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The Rumour Thread

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7 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

Because they don't?

We have four troop units. 

Arkanauts can be given an anvil/chaff/objective sitting role, with a better melee profile.

Thunderers can be upgunned to hit harder/more consistently in range, but maybe with penalties when on boats.

Endrinriggers/Skywardens split into two roles - one (and I don't care whichever way around) good in long range and ship support, the other a proper hammer in melee.

That would already build an internally well-balanced army, before we even get to the boats.


As much as I love new models, 'want' and 'need' are two very different things. And KO really doesn't need new models _as_much_ as they need better rules.

I mean did sylvaneath need bug Calvary and more archer and another drycha size

did Lumeneath need to tong tong riders and wind spirit.

did Nighthaunt need crossboos

it isn’t about role design for a game there is something called creativity and steampunk is a very broad artistic theme that can expanded upon like gold mind. Not everything is limited to just a game on a tabletop and it is very shallow that people put these weird limitations on just it’s a game lol 


7 hours ago, Flippy said:

Neither they ever implied that these armies would get a second wave. What I'm saying is that there is no rule here and we should not expect that every army will reach the Lumineth or Seraphon size. At the same time, I agree that GW does not state such things and, unfortunately, we have to read between the lines.

Elsewhere you mentioned Harlequins and that is a very good example. They even had their own book last edition - but did you ever expect them to grow beyond their current size? Lore-wise they are what they should be, another flavour of Aeldari, not to be recommended for anyone looking for a deep army.

i mean your also just assuming things too but this is a miniature hobby and not that we are just reading that everything’s is a middle finger by a bunch of Brit that don’t know what they are doing

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Maybe it's wishful thinking on part (I'm desperate for some Malerion), but I think their icon looks the most like Morgwaeth. When I saw the spiky crown and executioner-style icon, I immediately thought it looked like Malekith. I still think it's the most likely, but I like setting myself up for disappointment 

malerion maybe.jpg


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It feels pretty evenly divided between Malerion/Morathi, city Darklings, Hedonites or Belakor.

Personally I’d like another CoS force instead of one for DoK as beast-tamers from the nearby Cities looking to capture and smuggle the dangerous twisted Gnarlwood creatures to employers across the Realms.

Though I feel it could be Belakor’s cronies looking to smash up the spaceship since the artifacts can destroy his plans. The Beast cards may be related to the Centaurian Marshall and other animal commanders under his rule that are directing his mortal forces there.(remember the Centaurian isn’t just a monster but a tactical leader that uses stealth , gladiator ingenuity and even political guile to force people under it’s command. They’re the whole package of a Marshall)


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2 hours ago, Red Bull said:

Maybe it's wishful thinking on part (I'm desperate for some Malerion), but I think their icon looks the most like Morgwaeth. When I saw the spiky crown and executioner-style icon, I immediately thought it looked like Malekith. I still think it's the most likely, but I like setting myself up for disappointment 

malerion maybe.jpg


I have less information then before for upcoming warbands. All I know that they are some sort of elves called Arenai

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Arenai sounds like a Daughters of Khaine warband name. It would fit with the naming schemes of them so far. Let's look at the 3 names they had announced;

Sundered Fate: Tzeentch vs Seraphon. Very Tzeentch-y name, so it fits.

Bloodhunt: Arenai vs ???.  Since we are doing god-aligned warbands now, and it's all about blood, most likely Khornate marauders/berserkers. I think that's a really safe bet, but it could also be Beastmen hunting in these Ghurish bloodgrounds.

Nightmare Quest. No hints so far, but "Quest" gives me knightly vibes. To go down the list of knights with a 'nightmare' theme; We could have some vainglorious Slaanesh themed knights/squires, we could see Flesheater Courts as a warcry warband (like questing "knights"), we could have skeleton/zombie knights supporting one lesser vampire/wight, we could see more grot knights like the Underworlds Warbands.

