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Just now, Garrac said:

Btw a possibility to consider here, already suggested: maybe chorfs wont come as a chorf army, but as part of a "Followers of Hashut" army

This Terrifies me, decades of waiting for Chaos Dwarfs them not to actually do Chaos Dwarfs. So far we have the Horns of Hashut and Hobgrots - both fine, Chaos Dwarfs have had Greenskins and enslaved races.


But if they put energy into Chaos Dwarfs and leave out artillery and winged Bull-like monsters I think they’ll be missing a trick. If they want to add Strange auxiliary units thats fine, but the Majority of Characters and Units should be the Evil Dwarf variety.

A Multipart part Taurus and Lamassu Kit would be so freaking cool. I don’t care if they’re called differently but It’s a very iconic unit of the Chaos Dwarfs not to get some form of exquisite update. 

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6 minutes ago, Kronos said:

This Terrifies me, decades of waiting for Chaos Dwarfs them not to actually do Chaos Dwarfs. So far we have the Horns of Hashut and Hobgrots - both fine, Chaos Dwarfs have had Greenskins and enslaved races.


But if they put energy into Chaos Dwarfs and leave out artillery and winged Bull-like monsters I think they’ll be missing a trick. If they want to add Strange auxiliary units thats fine, but the Majority of Characters and Units should be the Evil Dwarf variety.

A Multipart part Taurus and Lamassu Kit would be so freaking cool. I don’t care if they’re called differently but It’s a very iconic unit of the Chaos Dwarfs not to get some form of exquisite update. 

Didnt say that chorfs wouldnt be part of the army, just that maybe theres a mix of races to name it "Followers of Hashut" (or something else) and put a significante number of non-dwarf units, with perhaps a proportion of 65/35 of chorfs vs the rest. 

But Id be surprised to not see artillery or bulls there. They should be trying to appeal to the chorf fans coming from Total Warhammer, even if that requieres a slight delay for any needed redesigns.

Edited by Garrac
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3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

I love the LKM Chaos mini's. I subscribed from the moment they said that they would do Chaos. Hopefully they will keep going with it for years! So much stuff still to do.

Here is a printed Chaos warrior from the december 2023 release. The pic is a bit out of focus, when I start my painting log, the pictures will be much better. The warrior is detailed and looks perfect together with the GW one. I printed him at scale 100%.


Wow, thanks for taking the time and uploading a pic! ❤️

I'll be sure to post the Tzeentchian minis once I got them! But this dude made me pull the trigger, looks like a decent fatemaster and got quite inspired by the lovely Adrian Smith artwork of Tzeentch warriors. I figure GW's offering will be even better but who knows how long it'll take. Frankly, I've never owned a 3d print and since I want to print my own parts it's also about knowing what I can expect/what's possible.


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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

In AoS lore are the Chaos gods dependent on the emotions, prayers, beliefs of mortals in the same way as in 40k?

According to Liber Chaotica (very old by now), the Chaos gods are very much the same in both systems, so yeah. It's mostly about emotion though. So basically as long as humans and other thinking races are there, the CGs will exist, even if they don't get worshipped per se.

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22 minutes ago, Kronos said:

This Terrifies me, decades of waiting for Chaos Dwarfs them not to actually do Chaos Dwarfs. So far we have the Horns of Hashut and Hobgrots - both fine, Chaos Dwarfs have had Greenskins and enslaved races.


But if they put energy into Chaos Dwarfs and leave out artillery and winged Bull-like monsters I think they’ll be missing a trick. If they want to add Strange auxiliary units thats fine, but the Majority of Characters and Units should be the Evil Dwarf variety.

A Multipart part Taurus and Lamassu Kit would be so freaking cool. I don’t care if they’re called differently but It’s a very iconic unit of the Chaos Dwarfs not to get some form of exquisite update. 

Obviously I don't know but I think there's a very high probability that you will be happy. GW has in recent years often used the classic/iconic designs as the basis of new iterations. I would imagine new CDs to be closer to the original stuff in design/spirit than the Forgeworld ones.

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17 hours ago, Asbestress said:

I swear if we get more diversity in Chorfs than Cities...

Anyway, back to big hats! Both the hobgrot squad leader and Ruinator Alpha have (maybe arguably) big hats. Hobgrot less so, but they don't deserve it anyway 😛

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This is something I hadnt considered. GW should definitely do mixed gendered units of Chaos Duardin.

