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The global shipping is going to take years to settle down and that assumes no further major upheavals. That's going to keep having knock on effects for firms like GW outside of any internal politics/issues that arise for them. Still they are still releasing a massive amount of stuff, even if its a bit out of order.


Heck I suspect that they'd love to just do a massive dump of stuff one month and just flood the market to catch up with their plans. Its' got to be so painful for staff to see stuff that they know is finished and ready just held back and held back because so much is trying to get out the door at once. 

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1 hour ago, Overread said:

The global shipping is going to take years to settle down and that assumes no further major upheavals. That's going to keep having knock on effects for firms like GW outside of any internal politics/issues that arise for them. Still they are still releasing a massive amount of stuff, even if its a bit out of order.


Heck I suspect that they'd love to just do a massive dump of stuff one month and just flood the market to catch up with their plans. Its' got to be so painful for staff to see stuff that they know is finished and ready just held back and held back because so much is trying to get out the door at once. 

This is the thing with 3 year Edition cycles, eventually there is going to be a flood of AOS releases and next year the dam is bursting.

I think Jan-July next year is going to be insane for AOS as we habe had mostly single mini releases for Factions and with only 10 Factions left to update for 3.0 and 40K 10th Edition next year I belieeve we will be seeing a lot of larger releases for AOS.

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56 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I wouldn't expect new model Monday or the big AoS reveal today as I'm guessing GW won't be publishing any articles due to the Queen's funeral.

I hate it but gotta agree that “big reveal” is probably a very minor reveal about mega gargants, unfortunately. Still, maybe we find out about a range refresh.

A man can dream.

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

If it true I wonder what up with GW’s love for Flamers lol, it also happens to be one of the strongest unit in the recent daemon codex as well.

probably to push product along

Well if you think about it there aren't really a lot of options in tzeentch. Since the themes of tzeentch generally focus around magic and fire you probably won't see melee units as top tier (it has happened in previous books, tzaangors in first edition for example, but gw seemed to realize the mistake they made giving a ranged army incredibly solid melee infantry and those units were nerfed into oblivion). Kairic acolytes could have been an option but they kind of wrote themselves into a corner making them cheap useless chaff, so you're pretty much left with making either horrors or flamers. We've all seen the trainwreck that happens when horrors are good, so then you're left with just flamers. 


Edited by Grimrock
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1 hour ago, novakai said:

If it true I wonder what up with GW’s love for Flamers lol, it also happens to be one of the strongest unit in the recent daemon codex as well.

probably to push product along

Arent the current models older than dirt? A unit buff could be in preparation for the release of a newly sculpted flamer unit. Between 40K demons codex and Tzeench codex, there's certainly the possibility of a new sculpt. Though I wouldn't bet on it (unless I had a pile of fate dice that is 😎). 

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

Retired and out of production then?

In a way that's any dated kit over time.  I think Squatted doesn't mean anything now but we all know the two things people hate are change and no change :P So people will keep saying it and over the next 10 years it will be meaningless to most (new) players.  

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25 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

In a way that's any dated kit over time.  I think Squatted doesn't mean anything now but we all know the two things people hate are change and no change So people will keep saying it and over the next 10 years it will be meaningless to most (new) players.  

I mean the terminology name doesn’t matter but naturally and as time goes on, the expectation shouldn’t be that they will always keep selling a kit forever nor is every kit that goes OOP is expected to be redone.

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I think one thing about flamers for Tzeentch is simply showing that the pure demonic parts of demon armies are actually very small. The updates all 4 gods have had over the past few years since AoS have focused mostly on the leaders and mortals. Actual demonic models are either updated or the same as they've been for a considerable time. 

I see it a symptom of the fact that demon armies were generally originally designed to work together. That's why Khorne has the artillery because you didn't need 4 artillery models; you'd just bring Khorne in your Chaos Demons army. 


Now that they stand alone there's room in each one for more demonic units that have simply not had design/production slots to come through. With most having fairly complete human and leader roles and fairly modern plastics in most slots I think the field is ripe that the next time AoS demons come into the light for updates we might well see new demonic monsters. Perhaps new fliers, new monsters, new artillery, new creatures and more. Heck knows the lore has more than enough room for each god to have a whole host of variety in those slots. 

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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

If that's a Skaven reference then surely that refers to being made to work WAY past when you should have retired.

No that’s “the future my generation stares down with every passing year, slowly growing more weary and resentful of the opportunities stolen from you by a wealthy older generation”

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Nice, I'm half way through Gothghul Hollow atm. 

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