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19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It'll probably be Community articles unless something leaks like World Eaters. 

My hot take is once Votann are released, CoS/Dawnbringers will take their spot on the 'gradual reveal' tract. 

Here's hoping we also get some more news regarding TOW as well. I can't remember when the last lore drop occurred, but is has been some time.

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30 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I hope you're right !

I'd love a more traditional medieval European force ala Brettonians to make an appearance, but I'd also happily take some additional love for Cities of Sigmar. Of all the factions in  the game, I feel Cities holds the most potential for a varied army roster, as GW can always invent more cities in  different regions each time they want to introduce some cool new unit or aesthetic. 


Im wondering if the dawnbringers will be a human paladin-esque group, a bunch of religious zealots, or AoS's version of the inquisition, or all three!



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My impression of the Dawnbringers, from what little we’ve heard so far, is that they won’t be a specific group or religious sect at all but that it’s a name given to a movement, a general push, at most an organised campaign, by the forces of Order to establish new strongholds and cities in the Chaos-infested realms.

I don’t imagine (I’d love to be wrong!) that we’ll see specific Dawnbringer units but we might well get new units across many Order factions that lend themselves well to The theme of expansion (eg. a playable Cogfort).

A little bit like how the swell of life magic and the Era of the Beast has birthed new Sylvaneth units, which fit nicely into the advancing narrative but aren’t tied in name or faction to the Era of the Beast specifically. 


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4 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

These two dreams can be the same thing you know

They can be...but with Warhammer the Old World in the works and GW's push toward more unique IP's that can be copyrighted, that we wont see revised brettonians make an appearance in AOS. BUT. That doesn't  mean I can't take them from the old world and use them in AOS as proxies or something. Here's hoping the scales are compatible.

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I found ironic that after the rumor engine of today i'm more confused about Ogor or Gloosmpite coming this fall....seeing the RE i would say Gitz are not coming now but maybe next year but i won't like even the idea of having mawtribes coming this fall without new models (at least a Butcher and some Maneaters!).
Also loving seeing some destruction love and can't wait to know the lore of those funny little creatures.

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6 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I found ironic that after the rumor engine of today i'm more confused about Ogor or Gloosmpite coming this fall....seeing the RE i would say Gitz are not coming now but maybe next year but i won't like even the idea of having mawtribes coming this fall without new models (at least a Butcher and some Maneaters!).
Also loving seeing some destruction love and can't wait to know the lore of those funny little creatures.

Could be Warcry, could be Underworlds (most armies have already had warbands now, so repeats are possible), could be Cursed City... there's a lot of auxiliary games REs could fit into now.


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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Could be Warcry, could be Underworlds (most armies have already had warbands now, so repeats are possible), could be Cursed City... there's a lot of auxiliary games REs could fit into now.


True, this year started with those Chaos vs Spider Riders in December rumors.

surprise Gloomspite spider warband to replace the ones put in rotation might be what ambushes the new Khorne guys in Nethermaze.

Would go with the current Gallet creepy crawlers and herald the spider incarnate.


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21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Could be Warcry, could be Underworlds (most armies have already had warbands now, so repeats are possible), could be Cursed City... there's a lot of auxiliary games REs could fit into now.


Still waiting for those cursed city booster packs/expansions...


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41 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Could be Warcry, could be Underworlds (most armies have already had warbands now, so repeats are possible), could be Cursed City... there's a lot of auxiliary games REs could fit into now.


I notice though most auxiliary game have the least amount of RE tied to them and only the launch boxes/initial launch get the most RE usually ( at least with recent RE not those going back years ago.)

mainline games by far have the most REs

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My bet is Sons with King Brodd as a mega-gargant priest for their new battletome.(as fittingly where the single hero updates would have the biggest impact)

Gloomspite with one new crawly hero But Underworlds loophole used to get past the solo hero update trend this year plus the spider incarnate for a climatic Gallet battle to go on towards it’s end.

And then next year we head north/edgeward from Gallet to the Great Gutfort where Mawtribes get their shiny new Man-eaters, refreshed Butcher and possibly another hero or unit for siege specialists.



Edited by Baron Klatz
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52 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I found ironic that after the rumor engine of today i'm more confused about Ogor or Gloosmpite coming this fall....seeing the RE i would say Gitz are not coming now but maybe next year but i won't like even the idea of having mawtribes coming this fall without new models (at least a Butcher and some Maneaters!).
Also loving seeing some destruction love and can't wait to know the lore of those funny little creatures.

If it is a new Ogor book, chances are high they will get at least one new model. The disappointment lies with how many new models one gets since the standard has been one foot hero release.


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That “busy” typo though. 😂

but yeah, personally not expecting it until 2025+ like they said back In the Warhammer World 2020 interviews.

Big meh to me either way. That’s just gonna be potential AoS proxies(if the scales aren’t out of whack. The modern Witch Hunters are twice the size of most 6th edition humans)


(if they stick to”you can use your old army scale” that’s a problem)


Looking forward to the CoS update. If those royal sigils are anything to go by there can be some fun mashups between medieval AoS humans and the technological ones.




It adds to the fun juxtaposition Age of Sigmar does like in the new Drekki Flynt novel there’s duardin bars with steam-powered pipe organs and Air Hockey that feel like something out of the 1900’s diners.

Also did anyone else note how close the new Escher bikes resemble the tech out of Venturellas’s Aqshy army?



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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:


Not sure how something that hasn't had a release date can get delayed and it has its own team working on it. 

It's not like there is a group of people who work on HH one day, then necromunda the next and so on and so forth. 

I'm also highly sceptical they were suprised by how popular HH is, its space marines after all. 

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I found ironic that after the rumor engine of today i'm more confused about Ogor or Gloosmpite coming this fall....seeing the RE i would say Gitz are not coming now but maybe next year but i won't like even the idea of having mawtribes coming this fall without new models (at least a Butcher and some Maneaters!).
Also loving seeing some destruction love and can't wait to know the lore of those funny little creatures.

The Lore for the little fellas is in the SOB BT a bit!! They dwell in Lake Hoarfrost and worship the Gargants that live there. Lake Hoarfrost is in Ghur and is one of Ymnog's, Behemats Father, footprints!!

2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

True, this year started with those Chaos vs Spider Riders in December rumors.

surprise Gloomspite spider warband to replace the ones put in rotation might be what ambushes the new Khorne guys in Nethermaze.

Would go with the current Gallet creepy crawlers and herald the spider incarnate.


This would be epic!!

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So we still need to know about LRL and Tzeentch tomes.

We got a SoB looking footprint. I dont buy the soup with ogors rumour, maybe they will share a box but even that is unlikely.

We got some chaos picture, probably Khorne Warband.

We got a very Gitz looking RE again indicating Gitz arent coming any time soon. I think they are redesigning Spiderfang to look more Moonclan and less Native American.

I think these things are exactly what we are getting this time and maybe a reveal for the new Seasons of War.

I dont think we will be seeing anything Kruleboyz or IJ related any time soon. If anything in that book needs an upgrade it would be Bonesplitterz imho.


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