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Hi there I was linked here from Reddit and decided to join.

I am also very excited about the Chaos Dwarves coming to AoS, and I am specifically interested in how they will tweak their lore to fit with the AoS aesthetics and ideas (because, if it isn't already obvious, we already have fire-themed Dwarves in AoS), as well as what they will end up looking like.

And about MitGas's point about physical gods, yeah, the concept of physical gods is something that has also been sort of bothering me since the time I got into AoS because I think gods function better when they are "higher" and mysterious beings, and for this reason, I tend to like the other nonphysical gods of AoS a bit more (like Morrda, Gorkamorka, and some others). Although, at the same time, the sheer scale of the setting and how non-centralized it is, combined with the fact that the gods, while physical and powerful, still can't be in multiple places at once, practically guarantee that the majority of the mortal population of the realms practically sees them as "higher" beings and not as something one can walk into a door and have a conversation with. And in Sigmar's case, this is helped by the fact that he just stays in his palace, and Vandus and the Celestant-Prime are the only "mortals" he normally communicates with.

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3 hours ago, Garrac said:

I already posted on the skaven subforum what a skaven rerange may look like some years ago, but it seems like it doesnt´exist anymore, so a brief review unit by unit, with my speculated chances on getting an update or not (or getting squated) This doesnt mean Im beginning to relunctantly believe the rumours, but i know some guys may be lost on the matter:

First of all: I allways read some guys from 40k telling me the state of the skavens is not that bad since eldars stil have warp riders, so let me explain the problem with the skaven range on 40k terms: imagine your army has catachans. But some years after that, a big chunk of the army is updated to modern terms. Problem is, there are still catachans, but the catachans dont aesthetically fit anymore with the rest of the range, like, in very wild terms. The catachans are not only dated, but are hard to be kitbashed with the rest of the army, you can't use their ****** because it doesnt even come in correct proportions or even the hands look alien in other bodies.

... so, yes, skavens are catachans, yes.

Now, on the range itself (I'll post this again on the skaven subforum):

-Verminlords. Nah, too young. I must note however that Ive read the "avatar of the verminlord" rumours, and I tell you that verminlords aren't technically avatar of the Horned Rat, but rats put together with celofan. They're demons only in the most strict sense, don't know the will of their god, and make schemes of their own, as this amuses very much their god 100/0%.

-Clanrats/stormvermin. Well, skavens are keeping their name in both TOW and AoS, so I imagine all the waves they received in 7th and 8th eds of Fantasy will keep being the same without any updates. Still cool minis tho. If GW were to change them, then skavens would have been able to change their names in TOW to allow them having support there, since updating all the 2010-11 minis would mean a very substantial rerange. Alltho, with stormvermins I have my doubt because GW is clearly trying to end their stock, but that can be form any reasons. Nah of 80/20%

-Assasin. Nah, 90/10% of not getting a new mini

-Bombardier. The other AoS miniature, nah 100/0%

-Warpfire thrower. Changing the stat because this guy is getting ******, yes: either an update, or its going to disappear. Im going to opt for the latter since the IoB swordmasterss have been shown on TOW rulebook: that sprue is mixed with the new flamethrower IoB got. Would be weird for GW to make the model again. It may get squatted in AoS, or included in a weapon team kit (more on that later) 60/40%

-Screaming bell/Plague furnace. Seb rules, keeps existing, 100/0%

-Plague censer bearers. GW hates resin now, it's safe to say these should get an update, 85/15%

-Plague priest. The mini is from 1994, and Pestilens still needs a cheap foot leader. Update, 100/0%

-Plague monks. The most contentious unit here for an update, and the only case where Im not certain of what GW might do. They do need an update, since the minis are from 2005, and are kinda dated to this point. But the new skabik warband is made to aesthetically fit with these guys. I dunno, it may get an update, it depends on how big are the plans of GW, 50/50%

-Warlock engineers. Comes from 2001, also dated. Either it gets an update, or is squatted in favour of the bombardier. I think tho that this character is due for a radical reconception so the bombardier keeps his own niche. Update vs squatting, 80/20%

-Clawlord/grey seer, come from the End times wave, too new, nah of 95/5%

-Stormfiends/Thanquol. Definetely nah, 100/0%

-master Moulder/Arch-Warlock. Don't need an update very badly, but theyre resin minis, and GW is trying to keep their main games resin-free. More on master moulder later, and engineers have already been explained. Update of 100/0%

