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Between Valrak being right about Adepticon and saying 2024 and this line from the last article of 2022:

So that’s it for now, but stay tuned to the Warhammer Community website for more information throughout 2023, which is of course the 40th birthday year of the venerable game of Warhammer!”

I think it’s pretty safe to say this is just a news year and 2024 is likelier.(And I still personally expect it to be 2025 since 40k & AoS are gonna dominate this year and next with their editions)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Between Valrak being right about Adepticon and saying 2024 and this line from the last article of 2022:

So that’s it for now, but stay tuned to the Warhammer Community website for more information throughout 2023, which is of course the 40th birthday year of the venerable game of Warhammer!”

I think it’s pretty safe to say this is just a news year and 2024 is likelier.(And I still personally expect it to be 2025 since 40k & AoS are gonna dominate this year and next with their editions)

Something that could maybe happen (unlikely but maybe) is Old World coming out 2024 and AoS/40k switching to 4 year cycles. There's been a lot of grumbling in the respective communities about edition turnover being too fast and not getting enough chances to play with a mature edition, but GW is kind of locked in by their shareholders to making a big sales event every year to make numbers go up. Edition changes are that, but with more lines they might be able to space things out more.

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15 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

AoS/40k switching to 4 year cycles.

Well hopefully down the line they extend things but I think it’s all but certain they’re sticking with the 3 cycle. 10th edition is already underway for 40k(who very much needed it) and AoS3 is set-up so it doesn’t really need much change per edition besides the Realm focus being shifted to another Realm along with some easy refinements and can get away with that for several editions as we go through the Realms and new seasons.

As is, the 3 year cycle works more now than it did before for 40k 8th and AoS2 who both could’ve stayed around longer.

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10 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well hopefully down the line they extend things but I think it’s all but certain they’re sticking with the 3 cycle. 10th edition is already underway for 40k(who very much needed it) and AoS3 is set-up so it doesn’t really need much change per edition besides the Realm focus being shifted to another Realm along with some easy refinements and can get away with that for several editions as we go through the Realms and new seasons.

As is, the 3 year cycle works more now than it did before for 40k 8th and AoS2 who both could’ve stayed around longer.

I think AoS is finally a solid game and why change that again. I think a new edition like Warcry or Underworlds would be great. Make some QoL changes and tidy up some of the flaws. 

That being said, i dont think it will happen. GW loves money and they make great profit on selling tomes. They will probably stick with 3 year cycles. And with the pace they released all the tomes this edition there is even space for more armies in the future.

(I think free army/model rules would sell more models and result in greater profit. Just keep making books with art and lore for those who are interrested in that. Best of both worlds.)

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Between Valrak being right about Adepticon and saying 2024 and this line from the last article of 2022:

So that’s it for now, but stay tuned to the Warhammer Community website for more information throughout 2023, which is of course the 40th birthday year of the venerable game of Warhammer!”

I think it’s pretty safe to say this is just a news year and 2024 is likelier.(And I still personally expect it to be 2025 since 40k & AoS are gonna dominate this year and next with their editions)

I really hope Old World comes out end 2023 so we as AoS players can have 2024 all for ourselves and 4th Ed, without Old World (and its players) to steal the show from us in the same year we get a new edition. The release of TOW is going to be a big event and I don't want it to impact AoS negatively by drawing too much attention from 4th Ed and the narrative campaign leading up to it. Old World should be second fiddle to AoS, just like HH is second fiddle to 40k. 

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11 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:



End Times: “No need. I’m waaaaay ahead of you.”:


Was really happy to see the Sigmarabulum again in the new animation and more “in the flesh”. Been a while since our glorious first look at it’s celestial splendor in 2015. 😍


Wow, imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to respond to *memes* in such a manner. 

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3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I really hope Old World comes out end 2023 so we as AoS players can have 2024 all for ourselves and 4th Ed, without Old World (and its players) to steal the show from us in the same year we get a new edition. The release of TOW is going to be a big event and I don't want it to impact AoS negatively by drawing too much attention from 4th Ed and the narrative campaign leading up to it. Old World should be second fiddle to AoS, just like HH is second fiddle to 40k. 

