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Woe betide me to be a downer on people's excitement about TOW but I'm not sure a model from an internal painting competition is particularly good evidence of anything, particularly base sizes.

FWIW i Iexpect base sizes to be bigger than they were for WHFB but I just don't think this is partcularly meaningful proof of that. It's why I stopped watching GBoG tbh, he tends to get really carried away with his predictions/hopes in order to justify releasing a video every day, something I dont think is particularly useful or healthy.


Edited by mojojojo101
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33 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

The entire book as been revealed on Honest Wargamer stream earlier.

And it seems AWESOME!
GW seems to do a really good job with all the new battletomes. Our transports are well explained and how must be played, with Embark and Disembark (btw, with some Comands and tricks). All ships are really well designed, with clear roles. E.g: Frigattes have the option to disembark out-of-phase with a nice extra buff. Marine Keyword is gone, I think for the best, and Balloon boys are just another type of troops that can embark. 

Rend seems to be a bit average, a lot of weapons are -1 to rend appart from our special weapons. Khemist can buff with another -1 rend and Admirals can give another -1, sadly only for Skyfarers ranged weapons (no skyvessels). Thunderers are still good at shooting but they still have a lot of boring and teddious profiles, at least they can now use them on their ships, with a bit of utility.

We can play melee and our special weapons are a bit more specialized: drills do mw, skyhooks are better vs Monsters, Grappnel is a mix of 1.0 without being so crazy, Skypikes have good attack but average rend, Saws have less attacks with better rend and Volley guns are still a lot of shoots to do 0 dmg.

Btw, our tactics and strategies seems to be good, so happy about that!

There are some controversial points like having an Article (permanent buff) that allows an armywide 4+ Rally and  for whatever reason, Bjorgen don't know how to use his Aetheric Augmentation. It seems that we are not that good at shooting compared to some Orruks, but hey, we look better at least!

Edited by Beliman
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13 minutes ago, Beliman said:

And it seems AWESOME!
GW seems to do a really good job with all the new battletomes. Our transports are well explained and how must be played, with Embark and Disembark (btw, with some Comands and tricks). All ships are really well designed, with clear roles. E.g: Frigattes have the option to disembark out-of-phase with a nice extra buff. Marine Keyword is gone, I think for the best, and Balloon boys are just another type of troops that can embark. 

Rend seems to be a bit average, a lot of weapons are -1 to rend appart from our special weapons. Khemist can buff with another -1 rend and Admirals can give another -1, sadly only for Skyfarers ranged weapons (no skyvessels). Thunderers are still good at shooting but they still have a lot of boring and teddious profiles, at least they can now use them on their ships, with a bit of utility.

We can play melee and our special weapons are a bit more specialized: drills do mw, skyhooks are better vs Monsters, Grappnel is a mix of 1.0 without being so crazy, Skypikes have good attack but average rend, Saws have less attacks with better rend and Volley guns are still a lot of shoots to do 0 dmg.

Btw, our tactics and strategies seems to be good, so happy about that!

There are some controversial points like having an Article (permanent buff) that allows an armywide 4+ Rally and  for whatever reason, Bjorgen don't know how to use his Aetheric Augmentation. It seems that we are not that good at shooting compared to some Orruks, but hey, we look better at least!

Do you know if using KO ships as transports works in Cities, given the new rules?

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13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Do you know if using KO ships as transports works in Cities, given the new rules?

Yes. Embark and Disembark is a battle trait now, but both ships (Ironclad and Frigatte) have a warscroll ability that allows them to use that Battle trait for other non-KO armies.

Edited by Beliman
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Oh man, that change is huge! I guess they can get away with it now since the ships are more command-based* now but still. City-aelves with their deadly spears, Fyreslayers mercs and even Stormcast allies able to fly around on the ships is a huge tactic boost and rather fluffy right now with how many Kharadron fleets are being hired out by the Dawncrusades.

*hope that fits on a future Kharadron faction update of Cogmonculi for the robots needing lots of commands to activate.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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30 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Oh man, that change is huge! I guess they can get away with it now since the ships are more command-based* now but still. City-aelves with their deadly spears, Fyreslayers mercs and even Stormcast allies able to fly around on the ships is a huge tactic boost and rather fluffy right now with how many Kharadron fleets are being hired out by the Dawncrusades.

*hope that fits on a future Kharadron faction update of Cogmonculi for the robots needing lots of commands to activate.

Still needs Skyfarer keyword to be able to embark

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Yeah, might actually have to wait for a FAQ on this. The article seems really gung-ho on it being Skyfarer Kharadron aboard the vessels so it might end up how Fyreslayers started with the banner hero that buffed everyone’s rally before it got brought back to just Fyreslayers. Same here there’s a seeming loophole for everyone to get a ride before they stamp down the keyword.

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14 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, might actually have to wait for a FAQ on this. The article seems really gung-ho on it being Skyfarer Kharadron aboard the vessels so it might end up how Fyreslayers started with the banner hero that buffed everyone’s rally before it got brought back to just Fyreslayers. Same here there’s a seeming loophole for everyone to get a ride before they stamp down the keyword.

I don’t think there’s any loopholes. It also says “each transport vessel has a limit on the number of models it can embark. A transport vessel cannot embark a unit of doing so would exceed this limit”

profile on boats says “up to x Skyfarer models can embark in it”

I’ve read it all a few times now, it seems really clear to me. Can’t see anywhere it mentions anything other than Skyfarer can embark during deployment.