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A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

  1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
  2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
  3. Seraphon in summer.
  4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
  5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

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10 minutes ago, Talas said:

A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

  1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
  2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
  3. Seraphon in summer.
  4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
  5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

Happy Lizard : Photos, Diagrams & Topos : SummitPost


Pray tell more

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28 minutes ago, Talas said:

A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

  1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
  2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
  3. Seraphon in summer.
  4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
  5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

Is there any indication of if Serephon are getting more than 1 hero? Oh also any word on Slaanesh or if there is a new Valkia model with Khorne?

Sorry if that's all the available info but it's nice to have some actual rumours so gotta know more if there is more!

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37 minutes ago, Talas said:

A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

  1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
  2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
  3. Seraphon in summer.
  4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
  5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

I will vouch that the items are true in Coaches discord but they are very spread out amongst the chat


Edited by novakai
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Also other thing mention are

1. Seraphon size release is unknown, assume to be quite small

2. Dawnbringer has a once per game rule to get a 3 +ward in a certain area

3. OBR and FEC are the two death tome, FEC is suppose to have a glow up (at least rule wise), feeding frenzy is not a CA anymore, nothing on OBR

4. no Rumors on Gitz

take it with salt though as usual.


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1 hour ago, Talas said:

Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.



Well that is an interesting choice for Cities. I never played the old Warhammer so I am trying to figure out what is in and what is out.

So according to the rumors taken out would be:

  • Wanderers (6 units)
  • Freeguild (9 units)
  • Collegiate Arcane (6 units)
  • Shadowblades (1/3) I think the assassin and Dark Riders are old Dark Elf units? Not sure about Shadow Warriors?
  • Ironweld Arsenal (4/7) I'm guessing the Dwarf hero and copter get saved since they are in the SC box?
  • Flaggellants

Total: 27?

Units that are safe:

  • Scourge Privateers (4 units) since they talk about the Start Collecting
  • Disposseded (6 units) once again Start Collecting, but not all come in box? Not sure that matters
  • Phonenix Temple (6 units)
  • Order Serpentis (4 units) Pretty sure they are all old Dark Elves?
  • Darkling Coven (7 units) Pretty sure they are all old Dark Elves?
  • Ven Densts, Cursed City, and Underworld??? (9 units) The densts and Cursed City heroes were talked about in the Crusader's first article so I am guessing they are staying?

Total: 36

I sort of find it strange that they would keep most of the other races and only really get rid of the Wood Elves? Everyone sort of guessed that all the humans would be taken out.

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3 hours ago, novakai said:

Also other thing mention are

1. Seraphon size release is unknown, assume to be quite small

2. Dawnbringer has a once per game rule to get a 3 +ward in a certain area

3. OBR and FEC are the two death tome, FEC is suppose to have a glow up (at least rule wise), feeding frenzy is not a CA anymore, nothing on OBR

4. no Rumors on Gitz

take it with salt though as usual.


So my questions are as follows. A small Seraphon release suggests it won't be a single hero. So are we getting a Sylvaneth sized release? New salamanders, Kroxigors and saurus would be a pretty good start. The skinks, flyers and monsters are all decent kits. 

Any info on FEC getting some minis?  Whitefang seemed to be hinting we'd get a wave of them.

Khorne being strong in playtesting is fine as long as playtesting does its job.

As for cities I'm ok with the changes. Good to hear that some Aelves and Duardin are staying so mixed race lists will still be possible. 

I could definitely see wanderers getting reimagined as part of the Kurnothi. I would be pretty happy if the whole lot of them got integrated into the Sylvaneth book.


Edit- having checked out the discord and the available start collecting sets, I think we might be saying goodbye to darling covens and order serpentis but keeping Scourge privateers. That would leave one 'good' Aelf faction, one 'evil' Aelf faction and one Duardin faction. It's certainly not the ideal solution but I think it's the most likely one. 

Edited by Chikout
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