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10 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

yup last 2death and daemons book were way over the top. and they even eclipsed the allready op goblin book

Some lists of said books (most LoB lists). Not the entire books - big difference which usually gets lost when people start to generalize.

Edited by JackStreicher
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58 minutes ago, Doko said:

Rip vampires with the new faq.

Got many huge nerfs deleting every viable tournament build.

Oh no! Considering the fact that less than 1% of people in this hobby play in tournaments, that's absolutely devastating!

Meanwile, in other news...

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8 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The following units are basically confirmed:

  • Handgunners (weapon preview)
  • Big Cannon (@Whitefang confirmed)
  • Ogor Mercenaries (strongly implied by Whitefang)
  • something religious (religious icon preview)

I would say that new Greatswords are also very likely. Whitefang has also told us that the Collegiate Arcane units are in the book, but the Ironweld Arsenal units are not (although we don't know if that means just the artillery or the Steam Tank and Gyrocopter as well).

They probably won't but they could make a customization sprue for the steam tank crew. It still looks really good and would fit in a weird boxy armor vibe like the new models.

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2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

I do agree that they should change it in seraphon too though, with point decreases on coalesced units. We just shouldn't have -1 damage be something we can get armywide. Its fine if used in limited ways though, like the debuff spell from SBGL or the nighthaunt dude, because the players can play around those abilities.

Also I think most of the seraphon hate is going to be directed at starborne and not coalesced, coalesced seem fair, maybe too fair.

Most of the Seraphon players hoped for it to be changed for something else before the tome dropped as well, but sadly it didn't happen. I don't think just adjusting points alone would be enough to balance it right now, coalesced mostly has it durability to compensate for its lack of damage (if you compare it with other factions damage). It would need more changes and GW don't like to make a lot of changes outside of new books.

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1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

You mean, as it was already the case per Core Rule 27.3? "artefacts of power and command traits that affect attacks made by friendly models do not affect attacks made by their mounts, unless noted otherwise"

I kind of hate the ruling myself. Like I get it, but it isn't actually that intuitive. The rule feels like its only there to cover their mistake when they forget to say "but not their mount(s)", which is fine for stuff like "add 1 to the general's attacks", but is weird when we get to auras, because now we have to care about where the aura comes from. It also creates a precedent that applies to older abilities, I'm sure I won't find all of them, but from nurgle the command trait Gift of Febrile Frenzy is a once per game ability that gives +1 attack to nurgle units within 7", this dodged a FAQ but shouldn't apply to mounts based on this ruling, the skullfray gorehorn command trait is the same which means it won't affect tuskgor chariot mounts or disc tzaangors mounts.Gruesome Trophy rack doesn't affect the ironblaster mount. Gitz "Totem of the spider god" barely dodges this since it interacts with an ability on the scroll, which only affects mount attacks, instead of the attacks directly I guess?
Its a reasonable nerf to the ability but I just hate the rules around it, and how every ability that works the same way somehow managed to dodge this FAQ. I'd much rather they just start specifying directly if it affects mounts.
Edit: also its never clear where companions fall into this stuff, I'm still not sure if the grot companions in kruleboyz get VEW or not, I've always assumed no.

1 hour ago, Kitsumy said:

yup last 2death and daemons book were way over the top. and they even eclipsed the allready op goblin book.

only hope next general fix it for good, not tipical +5 points on 1 or 2 units

dont know why in contrast we got seraphon book, where only kroak is cloose to those levels

I'm biased but I'm not sure gitz were even that OP, it seemed to mostly be squig herd and jaws of mork, which both somehow managed to dodge the targeted nerf to gitz when they nerfed rally for the entire game instead of just nerfing jawz/herds/hoppers

1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

Some lists of said books (most LoB lists). Not the entire books - big difference which usually gets lost when people start to generalize.

Soulblight might be out of line even without LoB but we'll need to wait and see. LoB is just the obvious problem at the moment, but it may turn out the book behind it is also too good. Some of the stuff that book does really pushes the line like being able to deploy units within 9" and the healing combined with all the recycling, and zombies deleting hammers when they get destroyed. Like 40 zombies have a good shot at deleting things like maw-krushas just by taking the hit, and they only cost 230 points. 
Its hard to tell unless LoB gets reigned in though.

Edited by Ganigumo
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7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I'm out of the loop. What's so bad about Legions of Blood?

Command trait that makes d3 units hit on unmodified 2s if within 3" of the general (bypassing modifier restrictions!)
Artefact that gives ethereal (perfect for a VLOZD)
Neferata is ridiculous at 390 pts, 14W 3+ save, double caster, Warmaster, aoe -1 to hit debuff, pre-game redeploy 3 units within your territory and a spell that lets you ignore only negative modifiers to save (so you can get a 2+ unrendable save on her, a VLOZD, or blood knights, or make a brick of infantry really tough to shift).
Thats before getting to the subfaction ability that gives vampire heroes +1 attack if they're within 3" of an enemy, or +1 to cast/dispel/unbind if outside of 3", alongside heroic actions to turn off ward saves and one that turns off all out defense and inspiring presence.
Also all those VLOZD and Neferata have the hunger, which lets the unit heal wounds after it fights equal to the damage it inflicted (up to a max of 6).