-Packmasters and Rat ogres. Definetely need an update, but here's the thing: GW nowadays hates combined untis on the same kit. But the rat ogre/packmasters duo is pretty iconic. My very personal bet? They come separate, but packmasters/master moulders come with such juicy rules woud want to field them even if there aren't any more moulder beasts. Alltho, packmasters/master moulders will come with a very rad reconceptualization. For rat ogres, they do need an update, and Ive already explained why GW won't use the IoB minis for AoS. Update 89/11%

-Rat swarms. Oh, my, youre totally out of the game, yes 100/0%

-Jezzails. Pretty iconic, resin, update, 100%

-Doom flayer/warpgrinder/ratling gun. I mean, a generic weapon team kit is still a possibility, and the only one if GW wants to recover all of them, as a unique kit for each weapon team could be a nightmare to plan for an already too big rerange. Many alternative companies have shown it's possible. Update for all or for none, 85/15%

-Giant rats. Update or squatting? Good question. Who knows, i dunno, 30/70%

-Gutter runners/night runners. Update, 100/0%, please GW kill the ninja monkeys

-Skyrre acolytes. Update or it gets squatted, 30/70%

-Hell pit abo. All praise Seb Perbet superiority, nah of 100/0%

-Artillery/grievouswheel. Nah, 100/0%

And that's it. If taken everything at 50% or above, that would leave a rerange with a minimum of 8 new plastic kits, and that's whitout including all possible new miniatures, or whitout taking into account all the dual kits. It's safe to asume a starter box with skavens as the enemy would include Pestilens. Why? Because Pestilens is a very safe bet: you use the starter box to update the priest, the plague monks and the censer bearers on monopose models. Then include perhaps one or two new hero/monsters and that's it.

Why not Skyrre, Moulder, or Eshin on the starter box? Because Skyrre and Moulder badly need dual kits for most of these updates, and that's something you can't do on a starter box. There's the possibility of getting the monoopose unit on a starter box and doing multipose later on the battletome launch, as was the case of the termagants. But Skyrre and Moulder do badly need too many multipose kits to think on that.

Eshin is a more complicate matter, and Id say it has equal chances of getting in a starter box as the ones for Pestilens. But a starter box needs a centrepice for each faction, and its harder to justify one for Eshin. Plus, they already have their main generic leader on a plastic kit, would be weird to see it again on a starter box, or to see it getting renewed again. I mean, Eshin can get a new leader type, but the assasin is too iconic.

And well, that's it. Im no model expert, but Im so sure about all of this that I presume GW is facing the same issues with the range. If it does care about it at all. So, if GW is reaaaaaaally planing a rerange, I only ask for one thing: let either Seb Perbet or Jess Goodwin lead the project. They know how to make humanoid rats cool af. Please GW?

Btw I didnt contemplate it, but there's also the chance for a generic clan with other units on the starter box. Only problem is, there's already a clawlord model from End Times, and GW would need to put another Verminous unit (something wich weve seen is not that plausible since clanrats are not in such dire need of an update). If so, it would need another generic leader model of which is hard to speculate.

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1 minute ago, DD-Lord said:

Hi there I was linked here from Reddit and decided to join.

I am also very excited about the Chaos Dwarves coming to AoS, and I am specifically interested in how they will tweak their lore to fit with the AoS aesthetics and ideas (because, if it isn't already obvious, we already have fire-themed Dwarves in AoS), as well as what they will end up looking like.

And about MitGas's point about physical gods, yeah, the concept of physical gods is something that has also been sort of bothering me since the time I got into AoS because I think gods function better when they are "higher" and mysterious beings, and for this reason, I tend to like the other nonphysical gods of AoS a bit more (like Morrda, Gorkamorka, and some others). Although, at the same time, the sheer scale of the setting and how non-centralized it is, combined with the fact that the gods, while physical and powerful, still can't be in multiple places at once, practically guarantee that the majority of the mortal population of the realms practically sees them as "higher" beings and not as something one can walk into a door and have a conversation with. And in Sigmar's case, this is helped by the fact that he just stays in his palace, and Vandus and the Celestant-Prime are the only "mortals" he normally communicates with.