I think it will always impact AoS in one way or another. I.e we are a small group of 2-5 players, that play 2 times a month. We played Warhammer before AoS, switched to AoS after the second edition, but with our limited playing time we will either switch back to Warhammer or keep playing AoS. It will not be both. I have a slight preference for Warhammer, because I want to go back to rank and file game with proper movement trays. I like AoS, but it's becoming a chore with all those individual models that need to be moved, pile in and etc.. and rules wise it is becoming more complex than Warhammer 8th edition.
Anyway that is the situation for our small circle, I guess that lots of other small groups are in the same situation. There is just not enough free time to play everything. 😉

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14 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Varanite actually being the 'Blood of Hashut' would be a really cool plot development/minor twist, particularly if it was utilised to introduce the Chorfs into AoS with some narrative prominence.

I wouldn't like this as a twist personally, since Varanite is supposed to be the (corrupted) Realmstone of the Eightpoints. Would be weird for the Allpoints to already be that tied to Hashut IMO. It would definitely be possible that Chaos Duardin would largely take over these mining operations though.

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I.e we are a small group of 2-5 players, that play 2 times a month. We played Warhammer before AoS, switched to AoS after the second edition, but with our limited playing time we will either switch back to Warhammer or keep playing AoS. It will not be both. I have a slight preference for Warhammer, because I want to go back to rank and file game with proper movement trays

Just play whatever suits you and makes you happy. It's a game, it's supposed to bring happiness ! 

Personally, I'll wait and see until Old World comes out if the rules are not too complicated and see who plays it in my gaming circle. 

1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I think it will always impact AoS in one way or another.

I don't want it to impact AoS in a negative manner. In a vacuum, I think both games can coexist just fine, but in reality I think it will come down to the communities of both games to decide about which forms this coexistence shapes into. And considerating the fact that a large and very vocal chunk of the WFB/TOW (not all of it, a chunk of it!) hates AoS with all the fibers of their being, I'm afraid for the future of AoS with Old World around. Especially that TOW will leech off AoS players. I really really hope this does not happen and that I'll be proven wrong. Since both can bring more people into the hobby. But considering that certain part of the Old World community... 

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6 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just play whatever suits you and makes you happy. It's a game, it's supposed to bring happiness ! 

Personally, I'll wait and see until Old World comes out if the rules are not too complicated and see who plays it in my gaming circle. 

I don't want it to impact AoS in a negative manner. In a vacuum, I think both games can coexist just fine, but in reality I think it will come down to the communities of both games to decide about which forms this coexistence shapes into. And considerating the fact that a large and very vocal chunk of the WFB/TOW (not all of it, a chunk of it!) hates AoS with all the fibers of their being, I'm afraid for the future of AoS with Old World around. Especially that TOW will leech off AoS players. I really really hope this does not happen and that I'll be proven wrong. Since both can bring more people into the hobby. But considering that certain part of the Old World community... 

I'm not afraid of AoS's future. GW has been very clear in that 40K and AoS are their main games. They did not retcon the end times. They're not forcing old world factions or minis into AoS or vice versa. 40K and HH are easily able to coexist too.

And to be honest, if especially the vocal, AoS-hating grognards leave AoS to go grumble at another game, I think everyone will be happier for it. They can stop trying to appeal to World-that-Was players too, and really let the AoS unique factions, characters and concepts shine.

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I hope you're right and it ends up happening like that. Also if TOW will end up like HH, it will have a lot of Forge World resin kits, which I think will deter some people (including me... there's a (among others) reason why HH does not interest me, I am not touching that overpriced resin that's difficult to work with. Full plastic of go home). Only those who truly want it will play it, which means the game will essentially gatekeep itself with just cost and modelling options. 

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Considering how quickly 30k is translating stuff into plastics - not quickly enough for some people but I don't imagine they know how long 30k went without a sniff of plastic - I doubt that most of the core for TOW is going to be resin. Maybe some special/Lord/Hero characters, but I'd wager the overwhelming majority of it ends up plastic, even if they end up retooling old, discontinued moulds. 

If they could bring back the 3rd edition 40k starter set for a Christmas fortnight, I can't imagine them not having most of the WHFB ones stored somewhere. 

