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6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?


It would make me feel much luckier than the Skaven players.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

As for Ironjawz, i dont think they need an update anytime soon. Maybe new ardboyz if they want to do something. 

Ironjawz will never be bankrupt aesthetically. There's always going to be new ideas for big, brutal Orc war machines and warriors. The "maybe" before "new ardboyz" is pretty telling, this is now a midhammer kit but it's aging pretty well. I wouldn't worry about Ironjawz personally. 

1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Bonesplitterz really need all the help they can get. The underworld warband just shows what can be done and tastes like so much more.

Tinfoil hat time but the their underworlds warband really felt like a demo for new Bonesplitterz models. A bit like the Snarlfang and Seraphon ones. 

1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Tzeentch - new mortal kits and some updated flamers, spawn and screamers. 

Those demon units could be updated via 40k too. And among those, the screamers are the "less ugly" ones. But I agree on the flamers and spawn. When new Tzeentch are brought up here, it's always "armored mortal warriors" and "armored mortal warriors on disks", but the spawns and flamers always fly under the radar, while they would need new models fast.

I would also add Nurgle to your list. They still have Forge World units like the plague toads. I would like to see plastic plague toads. Alongside new Nurgle stuff, maybe brand new, maybe plastic reboots of the old Tamurkhan Forge World minis like the plague trolls and plague ogres. Nurgle really feels like the poor sibling of the Chaos gods. Strange for the god that keeps on giving...

Also btw, Whitefang heart reacted your post. Time to decipher what it means...

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5 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I also think @Whitefang is referring to the leaked Warcry warband.

I have so many questions regarding that leak. The warband looks like they could be from underworlds and used on a warcry map and terrain. Warcry warbands have more models. Also the Seraphon terrain doesnt match up with the armies included. 

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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

I have so many questions regarding that leak. The warband looks like they could be from underworlds and used on a warcry map and terrain. Warcry warbands have more models. Also the Seraphon terrain doesnt match up with the armies included. 

The book looked positively Warcryish though. Like, I don't think there's any room for doubt really, is there?

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9 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I have so many questions regarding that leak. The warband looks like they could be from underworlds and used on a warcry map and terrain. Warcry warbands have more models. Also the Seraphon terrain doesnt match up with the armies included. 

There were two SE warbands in leaks: the one from Underworlds Harrowdeep and the unreleased one ("hidalgo almalidagos") which presumably comes from Nightmare's Quest. 

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14 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Ironjawz will never be bankrupt aesthetically. There's always going to be new ideas for big, brutal Orc war machines and warriors. The "maybe" before "new ardboyz" is pretty telling, this is now a midhammer kit but it's aging pretty well. I wouldn't worry about Ironjawz personally. 

Tinfoil hat time but the their underworlds warband really felt like a demo for new Bonesplitterz models. A bit like the Snarlfang and Seraphon ones. 

Those demon units could be updated via 40k too. And among those, the screamers are the "less ugly" ones. But I agree on the flamers and spawn. When new Tzeentch are brought up here, it's always "armored mortal warriors" and "armored mortal warriors on disks", but the spawns and flamers always fly under the radar, while they would need new models fast.

I would also add Nurgle to your list. They still have Forge World units like the plague toads. I would like to see plastic plague toads. Alongside new Nurgle stuff, maybe brand new, maybe plastic reboots of the old Tamurkhan Forge World minis like the plague trolls and plague ogres. Nurgle really feels like the poor sibling of the Chaos gods. Strange for the god that keeps on giving...

Also btw, Whitefang heart reacted your post. Time to decipher what it means...

I think flamers are quite okay still. They‘re supposed to be weird - I‘m one of those always screaming for Curseling-esque Sorcerer-Warriors in here (what’s cooler than sexy Tzeentch armor with robes and spells, perhaps as a dual kit to make Forsaken?) but spawns could definitely use a new kit. I hope they‘ll be absolutely horrific, in the vein of „The Thing“. The current kit can produce some ok-looking stuff but I think spawns need a serious glow-up, model- and ruleswise. Well, maybe one day these things will come. But when I look at the new Curseling, I think they‘ll knock it out of the park when they get around to it. It‘ll be like 40k Exalted Sorcerers, only even better. I‘ll buy like 5 boxes then.


Been waiting for Fantasy Tzeentch „Chosen/Warriors“ since the Rubrics got their new kit. I‘m currently sacrificing plushies to my dog to expedite the process. 👍

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7 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?

Other than Ardboyz, is say the design of Ironjawz is pretty spot on at the moment. Ardboyz need a complete redo in my opinion, perhaps even a reimagination as Ironjawz youths rather than wannabe Ironjawz.

