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On 11/20/2023 at 3:14 PM, Gitzdee said:

I am not a fan of clear plastic. Only on a few way too expensive pvc figurines have i seen it done well. I think it just looks cheap most of the time compared to a painted mini. Just look at most toys using clear plastic for flames or similar effects. Its a hard sell for me. But i guess i can just still use a primer and paint it, nothing lost here.

Adding to this: imagine how absolutely horrible it must be to remove the mould lines in a way that doesn't ****** the clear mini up. A bit of scratching with a knife or mould line remover is probably not gonna cut it... 🫣

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Didn't the girl that used to paint for warhammer + used to work for TOW as well? Maybe she tells about it one day.

Louise from Rogue Hobbies? I think over her career she worked on multiple things. 

If you're reading this, Honest Rob, you're one lucky nerd you sod. 😝😄

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2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

That would explain the changing plans regarding plastic Kislev and Cathay.

Do we have any definitive info about changes in plans? Because whilst it is odd there has been no info on them in the OW since its announce, they may want to get a good number of the classic armies out of the gate first to make sure the game is recognisable and to guarantee sales from people who want to collect the armies they used to back in the day.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Didn't the girl that used to paint for warhammer + used to work for TOW as well? Maybe she tells about it one day.


Sugden said in a previous video working at Specialist Design Studio was her favourite part of her career at GW, and she'd defend them to the hilt!

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On 11/20/2023 at 2:10 PM, Ejecutor said:

What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.

This also can't be true as Rob Alderman has been the project lead for TOW (under Hoare) for over a year, at least, and possibly much longer since he's been running BB and MESBG since he joined Specialist Games a few years ago.

News of this broke last October on dakka, when he updated his Facebook and Instagram, but that could have occurred before - just when people notice these things.

It might be the case Jay Clare is part of Rob's TOW team, since he wrote blood bowl and mesbg with him, but he might be focused on the latter two.

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31 minutes ago, michu said:

I'm still not buying this whole "whole team got replaced".

I tried to listen to the last stream, at x2 but didn't get the bit where he said it. Maybe it was in a different one. According to him, the teams that took the project are the necromunda and warcry ones from the top of my head. Dont remeber if he said a 3rd one, but he mentioned necromunda for sure. I have doubts about the warcry one.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I tried to listen to the last stream, at x2 but didn't get the bit where he said it. Maybe it was in a different one. According to him, the teams that took the project are the necromunda and warcry ones from the top of my head. Dont remeber if he said a 3rd one, but he mentioned necromunda for sure. I have doubts about the warcry one.

See this is bull....

Ok, boys and girls.

The head of Specialist Design Studio (forge world/specialist games) is Andy Hoare.

He runs the studio doing 30k, AT, AI, LI, Necromunda, MESBG, Blood Bowl and TOW.

Under him, Rob Alderman runs three of these games - MESBG, Blood Bowl and TOW.

Warcry is produced by the main studio.

Honestly whatever this stream was, it's bull.


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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Louise from Rogue Hobbies? I think over her career she worked on multiple things. 

If you're reading this, Honest Rob, you're one lucky nerd you sod. 😝😄

You sure you'd really want a girlfriend with the same addiction to plastic-crack we have?

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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

Adding to this: imagine how absolutely horrible it must be to remove the mould lines in a way that doesn't ****** the clear mini up. A bit of scratching with a knife or mould line remover is probably not gonna cut it... 🫣

No it's fine, just apply some Tamiya extra thin to the scratched area, then carefully smooth out the scratch with your fingers. Works a charm 😉

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Foolproof way to prevent this: act like you've always loved Lumineth from the day they're born until the teenage rebellion phase. They'll hate what you love because Teenagers, badabing badaboom!

That price is too high, I can live a lot of lies but not this one. We‘ve got a few high enough mountains, if destiny demands, I shall deliver my brood. 😎👌


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10 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Not saying you're wrong but those gorgers have five and some instances six fingers. 

Somewhat off topic but anyone know the gorgers size in relation to the fec horrors? Thinking about proxies here. 

Edit: for any interested. 


Your idea is perfect, you have made me so happy I could cry

i I want the mawpit but didn’t know what to do with 5 gorgers I don’t want (I’m using kroxigor as gorgers)


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11 hours ago, Preppikoma said:

My first idea was that these two are connected -- a hand and the tail of Her Highness in Ruin's steed. Not the same shade tho, but there might be a gradient involved.


Dawnbringers V: new lord on Manticore.

Change my mind.



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4 minutes ago, lele said:

So we will have Daughters and Chaos in Dawnbringer V? @@          

I think Chaos is almost confirmed. Daugther is the one that is less sure. Also, I don't discard Dawnbringers VI being V the chaos focused one and VI the closing one.

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