Perhaps with forge-themes generally being linked to Dwarves for so long, it wouldn't feel weird at all for them to have some common ground with Fyreslayers. It would probably feel less dwarven if they weren't crafty!

And thanks for throwing in your thoughts regarding the gods, I think you've voiced my thoughts better than I did! 

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When looking at the core faction list for TOW it appears that GW has innovated and reimagined a lot of previous designs into something new. 

AOS 1 took on a lot of these armies and models for use early in the game. AOS 2 saw us lose Tomb Kings and classic orcs. AOS 3 saw the removal of classic COS units like Wanderers and other empire things.

Most of these things were reincarnated into something else. Tomb Kings led way for OBR transformation. Ironjawz and Kruleboyz have replace classic Orc tribes. High Elves into Lumineth, Wood elves into Sylvaneth, Empire of man into new human Cities…etc.

Following this trend, it would seem likely that we would get beastmen/beasts of chaos into a complete reimagining. What that means I’m not sure. But is kind of exciting at the same time. 

Edited by Jetlife
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I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

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30 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

When looking at the core faction list for TOW it appears that GW has innovated and reimagined a lot of previous designs into something new. 

AOS 1 took on a lot of these armies and models for use early in the game. AOS 2 saw us lose Tomb Kings and classic orcs. AOS 3 saw the removal of classic COS units like Wanderers and other empire things.

Most of these things were reincarnated into something else. Tomb Kings led way for OBR transformation. Ironjawz and Kruleboyz have replace classic Orc tribes. High Elves into Lumineth, Wood elves into Sylvaneth, Empire of man into new human Cities…etc.

Following this trend, it would seem likely that we would get beastmen/beasts of chaos into a complete reimagining. What that means I’m not sure. But is kind of exciting at the same time. 

I really hope they lean into Morghur styled body horror/mutant abominations:
Let this be the ordinary and have some weird hybrids not just with humans. Equine cavalry with the mandibles and wings of Formicidae, Hulking Ursine with the lower half of a cephalopod, scaled bipedial vulpine archers, and it is a fantasy setting we should see fantasy races and species mixed into the lot... A Duardin with a lion's head and Scorpion Claws or an Aelf with Draconic claws and goat head. 

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14 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

That's exactly why I love them over the Tamurkhan ones (that chorfs with full helmets).

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30 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

You have a point with how to make them different between Kharadron and Fyrseslayers. The one has technology advanced weapons and the other is close combat. I guess Chaos Dwarfs will probably combine those elements. Weaker shooting than Kharadron, but better close combat and worse close combat than Fyrselayers, but better shooting + a big one is that Chaos Dwarfs are excellent wizards. Which is something big for dwarfs.

20 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I really hope they lean into Morghur styled body horror/mutant abominations:
Let this be the ordinary and have some weird hybrids not just with humans. Equine cavalry with the mandibles and wings of Formicidae, Hulking Ursine with the lower half of a cephalopod, scaled bipedial vulpine archers, and it is a fantasy setting we should see fantasy races and species mixed into the lot... A Duardin with a lion's head and Scorpion Claws or an Aelf with Draconic claws and goat head. 

The problem with having an elf torso / dwarf torso and etc. in the same kit means that you have less options than before as almost each elf in the unit would have the same body. While when keeping it focussed on the same race you have more different bodies. This only works if they add 5 human bodies, 5 elf bodies and etc;.. But that's not how GW does their kits.

Personal I would love to see BoC for AoS being removed from Chaos and placed in destruction and than they should go wild with mixing different animals together. Gorillaesque body with a lion head and etc... But if they want do again mutating stuff than I prefer that each Chaos faction gets a god specific supplement with Pestigors, Khorngors and etc.. . I think both of my idea's will not happen.  with BoC in 4th :).

Edited by Tonhel
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32 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

I am personally open to anything, but I think what most of the chaos dwarfs players would choose is to keep their current aesthetic. Imo is one of the things that is most attractive from them for many users.

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6 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

You have a point with how to make them different between Kharadron and Fyrseslayers. The one has technology advanced weapons and the other is close combat. I guess Chaos Dwarfs will probably combine those elements. Weaker shooting than Kharadron, but better close combat and worse close combat than Fyrselayers, but better shooting + a big one is that Chaos Dwarfs are excellent wizards. Which is something big for dwarfs.

