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people thinking that beastmen gonna be deleted in aos are delusional and just dont have any idea and you can just ignore them.


100% for sure wont happen.

beastment got one new hero just some months ago,also scenary and endless spells,gw wont spend money on 3!!! new kits to just delete the army after

the armys deleted never got any model in 8 years of aos(free people,high elfs,wanderers etc)

the wanderer new hero of cursed city is a kurnothi and not wanderer.

by the way, the new vampire rules seems weak.

yes,160 points for two cast is good,but thats all,her others skills are very weak and i cant think because i would use her in place of a generic vampire lord(+1 atk aura) or belladama(2 castings with +1 and so much better spell and utility)

also fun how she is the first vampire without hunger when even blood knigths have it

Edited by Doko
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14 minutes ago, RollSixxess said:

Based entirely on the tea leaves : BoC being ‘replaced’ by newer more ‘AoS’ Beastmen (Maybe finally do something with the Morghur is a god now thing?) in 4th and just having their old/current kits be then repurposed for TOW seems the most likely option doesn’t it?


Not for some apparently. I'm a little confused as to why some people are confused (Although not Doko, he is perpetually confused regarding everything it seems) Do people seriously think that the BoC range will remain unchanged and available as is, in AoS and ToW simultaneously throughout the life span for ToW 1st edition (however long that is) and AoS 4th edition? Like... come on. It's like a big flashing neon light that some are just refusing to see. 

Edited by Hollow
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4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Not for some apparently. I'm a little confused as to why some people are confused (Although not Doko, he is perpetually confused regarding everything it seems) Do people seriously think that the BoC range will remain unchanged and available as is, in AoS and ToW simultaneously throughout the life span for ToW 1st edition (however long that is) and AoS 4th edition? Like... come on. It's like a big flashing neon light that some are just refusing to see. 

But this isn't the problem. No range remains the same forever. Also the beasts of chaos range and the beastmen range is already different. Even the name is different. The thing people are worried about and are thinking will not happen is the BoC faction being dropped from AoS completely, since the language from the first rumour didn't suggest a refresh  or even a souping was on the cards. 

I agree with you about certain behaviour though. That is peculiar. 

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15 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Perfectly normal behaviour. 

Screenshot 2024-02-02 000805.png

oh i just find it fun,i only gave a negative icon to one random guy that was spouting nonsense about a army with 3 new kits in aos being deleted.

and then you find this as some personal offense and start to call me i am confuse in real life.

to your information personal attacks go against the rules.

giving a comfuse emote to one coment dont go against rules

i gonna have fun giving you confuse icons everyday to your post seeing as you like it

Edited by Doko
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I'm just going to copy a thing that explains why I find these arguments so ****** annoying. Here's the Philosopher Nicholas Shackel's explanation of what he calls the Motte and Bailey fallacy.



A Motte and Bailey castle is a medieval system of defence in which a stone tower on a mound (the Motte) is surrounded by an area of land (the Bailey) which in turn is encompassed by some sort of a barrier such as a ditch. Being dark and dank, the Motte is not a habitation of choice. The only reason for its existence is the desirability of the Bailey, which the combination of the Motte and ditch makes relatively easy to retain despite attack by marauders. When only lightly pressed, the ditch makes small numbers of attackers easy to defeat as they struggle across it: when heavily pressed the ditch is not defensible and so neither is the Bailey. Rather one retreats to the insalubrious but defensible, perhaps impregnable, Motte. Eventually the marauders give up, when one is well placed to reoccupy desirable land.

[The Bailey] represents a philosophical doctrine or position with similar properties: desirable to its proponent but only lightly defensible. The Motte is the defensible but undesired position to which one retreats when hard pressed.

So in this instance, the Bailey is the idea that Beasts of Chaos are going to get squatted. But when people argue against that, the argument shifts to the Motte, which is that the Beasts of Chaos are just going to get severely revamped. Which is a completely different argument in of itself. When Games Workshop updated the Cities of Sigmar and severely changed its aesthetic, they didn't rename the entire faction. Nor did they eliminate every single old model, in fact they kept a significant amount of old models around. If they were going to do a modernized revamp of the Beasts of Chaos army, I'm pretty sure they'd keep the new Beastlord and some of the better aged models like the Ghorghon, for instance. 

