has a significantly larger impact

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30 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

I also appreciate it was a discussion in the "meta" but I despise the obsession with it. You don't see them giving reviews of narrative forces or events half as much :(

My two pence

I know the GW studio have a lot of focus on competitive style gaming in the past as that is what a lot of people wanted. Discounting the tournament scene, people just want to be able to bring an army that is vaguely matching in size and ability to their opponent without too much arrangement of things. They tried the narrative route with 1st edition of AOS which lead to 'Mo Comp' to give a framework of how to have forces of roughly the same size. This lead to GW moving back to points but evolving the system into what we have now.

I suspect we will see a more balanced approach to AOS in the new edition and may see a more narrative focus but I have no idea what this will look like. The problem in my opinion with narrative is that it's tough to sell things for it as you tend to be focused on a few factions and have to produce a lot of material. This also means you don't sell as many things as the target audience will be smaller. Maybe they will do softback books like the Osprey history books where they focus on a period or battle. Maybe stuff will appear in White Dwarf. I have no idea but that's what I would do.


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54 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

I broadly agree, it’s a weird setup where they frequently are mercenaries but it’s generally only discussed in the context of them turning on their employers. They’re a lot less cosmopolitan than in WHFB.

With that said, I think the Beastclaw Raiders concept is killer, one of the best things to come out of early AoS. Tightly defined, evocative, unique. If anything, I feel like BCR are actually held back by being associated with ‘regular’ ogres.

I couldn't agree more. I think the everwinter is an awesome concept and that it ties into being a threat in the mortal realms. Having an army of ogres who bring on the winter elements to your city could be a huge problem for the people of the mortal realms. Paired with the ogres wanting to spread the curse of the everwinter so that all living things have to be as miserable as them could be played upon. 

I also find the concept of gorgers quite interesting and wonder if maybe they could dip more into that savage direction. 

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On 3/12/2024 at 9:09 AM, Nezzhil said:

It is the Sanguinor

Sorry to bring back a kind of old post, but uh... how sure are you?

Should I tell my friends to make them very happy? Or just keep it to myself.

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This is complete wish-listing, but I have just watched the first 4 episodes of FX's Shogun (It's really good so far) and man what I would give for a full Japanese/Chinese/South east Asian inspired faction. An AoS Grand Cathay type faction based in Ulgu. It would be interesting to have other human factions that were completely different to Cities. 

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4 hours ago, Elarin said:

It's a completely different thing - more of a build up to the new edition. It will be announced towards the end of March and will start in April. It's going to be exclusive to Warhammer Stores and the idea is to paint AoS models, play AoS games, promote Narrative Play so as to generate excitement for the new edition.

does the focus on Narrative Play mean I wouldn't need 2k points to participate?

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1 hour ago, Luperci said:

Yeah, it's pretty silly to blame him for the company's shift in direction, from what I've read the rules studio has plenty competitive players within it which probably has a significantly larger impact

If we're talking about The Honest Wargamer Rob then I believe this man to be a Saint in this community and hobby! St Robicus Badassatronicus!!!

Thanks for all you do, bud!!!






Annnnd you have outstanding taste in woman. 😍😄

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My only issue with the hyper competitive "meta" outlook is when players start referencing 3/4 of the models in the game as "trash" that no one should ever play. When in reality, these units are fine, just not the best. 

That's when we end up with cookie cutter army builds all over the place.

Edited by Mutton
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21 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

does the focus on Narrative Play mean I wouldn't need 2k points to participate?

I don't really know such exact details, but I would expect that it might vary across different stores: the basic premise is to have fun painting Age of Sigmar models, playing regular and Path to Glory games, which all contribute to the defence or destruction of your local store's city

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1 hour ago, Red Bull said:

Sorry to bring back a kind of old post, but uh... how sure are you?

Should I tell my friends to make them very happy? Or just keep it to myself.

Valrak has mentioned hearing rumours from trusted sources that the Blood Angels codex will have a new plastic Sanquinor released along side it.

