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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It would have to be painted in a different colour scheme from the standard blue-green if so:


I didn't take default scheme too, btw.
It can be albino hero like new Scar-veteran, for example.

But I think others are right and it's more likely to be some kind of troggoth, pack of wild mirebrutes maybe:

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4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

Do you mean things like Underworlds warbands? I've been assembling one and the plastic is definitely different: it feels harder, and sprues gates don't clip off as nicely (they leave little scars that are a pain to deal with).

This might just been a result of the dye used to color the plastic, or perhaps it's actually a different composition, but I also don't like it.

The red plastic doesn’t seem to take paint as well as regular grey. I lost patience with the Gorechosen they released in that colour.

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First thoughts were rat ogors with all the 4th edition wispers. 

Second thought is troggoth as the nails aren't sharp. 

Third is some big hulking nasty for the Khorne foreshadowing whats been happening. 

I'd prefer more troggs as this seem to be more in line with Kruleboyz troggs then the more comical gloomies BUT it's definitely time for the rat fans to feast on new toys. 

Super excited fo y'all. ️ Hope their reboot is everything y'all could want. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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6 hours ago, RetconnedLegion said:

You’re absolutely correct. Games that go from unpainted to pre-painted go bust. The best example is Starship Troopers. It had an acclaimed ruleset by Andy Chambers, fantastic multipart miniatures. And then to bring in new players they moved to prepainted models. And it instead killed off the game.


I absolutely love Starship Troopers and loved the game and was devastated when it was cancelled. It way 'End Times'.

1 hour ago, Sarges said:

New RE:


Rat Ogors, Troggoths or Yehtees oh my!!

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24 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

are we considering that this could be another Gorger type? it looks really similar to the new kit's hands to me, and the skin looks as pale & clear

Not saying you're wrong but those gorgers have five and some instances six fingers. 

Somewhat off topic but anyone know the gorgers size in relation to the fec horrors? Thinking about proxies here. 

Edit: for any interested. 


Edited by Vasshpit
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On 11/20/2023 at 3:10 PM, Ejecutor said:

What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.

That would explain the changing plans regarding plastic Kislev and Cathay. 

BTW I'm not shooting the messenger, I just :

1. love Chaos ;

2. think it is weird they have plans for the quite limited amount of "TOW Core Factions" BUT the two Chaos ones ... (I mean, they aren't including all the old WFB factions in TOW, yet even the few they keep aren't all going to be covered by Bretonian-like medium releases ? MADNESS :P)

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6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

That would explain the changing plans regarding plastic Kislev and Cathay. 

BTW I'm not shooting the messenger, I just :

1. love Chaos ;

2. think it is weird they have plans for the quite limited amount of "TOW Core Factions" BUT the two Chaos ones ... (I mean, they aren't including all the old WFB factions in TOW, yet even the few they keep aren't all going to be covered by Bretonian-like medium releases ? MADNESS :P)

Shoot the messenger if you want, I don't mind. Just don't do it on my poor right knee xD

Imo all kind of rumour/data is wellcome and always lead to interesting conversations. From now on, as this guy mentions are always bringing debate I will try to stop the video while I listen to it so I can point to the source/ quote him better.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Shoot the messenger if you want, I don't mind. Just don't do it on my poor right knee xD

Imo all kind of rumour/data is wellcome and always lead to interesting conversations. From now on, as this guy mentions are always bringing debate I will try to stop the video while I listen to it so I can point to the source/ quote him better.

Yes please by all means continue to share those rumors ! 

As I said I'm not even criticizing the source itself, just not liking GW's potential decisions in what I'm reading ... because Chaos 😈.

(BTW we should continue this conversation in the Old World Thread)

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3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

didn't hear about this, what happened?

i don't think it bodes very well that they replaced the whole TOW team / the whole team left :/ very strange to happen before release

Agreed, would love to get a first hand account of what happened. Maybe some of the former workers will show up on the Painting Phase at some point. Unless GW started updating their NDA. 

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4 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Agreed, would love to get a first hand account of what happened. Maybe some of the former workers will show up on the Painting Phase at some point. Unless GW started updating their NDA. 

Didn't the girl that used to paint for warhammer + used to work for TOW as well? Maybe she tells about it one day.

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