And something I've never seen anybody bring up even though its a very real possibility is a situation similar to Warriors of Chaos: in that the Old World gets the old models, Age of Sigmar gets new models, but Age of Sigmar's new models are in essence completely identical to the old model's aesthetics just with higher quality and not being designed for square bases. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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All I can really add at this point is that I'm hoping the initial post is more vague than it needs to be, and "beastmen" are getting squatted the same way high elves were; by getting a crazy AoS sequel-version

Everything about the Morghur faction suggests Morghur is, and has actually always been, some sort of god.

Iirc, the other Beastmen know *something weird* is up with the Morghur subfaction and worry that lowkey they're right about their god; though dont have the tome in front of me atm

The Thondia book also talks about Morghur a bit, and that was in 3.0

Running with that, and trying to play both sides, let's just say Morghur straight up comes back and *oh man* suddenly that's why Beastmen never were fully into the other chaos gods: they sort of always had their own

Beasts of Chaos Beastmen go the way of the high elves and wanderers: faction and models deleted out of the setting completely

*But* GW has a surprise swerve Beastmen sequel faction in the vein of Lumineth, and "headstone and monsters" is replaced by a new range emphasizing chaos mutation/spawndom type monsters: something familiar and different

That's what id like anyways: Morghur has always been my favorite Beastmen character, and I'd be sad to see the goats drop out of AoS entirely!

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44 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

All I can really add at this point is that I'm hoping the initial post is more vague than it needs to be, and "beastmen" are getting squatted the same way high elves were; by getting a crazy AoS sequel-version

Everything about the Morghur faction suggests Morghur is, and has actually always been, some sort of god.

Iirc, the other Beastmen know *something weird* is up with the Morghur subfaction and worry that lowkey they're right about their god; though dont have the tome in front of me atm

The Thondia book also talks about Morghur a bit, and that was in 3.0

Running with that, and trying to play both sides, let's just say Morghur straight up comes back and *oh man* suddenly that's why Beastmen never were fully into the other chaos gods: they sort of always had their own

Beasts of Chaos Beastmen go the way of the high elves and wanderers: faction and models deleted out of the setting completely

*But* GW has a surprise swerve Beastmen sequel faction in the vein of Lumineth, and "headstone and monsters" is replaced by a new range emphasizing chaos mutation/spawndom type monsters: something familiar and different

That's what id like anyways: Morghur has always been my favorite Beastmen character, and I'd be sad to see the goats drop out of AoS entirely!

I dont get the hype for the "weird chaos mutant" type beastmen, they got a badass barbarin with horns, the new beastlords and how good Bestigors aged shows how actually cool that is, heck, most beastmen plastic models that arent centigors or dragon ogors still look atleast okay, and they dont count because centaurs look dumb most of the time, only times gw managed to pull that out is the forge world chorf character, and centaurion

Edited by Gutsu17
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Just now, Gutsu17 said:

I dont get the hype for the "weird chaos mutant" type beastmen, they got a badass barbarin with horns, the new beastlords and how good Bestigors shows how actually cool that is, heck, most beastmen models that arent centigors or dragon ogors still look atleast okay, and they dont count because centurs look dumb most of the time, only times gw managed to pull that is the forge world chorf character, and centaurion

I like the Morghur side of Beastmen well enough, but I really feel the original vision.  The design was, as I recall, meant to be reminiscent of the "barbarians" the Romans would speak of - unknown and "savage" peoples rushing from the woods to lay waste to the disciplined Roman legions.  Mix that with the folkloric "beast beyond the firelight" vibe and you have my entire attention.

If I was hired to design new Beastmen, I don't know what I would do.  But I know I'd be blasting Heilung into my freaking brain until I did.