Went and checked the actual rumours he's been sharing and the update is apparently:

plastic Sanquinor, Astorath and Lemartes

updated Sanguinary Guard

new upgrade sprues

Death Company themed launch box with Lemartes like the Deathwing one Dark Angels got

Edited by EonChao
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37 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Valrak has mentioned hearing rumours from trusted sources that the Blood Angels codex will have a new plastic Sanquinor released along side it.

he's been saying blood angels have been coming for about a year now, it's a very safe prediction after the BT primaris wave and now DA too, not to say I don't believe him but it's one of those things where if you just keep on saying it, it will happen eventually and then you can say you were right all along

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2 hours ago, Luperci said:

Removing their own god/gods in favour of gorkamorka was a big lore fail too, the great maw was one of the most intriguing things in ToW imo

100%, it was a fascinating god. The passage where it was ‘revealed’ in the old army book was one of the most evocative bits in the entire WHFB setting and still gives me chills.

What he found has since been depicted on a thousand gut-plates and banners, and is forever etched into the legends of their race. Before the Ogres lay a massive and gigantic gaping crater the size of which stretched for miles, filled with ridges upon ridges of jagged teeth and rippling, convulsing muscle that stretched down and down into nothingness; a gullet so huge it could swallow a race like the Ogres and still hunger for more. It exists there even now; a vile, pulsing god visited upon the face of the world by the vengeful heavens.

Switching to Gorkamorka and his not-quite-aspects was a real step down. Having their particular aspect be called ‘The Gulping God’ is particularly awful, possibly the most awkward combination of words in AoS.

(though the Everwinter is brilliant)

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1 hour ago, Hollow said:

This is complete wish-listing, but I have just watched the first 4 episodes of FX's Shogun (It's really good so far) and man what I would give for a full Japanese/Chinese/South east Asian inspired faction. An AoS Grand Cathay type faction based in Ulgu. It would be interesting to have other human factions that were completely different to Cities. 

If any Faction gets the Psuedo Samurai/Shogun aesthetic I hope its the Silent Ones!!



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1 hour ago, Hollow said:

This is complete wish-listing, but I have just watched the first 4 episodes of FX's Shogun (It's really good so far) and man what I would give for a full Japanese/Chinese/South east Asian inspired faction. An AoS Grand Cathay type faction based in Ulgu. It would be interesting to have other human factions that were completely different to Cities. 

Skavens can fullfill all your dreams bro


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Guys, what if the 12th Dawnbringers faction was Skaven ?

So far we have had Nurgle (1), GSG (2), Fyreslayers (3), FEC (4), Warclans (5), CoS (6), SCE (7), Sylvaneth (8), SBGL (9), DoK (10), StD (11). It looks like daemon Khul is becoming less likely, but there's still an empty spot. What if Skaven were to take it ? As a teaser of what will happen in 4th ? Also reinforced by this :


Spoilers for Dawnbringers 5 ! You have been warned !


Krethusa warns Callis & Toll about a "green flame that will burn the gold and heavens". Gold + Heavens = SCE obviously but green = warpstone = Skaven ! The Skaven are coming for Hammerhal and the SCE and maybe we might see this in the finale of Dawnbringers !



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I think a skaven mini for dawnbringers is reasonably possible. 

Szeras appeared with the last Psychic Awakening book right before the big necron relaunch. Kragnos (though not a kruleboy) appeared in Broken Realms, right before the Era of the Beast launched. Granted there was no tyranid accompanying the Arks of Omen stuff right before 40k 10th ed.

Still, a skaven character might well show up.

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16 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I'd say a skaven character on dawnbringers 6 would be an easy way to start marketing Ruination. That, or a warcry box, or even both. You can never run out of copium/warpstone...

Considering the lady of Ruin would seems strange to focus on different chaos facitons in the same book...BUT they did the same in the Ushoran one with the Vampire lady.
Maybe some sort of Enshin agent?

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31 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

can dawbinger 6 be after 4th edition?

Nah, GW needs something to release between March and June and 40k doesnt have nothing big cookin

After June, july should be for a big 40k release (Blood Angels/Agentes), august is the dead month, and september/october would see the rest of the skaven and stormcasts minis.

A better question is: how much of the starter box Will be showed ar adepticon? Im guessing that not a lot (just two units) but now that there wont be fest this year some may want to grap copium for more reveals.

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