Female Fyreslayers would be great. Any more diversity is welcome. Not even for political representation grounds: it adds fun variety to sculpts in my opinion.

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7 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

On another note, what do we think is going to happen with Seraphon sub-factions?

Currently, there's 4 main subfactions (Dracothion's Tail, Koatl's Claw, Thunder Lizard, and Fangs of Sotek) and then the two variations on the army, Coalesced and Starborne.

The variations will likely stay; as for the subfactions - my only hope is that we can play the whole range in the same army. I would hate the forced choice between skink and saurus force.

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5 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

My major hope for AoS is that we DON'T see Stormcast be pushed on us every edition. It'll all come down to GW and how they make money off of the various sets, but getting to a point where in AoS a new edition could have something else featured on the box art would be incredible. Cities of Sigmar could take over for that once in a while, introducing new mortals from different cities wherever the new realm is, instead of just banking on new Stormcast...

Yeah, I hope they break the cycle with 4th edition. That ship had long ago sailed with 40k and Space Marines, if GW released a starter box without Space Marines in it there'd be riots, but I don't think Stormcast have the same popularity as Space Marines in AoS yet, so I think GW could still move away from an SCE vs. Other model of they want to.

Sadly I think that it's probably in GW's interest for SCE to become SM like in their popularity. That way you always have a sizable proportion of the player base who will want to buy your new premium starter box each time. Makes sales much more reliable.

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2 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Yeah, I hope they break the cycle with 4th edition. That ship had long ago sailed with 40k and Space Marines, if GW released a starter box without Space Marines in it there'd be riots, but I don't think Stormcast have the same popularity as Space Marines in AoS yet, so I think GW could still move away from an SCE vs. Other model of they want to.

Stormcast are the good guys faction, easy to paint and build with large smooth areas and large sizes, straightforward in their gameplay, and demand less miniatures in an army because of their elite nature, which translates to less money to spend on them compared to other factions. They're the perfect beginner faction, that's why I don't see them going anywhere as the starter set/beginning of edition release faction.

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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

Yeah, I hope they break the cycle with 4th edition. That ship had long ago sailed with 40k and Space Marines, if GW released a starter box without Space Marines in it there'd be riots, but I don't think Stormcast have the same popularity as Space Marines in AoS yet, so I think GW could still move away from an SCE vs. Other model of they want to.

Sadly I think that it's probably in GW's interest for SCE to become SM like in their popularity. That way you always have a sizable proportion of the player base who will want to buy your new premium starter box each time. Makes sales much more reliable.

Looking at Honest Wargamer's recent stats video I think it is clear you're correct. At least in tournament play Stormcast are not actually the most played army anymore, it is Slaves to Darkness (at least so far in this GHB). Whilst the massive availability of stormcast probably means that they may still be the most collected overall, the change in tourny representation might herald a change in popularity (and tourny players probably spend a lot more on the hobby overall than casuals with a starter set and a few bits and bobs). I do think that SCE being in the 4th Edition starter box is highly likely as it was probably set years ago, but maybe if this shift continues GW might change tack for future editions

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I know people might not like this idea but with the 4 grand alliances having a Poster faction that takes the place of one of the armies in each edition's starter set and then rotate facing off against a less supported faction would be a nice possible solution. 

I could see GW using these as the primary faction for each Grand Alliance although I could easily see cases for other factions:
Order - Stormcast
Chaos - Slaves to Darkness
Destruction - Orruk Warclans
Death - Soulblight

This way they can have a focus on big iconic armies and continue to support the smaller ones with a major release while also avoiding having a single army become Space Marines 2.0.

I never understood why in 40k they did not at the very least switch between Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines with each edition.

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Looking at Honest Wargamer's recent stats video I think it is clear you're correct. At least in tournament play Stormcast are not actually the most played army anymore, it is Slaves to Darkness (at least so far in this GHB). Whilst the massive availability of stormcast probably means that they may still be the most collected overall, the change in tourny representation might herald a change in popularity (and tourny players probably spend a lot more on the hobby overall than casuals with a starter set and a few bits and bobs). I do think that SCE being in the 4th Edition starter box is highly likely as it was probably set years ago, but maybe if this shift continues GW might change tack for future editions

Tournaments aren't great for judging popularity as an unpopular army can have a very disproportionate presence if it's strong enough in the meta. Fyreslayers and Genestealer Cults are probably the best example of this - when they're strong they can be quite common at tournaments, but outside of them would still be at the very bottom of armies played.

Conversely, Space Marines can be outnumbered at tournaments but we know overall no other army in 40k comes close to reaching their numbers.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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