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+++ Mod Hat On +++

@Hollow & @Doko - enough! You know the rules of the forum and that means being respectful to people you disagree with. Please no more!!!

Also just to say AGAIN - it’s rumours until it happens. It’s also toy soldiers you play for fun and paint for fun which you can still do whatever happens with the rules. Loads of people still played Warhammer Fantasy after GW blew the old world up. Loads of people play Mordheim, Epic Armageddon, etc.

Enough now

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20 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

I like the Morghur side of Beastmen well enough, but I really feel the original vision.  The design was, as I recall, meant to be reminiscent of the "barbarians" the Romans would speak of - unknown and "savage" peoples rushing from the woods to lay waste to the disciplined Roman legions.  Mix that with the folkloric "beast beyond the firelight" vibe and you have my entire attention.

If I was hired to design new Beastmen, I don't know what I would do.  But I know I'd be blasting Heilung into my freaking brain until I did.

Heres a thing about designing new beastmen, i dont think we need to, imho, they are in the same spot as Skaven, Ogres, Bonesplitterz, Seraphon before the refresh, they got their unique aesthetic and concepts, that fit AoS perfectly, and they openly benefit from being transfered to a more open and magical setting, skaven can make time travel and holes in reality, Seraphon can do crazy techno-magical ****** and not be passive and asleep 90% of the time, Bonesplitterz can hunt kaiju type creatures etc. without it harming the consistency and stakes of other parts of the setting.

Same applies to the Beastmen, how are beastmen gonna gather in a giant horde of horns and pure wild brutality and tramble civilizations, when destruction of a single city can be lore-defining? 

Give me a box of bestigors that look like the new beastlord and i will ****** boiling water, thats all.

On an unrelated note, i really hope they dont get too inspired by the Killteam beastmen

image.png.1e25820cad7e17bcf2f9cb06456b4427.pngif you ask me, they are among the models that better be left with heroic proportions, also, this guy's beast parts seem to be couple sizes too small for his man parts

Edited by Gutsu17
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15 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

enough! You know the rules of the forum and that means being respectful to people you disagree with. Please no more!!!

There is a difference between disagreeing and searching out every single post a person makes to put a sly passive-aggressive reaction next to them. Not one or two to express genuine confusion or disagreement, but literally on every single post over and over again. But I suppose the easy way to stop it is just not to post. 

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:


I‘m disappointed, I worked very hard on being the most toxic thing in here and this darn emoticon sweeps in and takes the crown! 🙄 

I‘m pretty sure those Lumineth are behind it! 

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Just now, Vasshpit said:

@Gutsu17 I'm of the complete opposite. I didn't care for the new beastlord at all but that kill team nailed it imo. 

If they updated to tat I'd be hard pressed not to start them. 

A hundred people = a hundred opinions, but the killteam beastmen really look like just some chaos mutants that are made to be a part of the general chaos faction to me, too much man and too little beast, cant really explain it, just a taste thing

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22 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Just became my new fav member!!😅

Music inspires me a great deal, so most factions I love has their own theme song I get into when I work on them.  Something that just clicks when I listen.
Beasts: In Maidjan, Heilung
Daughters of Khaine: Villain, K/DA
Sylvaneth: Halloweenie V (The Moss King), Ashnikko
Slaves do Darkness don't have one yet, but I watch the Silent Hill movie while I paint them
And most importantly, for Skaven: ALL of Hellbilly Deluxe by Rob Zombie!

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10 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:


(My image edits are butt am I am proud of it)


I‘ve got more feathers but that‘s pretty accurate! 😆👌🏻

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I don't think Beasts of Chaos are going to get squatted, I do think they're in that awkward 'what do we do with them?' space that's shared by Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Kharadron, etc. I posted in the other thread regarding my thoughts, but even if Beasts do get squatted, I'm sure they'll live on through STD/the god-marked books.


As for rumours, the beehive defs looks nurgle to me. The "bees" look more like flies, and given the obvious nurgle rumour engines I expect we'll see an expansion to Maggotkin soon enough. Would love for that faction to get an AoS version of poxwalkers.

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