The problem with having an elf torso / dwarf torso and etc. in the same kit means that you have less options than before as almost each elf in the unit would have the same body. While when keeping it focussed on the same race you have more different bodies. This only works if they add 5 human bodies, 5 elf bodies and etc;.. But that's not how GW does their kits.

Personal I would love to see BoC for AoS being removed from Chaos and placed in destruction and than they should go wild with mixing different animals together. Gorillaesque body with a lion head and etc... But if they want do again mutating stuff than I prefer that each Chaos faction gets a god specific supplement with Pestigors, Khorngors and etc.. . I think both of my idea's will not happen.  with BoC in 4th :).

I was thinking of a units more in line with the Accursed Cultistsin 40k, a mixture of mutated creatures that may have a shared characteristic, but are more related by how 'gifted' they are by the chaos gods.
So there wouldn't be much concern if there were a mixture of different fantasy races. In the end they'd have a shared profile based on the form and degree of their mutant blessings. 

Maybe it wouldn't work but I still think it would make a fantastic looking army. 

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16 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

You have a point with how to make them different between Kharadron and Fyrseslayers. The one has technology advanced weapons and the other is close combat. I guess Chaos Dwarfs will probably combine those elements. Weaker shooting than Kharadron, but better close combat and worse close combat than Fyrselayers, but better shooting + a big one is that Chaos Dwarfs are excellent wizards. Which is something big for dwarfs.

Oh right! I forgot about the magic. Dwarfs using magic is something unique even outside of Warhammer do that's something they could rely on. Season it with some cruel technology and it might be something.

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

About the whitefang wanna-be rumour, it is just playing the safe bet card. We all know Stormcast and Rats are coming. We all know that Ionus is doing something with the Stormcast veterans as they are suffering. We know that rats need to be renewed and that chorfs and/or malerion and/or tyrion are coming. That way I can also make leaks. If I get right a 60% of it, as it is clearly happening sooner or later, I just can say my source was not right about the rest...

I await your apology in June then! 

Also Old World Stuff, we’ll be seeing some Dwarf and Orks And Goblin stuff before the months end. 

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22 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I was thinking of a units more in line with the Accursed Cultistsin 40k, a mixture of mutated creatures that may have a shared characteristic, but are more related by how 'gifted' they are by the chaos gods.
So there wouldn't be much concern if there were a mixture of different fantasy races. In the end they'd have a shared profile based on the form and degree of their mutant blessings. 

Maybe it wouldn't work but I still think it would make a fantastic looking army. 

The next kit for Chaos spawns will definitely cost me dearly. I'd love to field a ton of them... right now both the rules and models prevent it. One can build a couple of quite decent ones with the current kit but we all know that a new kit would blow them out of the water.

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33 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I am personally open to anything, but I think what most of the chaos dwarfs players would choose is to keep their current aesthetic. Imo is one of the things that is most attractive from them for many users.

All I wanna see are at least some of them wearing huge hats. I don't even find them silly. Oh and one of them should have a face like Wario.

This particular sorcerer of very little reknown, Norbert the Super-Cruel (we told him Norbert doesn't really work and super? really?) even tried to establish this fashion trend amongst Tzeentchians but unfortunately it didn't stick!

It's one of my favorite designs tho! ❤️


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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

You'll have to keep in mind that the Chaos Dwarves were made quite a long time ago, when the art style of Geedubs stuff was rather different than today. And the fact that they walked a very thin line of canonicity for a long time properly also helped in keeping them like that.

But I agree that a lot of work will need to be done in order to make them stand out from both the Fyreslayers and Kharadrons.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I really hope they lean into Morghur styled body horror/mutant abominations:
Let this be the ordinary and have some weird hybrids not just with humans. Equine cavalry with the mandibles and wings of Formicidae, Hulking Ursine with the lower half of a cephalopod, scaled bipedial vulpine archers, and it is a fantasy setting we should see fantasy races and species mixed into the lot... A Duardin with a lion's head and Scorpion Claws or an Aelf with Draconic claws and goat head. 

I've also had similar thoughts, but I am also conflicted because the ungulate look has been part of their identity for so long. And we've already had god-specific beastmen models, so suddenly dropping them for something completely new would probably feel a bit off.


I don't know; maybe keep the ungulate beastmen and introduce the other animal beastmen as a result of some new large chaos-related event and break them up into categories.

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