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I need some more credible rumours before i am starting to believe this. But a rumour is a rumour and we could really use a few more.

I actually think BoC are well represented in the lore this season and i personally dont see them going anytime soon. They also have a lot of potential for AoSification.

Edited by Gitzdee
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33 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I wouldnt put it past GW to make this move though. My O&G got split up with the start of AoS and after AoS 1st edition half my army got squated. Now it seems like GW is busy squating models again with Wanderers and some other CoS units. They are showing us that even after all these years our models arent necessarily safe from the chopping block. I fear for my Spiderfang subfaction to this day (and some lesser extent Bonesplitterz/Ogors).

But the chopping block is not something new nor exclusive to those who still have WHFB minis. In like 5, 10 or 15 years we would see in the chopping block minis that have been made purely for AoS. It is part of the renewal minis cycle.

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23 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

This is kind of what happens when rumours are thin on the ground, the rumour thread starts looking around for AoS ranges to cut or squat. Whether it’s orcs or beatmen or dwarfs, it’s a weird learned behaviour that often reflects the users more than GW. Half trying to read tea leaves, half a strange anxiety about ranges ‘not fitting’.

Well, in this case it was said by a "rumour monger" or two. So it is not like reading tea leaves xD

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10 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Sales. Each studio tracks their own sales - TOW can‘t track if AoS Models are bought for their System and vise versa

And I guess it is not the same tracking 40k and AoS, as both are from the same studio, than for AoS and TOW, as one is from GW and the other from Forge.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

But the chopping block is not something new nor exclusive to those who still have WHFB minis. In like 5, 10 or 15 years we would see in the chopping block minis that have been made purely for AoS. It is part of the renewal minis cycle.

I dont mind the removal of older minis if they are refreshed and i can still use my old models. I just dont like legends. Would be less bad of they actually  update legends warscrolls once a year at least.

Edit: i just dont like it when they straight up delete a whole range of subfaction.

Edited by Gitzdee
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8 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Sales. Each studio tracks their own sales - TOW can‘t track if AoS Models are bought for their System and vise versa

It's honestly bizarre if this is the main decision. Absolutely bizarre.

Management surely recognise that some sales will only happen because of the cross play? Like I'm getting some Deathrattle Skeletons to convert into Kislev Old World guard. I'm getting the Damsel to use as a Cities of Sigmar mini. 

I'd rather have to fill out a one question survey for every single purchase, i.e. 'what system are you planning on using this product for', than have this bizarre schism.

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8 hours ago, The Red King said:

I'm going to be pretty done with GW if this is true. From wanderers to cities to beasts of chaos. If they don't want my money then I'll keep it.

I know it sucks, but I think it was an "announced death", as we say in Spain. Elves (Wood, High, and Dark), Dwarves, the Empire... they are vestiges of the World-that-was that imho they were merely included to smooth the transition from WHFB to AoS. I think that GW focuses on developing new ideas/aesthetics for typical fantasy races and will squat the traditional approaches to those. I would not have any hope for the remaining units...

With this in mind, I have to say that the Skaven being in AoS and not in TOW unsettles me.

By the way, I think that BoC moved into Legends means that they will disappear as faction, not their models. They will be probably merged into existing Chaos armies, or even an aosification of beastmen.

Edited by Someravella
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There was allways this competition between skavens an Beastmen to see which was the most neglected AoS faction

I guess now skaven win

Its a tasteless, flavourless, and mostly phyrric, if victory at all

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This is interesting, seeing how Vince seems 99% convinced BoC would stay in AoS. As he claims, there are a lot of people within the studio, who love them and have extensive AoS BoC armies, and, apparently, GW doesn't axe armies that are popular internally.

This is not 100% molecular science, but outside of people with actual cource knowledge, he's the second best we've got, I'd say. Has he been wrong before? Sure, but I think of him a bit like a skilled weatherman. While the weather patterns still can do something unpredictable, he's still very good at making predictions based on the data he has.

To add from myself, I still think it'd be weird to be moving factions over from AoS to TOW now. It's not like TOW is some new, quickly cobbled together endavour. It was five years in the making, the sales figures for BoC couldn't have been fluctuating that much to be making this kind of decision now, POST TOW launch. The CoS kits that will be going back to TOW did not get new rules for AOS for the time being, they're just gone.

And as for the lore, sure BoC are very strongly rooted in TOW but then again, you can hardly find anything more iconic for the WHFB than a Chaos Knight and yet, they're still in AoS and will be remaining there.

So while I'm not saying it's impossible, I think I'd need a bit more to find it likely.

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Well my 2 cents, for what it's worth is that it would be idiotic for AoS to drop BoC (radical position I know). If GW wants them to sell better they should give them some support and have them play a role in the narrative.

I watched an Honest Wargamer stream on the last preview, and I think he hit the nail on the head when talking about Kroot. Basically he had zero interest in them and didn't think he ever would, then he saw the new minis and was immediately interested - to the point that if he didn't have so much on his plate he would be pre-ordering them day 1.

If GW wants their products to sell they have to support them.

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Moving BoC range from AoS to ToW has been already said by Rob the honest wargamer a couple of weeks ago so this last rumors pair and back up previous rumors.

I hope al least that in the future they will release pestigors and khornegors so AoS players could play  them along tzaangor and slaangor in a mixed army .

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BoC is going to become an order faction and be integrated with Cities. I think that would make the least amount of sense and anger the maximum amount of people. Let's gooo! :D

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16 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Rob is not a source, he's just an influencer.

He is not just an influencer: his rumors on chorfs coming in 4th edition was "liked" from our seer Whitefang ( the original).

So even if it sounds weird we have recently seen a lot of kits from cities that have been discontinued and we will see them back in tow : Freeguild/Empire , Wandereres/Wood elves , Phoenix temple/High Elves.


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1 hour ago, MotherGoose said:

Have the prices for ushoran etc. Been leaked? I heard somewhere he will be £70, any credit to this rumour?

They are in euros a few pages back. The 70 pounds was a conversion from the 90 € by checking other minis with that price.

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38 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Moving BoC range from AoS to ToW has been already said by Rob the honest wargamer a couple of weeks ago so this last rumors pair and back up previous rumors.

I hope al least that in the future they will release pestigors and khornegors so AoS players could play  them along tzaangor and slaangor in a mixed army .

The thing with rumours is that they are just rumours until something happens ;) 

Personally, if the range is going to move to The Old World, I'd say they are doing a range refresh. I wouldn't panic just yet ;) 

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22 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

So you're saying all the stuff in the narrative about Morghur, the Witherdwell, Ghorraghan Khai, and the Turnskin Plague will just be dropped completely without explanation?

I think (and that's what Rob THW said last time we had this discussion on this forum) that the miniature range is going, not Beast of Chaos as a faction. So, basically, the Cities situation++ : more models squatted without replacement and all units "replaced" actually get a new name and aesthetic (Freeguild -> Steelhelms) in order to make it possible but difficult/temporary to use the old models.

Edited by Marcvs
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