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13 minutes ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

I don’t think there’s any loopholes. It also says “each transport vessel has a limit on the number of models it can embark. A transport vessel cannot embark a unit of doing so would exceed this limit”

profile on boats says “up to x Skyfarer models can embark in it”

I’ve read it all a few times now, it seems really clear to me. Can’t see anywhere it mentions anything other than Skyfarer can embark during deployment.

Ah, okay. Going off second-hand info.

Well glad that’s clear as Hyshian skies then. :) 

I think people just Really want universal airships now so are hoping for it. I know I certainly do(obviously make them less sophisticated than Kharadron’s but all gears forward for “Realmfleet Azyritica” scenarios :D! Hopefully that wheel cult in the new Dawncrusades forces some Cities airship programs, plus the Wightfleet of that Aqshy vampire, Grotbag Scuttlers and Skryre blimps that attacked Tempest Eye in mass)

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3 hours ago, Beliman said:

And it seems AWESOME!
GW seems to do a really good job with all the new battletomes. Our transports are well explained and how must be played, with Embark and Disembark (btw, with some Comands and tricks). All ships are really well designed, with clear roles. E.g: Frigattes have the option to disembark out-of-phase with a nice extra buff. Marine Keyword is gone, I think for the best, and Balloon boys are just another type of troops that can embark. 

Rend seems to be a bit average, a lot of weapons are -1 to rend appart from our special weapons. Khemist can buff with another -1 rend and Admirals can give another -1, sadly only for Skyfarers ranged weapons (no skyvessels). Thunderers are still good at shooting but they still have a lot of boring and teddious profiles, at least they can now use them on their ships, with a bit of utility.

We can play melee and our special weapons are a bit more specialized: drills do mw, skyhooks are better vs Monsters, Grappnel is a mix of 1.0 without being so crazy, Skypikes have good attack but average rend, Saws have less attacks with better rend and Volley guns are still a lot of shoots to do 0 dmg.

Btw, our tactics and strategies seems to be good, so happy about that!

There are some controversial points like having an Article (permanent buff) that allows an armywide 4+ Rally and  for whatever reason, Bjorgen don't know how to use his Aetheric Augmentation. It seems that we are not that good at shooting compared to some Orruks, but hey, we look better at least!

Beyond happy for you mate!!

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17 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Ah, okay. Going off second-hand info.

Well glad that’s clear as Hyshian skies then. :) 

I think people just Really want universal airships now so are hoping for it. I know I certainly do(obviously make them less sophisticated than Kharadron’s but all gears forward for “Realmfleet Azyritica” scenarios :D! Hopefully that wheel cult in the new Dawncrusades forces some Cities airship programs, plus the Wightfleet of that Aqshy vampire, Grotbag Scuttlers and Skryre blimps that attacked Tempest Eye in mass)

I hope we see Gyro-Transports in Cities at some point. Although Steam Tank troop transports seem more realistic for the next book.

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Happy for KO players! I'm eager to see how Blades of Khorne and Soulblight Gravelords do in their upcoming books, since both of them need a bit of help.

The Regiments of Renown seem... interesting. Ignoring the limit for ally points etc is curious. If it weren't for the inexpense of the points of the Zombies + Corpse Cart one, I'd be unimpressed by that one. 12" -1 to wards could really wreck certain armies. 

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On 2/28/2023 at 10:37 PM, RileyArlic said:

Fresh from the mouth of Valrak: The Old World out by the end of this year. 

If it's true, what slot will remain for COS realease ?? 

So far I'm betting on army set in November and full release in January 2024. If TOW does release at the end of year, say november (GW normally doesn't release big news in december), does that leave September for COS ? I can't imagine that the two come out one month after the other, like october then novembe). And if so, does that mean it's just army set or is it coming out even earlier ? So many more questions... ^^


29 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

So...what do you think we'll see this weekend?
Chaos tomes?Death ones?Some teasers for the cities?

I still bet we'll have next Dawnbringers/Cities article in the next two weeks.

Edited by Draznak
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9 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Should'nt be the reveal for multiple systems though?

Most likely yes. Usually every game gets some love at these events.

Just rumors/leaks have been few and far between and 40k has a lot clearer road map on their way to 10ed................. Also only play Tau in 40k so been keeping a keen eye on when I get my new model lol.

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53 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

So...what do you think we'll see this weekend?
Chaos tomes?Death ones?Some teasers for the cities?

Something revealed for Seraphon hopefully!!

Next Chaos Tome announced.

I think the big reveals will be saved for Adepticon seeing its only a few weeks away.

Im really hoping the next Seasons of War is announced there as its coming up on a year on Thondia.

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We already know about the Vashtorr vs Azrael box, it's just a matter of release. I imagine we might finally see Farsight or Snikrot (or maybe both!) along with the reveal of the 4th book title. 

If we get that, alongside a reveal for a hero or two for the next upcoming AoS tomes and maybe confirmation of a Seraphon Launch Box, I'd be pretty content, especially since Adepticon is later in the week and will likely be where we get more significant reveals.

So definitely check your hype for this weekend, they'll save their bangers for Adepticon. 

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22 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

We already know about the Vashtorr vs Azrael box, it's just a matter of release. I imagine we might finally see Farsight or Snikrot (or maybe both!) along with the reveal of the 4th book title. 

If we get that, alongside a reveal for a hero or two for the next upcoming AoS tomes and maybe confirmation of a Seraphon Launch Box, I'd be pretty content, especially since Adepticon is later in the week and will likely be where we get more significant reveals.

So definitely check your hype for this weekend, they'll save their bangers for Adepticon. 

Imho Adepticon will be used for that "big comeback" rumored for the 40k....
Aos wise probably they will bring up the first proper Cities reveal.

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