But much like 40k and HH I don't think TOW will cannibalise sales much. I do think there'll be a good chunk of people who only exist within the 'GW Bubble' and only play AoS because it's the designated GW fantasy game who might permanently shift to TOW, but those people aren't going to set their armies alight and will probably bring them out of storage when a new edition swings around, an army update happens, etc. 

I don't think TOW is anymore a 'risk' to AoS than a new edition of 40k is (and I'd put money on the latter having more of an impact every three years).

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Considering how quickly 30k is translating stuff into plastics - not quickly enough for some people but I don't imagine they know how long 30k went without a sniff of plastic - I doubt that most of the core for TOW is going to be resin. Maybe some special/Lord/Hero characters, but I'd wager the overwhelming majority of it ends up plastic, even if they end up retooling old, discontinued moulds. 

If they could bring back the 3rd edition 40k starter set for a Christmas fortnight, I can't imagine them not having most of the WHFB ones stored somewhere. 

I would expect more resin for the Old World to get started with, remember HH was around in Forgeworld long before GW made the plastic starter box. I think we'll see a bunch of resin characters/monsters/special units for a while until GW seems what to expect in popularity from ToW

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Just now, DinoJon said:

I would expect more resin for the Old World to get started with, remember HH was around in Forgeworld long before GW made the plastic starter box. I think we'll see a bunch of resin characters/monsters/special units for a while until GW seems what to expect in popularity from ToW

I think we're in a different time to 2012. 30k started as a rules supplement to 40k rather than a whole different system.

People haven't been shy about disliking resin - valid fears or not - and I think the rapid production of 30k kits into plastic is a big sign they acknowledge that. 30k has so much resin because... it started in resin, whereas TOW is, for all intents and purposes, a whole new start from scratch. 

Hell, look at the renewed Specialist and Boxed Games lines. There's not much resin beyond small things like niche weapon upgrades and lone special characters. Most of the 'core' stuff is in plastic.

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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Considering how quickly 30k is translating stuff into plastics

But many of the HH kits are tanks that share their base sprues so only needs to swap out a single sprue per kit.

And now that we are finished with that they stopped with the weekly reveals

Edited by Matrindur
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4 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

But most of the HH kits are tanks based on the rhino or land raider chassie so only needs to swap out a single sprue per kit.

And now that we are finished with that they stopped with the weekly reveals

Those sprues still need new moulds and while a lot of vehicles share a chassis, there's a bunch of different chassis. We know more plastic infantry is coming. 

The weekly reveals probably stopped because people kept crying they didn't personally get what they wanted, even though no other game was getting weekly reveals. It was probably doing the PR department more harm than good when it turned into a salt-mine which would make the Double Turn discussions look positively civil. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Just now, Clan's Cynic said:

Those sprues still need new moulds and while a lot of vehicles share a chassis, there's still a lot of different chassis. We know more plastic infantry is coming. 

The weekly reveals probably stopped because people kept crying they didn't personally get what they wanted, even though no other game was getting weekly reveals. 

Of course, I'm not saying they didn't get a lot but its not as much as it looks at first

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17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I doubt that most of the core for TOW is going to be resin. Maybe some special/Lord/Hero characters, but I'd wager the overwhelming majority of it ends up plastic, even if they end up retooling old, discontinued moulds. 

I think your core units and some generic characters will be in plastic, as some of the special/rare units. But there's definitely going to be a lot of resin. I think that like HH (or Necromunda, or LoTR since they reworked the game), the overwhelming majority of named characters will be in FW resin. You want the big name man/woman ? It'll be via Forge World. I expect a "Character Series" for TOW like they do with HH, with the big centerpiece characters (like lets say, the Cathay dragon siblings) being in resin. Just like the 30k Primarchs.

Same logic for the monsters. Some will be in plastic I'd wager, but some will be resin. A bit like how HH balances out plastic and resin super heavy vehicles.

I'd also expect some resin upgrade sprues at some point for TOW.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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We could also see a Necromunda/Blood Bowl approach, where a lot of armies simply don't get support on Day 1 and are rolled out over the years. A couple of 30k armies still don't have rules close to a year later.

That or they have 'get-you-by' lists which let people use their old collection, but are then replaced once it's their turn for support - I personally doubt they'll do this, but they did for Necromunda sooo.... teeny tiny maybe?

I think it will ultimately just come down to whether or not they plan on reusing WHFB moulds.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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