So you get some super killy, super tanky, fast units with good healing running all over the board. Then ON TOP of that because of what SBGL has in the army you can still put tons of bodies and wounds on the table.

It might be the case the whole book is cooked, but LoB is the worst offender.

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A. I'm happy to see Legion of Blood buffed this time around, since the last edition they were one of the lower performing factions. 

B. Glad to see GW is making the first ep. of Blacktalon available to watch for free. Main thing is that they really need more feedback on their animation. I like the story, but they really need to increase the budget. Some of this stuff reminds me of the old Ultramarines movie they did that we don't talk about. Sometimes it's better to not get the content at all rather than get slop that you rushed or cheaped out on.

C. GW's priorities have got to be really mixed up when it comes to Old World.

For one, it seems like they're doing it just to reinforce their IP over all of those factions and models, and I get it. It's the same reason Disney puts out the live action versions of old animated films.

For two, it seems like they're trying to catch lightning in a bottle for the second time. Horus Heresy was great, grew steadily and slowly, and is now a major part of their plastic range. They could be thinking that they'll do the same with Old World, start slow and build up steadily. The difference is that the same models you use for the Sons of Horus are 90% the same models you'd use for the Ultramarines. You don't have that luxury in Old World.

For three, I started into Warhammer with 40k, but dabbled in WHFB back in it's 6th and 7th editions. The playerbase was awful to me, and it seems like GW are catering to those people. Those people are going to gatekeep using old tiny nuggets of lore. The other group that will be attracted to this game will be those that have old models that don't want to buy a new thing, that want to use 3rd party or 3d print the huge catalog of fantasy miniatures out there to easily represent their armies. GW isn't going to be snuffing out 3rd party and 3d printing, they're going to be making it bigger than ever by giving people a new reason to buy/share/print all those new files. 

Now, the big thing is that GW is a very different company than when WHFB bit the bullet. During that time, they were closing stores and reducing multi-man stores into single-man stores where possible. They were *downsizing* due to the drain and were very much in survival mode. Now, they're growing, expanding into new markets, opening more stores, opening more Warhammer Cafes, and expanding their product line at breakneck pace. So, maybe there's something we don't know. Maybe they're looking at what Old World *could* be a decade from now. As it stands, I haven't seen a single thing coming out of their previews that makes me think "Ooh, gotta buy that!" Even the tomb king and bretonia models they showed off, hardcore Bret players were like "Eh, I can convert that."

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6 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

posted to news thread as well but

Free Blacktalon viewing! I plan on watching it to use this offer so we can show GW they need more AOS to get a lot of us to consider subscribing.


Oh Sweet Sigmar yes ill be watching!!

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9 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Soulblight might be out of line even without LoB but we'll need to wait and see

We‘ll see. :)

In friendly games (not abusing LoB) the army was fine. Blood Knights performed okay. I hope units won’t get nerfed too much because of unrendable LoB builds.

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7 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

We‘ll see. :)

In friendly games (not abusing LoB) the army was fine. Blood Knights performed okay. I hope units won’t get nerfed too much because of unrendable LoB builds.

for once they actually targetted the thing most out of line instead of the whole army, whole game, or something else which seems like a first. (See Gitz nerfing rally while barely touching herds or jaws of mork)
Doesn't seem like they jumped the gun like with ogors either.
But yes hopefully they give it a little time to see where things land before hitting the nerfbat too hard.

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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Gameplay in June. Beta "coming soon" as well apparently.



I love how they said gameplay in June but then had like a full 20 seconds in the interview trailer afterwards.

Game looks surprisingly potentially good. Can't wait to see how it ends up being!

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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Damn that game looks really good. Visually it does look grittier and more realistic than what the screenshot a few pages ago showed. And Frontier really showing their dedication to adapting AoS is great. 

This one definitely has potential. Gameplay reveal in June, we are close to it ! 

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1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

Their website show that there will be 4 factions in total. My guess is that the last 2 are Khorne and Night haunt, for that would round of the starter box factions.

There was a screenshot on the financial report with an Ogroid Thaumaturge, so it's probably Disciples of Tzeentch.

For Death I'd guess Nighthaunt as well.


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4 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Actually looks kinda of promising




Their website show that there will be 4 factions in total. My guess is that the last 2 are Khorne and Night haunt, for that would round of the starter box factions.

I really hope we get some DLC factions down the line. Just imagine Freeguild Cavaliers charging down the filthy Orruks! Granted, the game would probably have to be succesful (and hopefully good) for that.

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