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Who's going to LVO 2019?


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3 hours ago, Ben said:

Is it this weekend

Feb 8th, you can follow placing on the BCP app. 

About 160 players pre drops, I’d guess 120+ on the day (40k has around 750+ and all the streamed games will be of 40k).

Friday and Sat 5 games. About 5 players will be 5-0 and and then the other 3 on 4-1 with max secondaries will battle it out in single elimination 8 man playoffs on Sunday. Sunday will also have the doubles tournament.

Here is the player pack:



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150 players isn’t anything to dismiss. That’s a big turnout. LVO is probly the biggest 40k tournament in the entire world, so it definitely gets the glitz and glam, but it’s still one of the largest AoS tournie too. AoS is still a newer game than 40k, and hasn’t had the same tournament infrastructure built up around it here, but don’t downplay it just cause the 40k side is bigger

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4 hours ago, Dervinus said:

Going with my seraphon for the second year in a row. Only one of 3 seraphon players this year!

I took a look at the three lists, which one are you? They all look pretty strong for this event. Hopefully the dice favor you.

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1 minute ago, Future said:

I took a look at the three lists, which one are you? They all look pretty strong for this event. Hopefully the dice favor you.

I'm the triple-engine/shadowstrike list. It's a fun list but I'm not hoping for much with the amount of hard death lists out there. 

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@Dervinus Hah, that was my favorite list. I think shadowstrike is out best option and 3 eotg can combine that with what Darren was trying to do in the UK masters. I think it could do fairly well against death if you focus fire the eotg with mortal wound output.

If I remember correctly your artifact choice was the only thing I was confused about. I think Darren had a good idea in his 3 eotg list trying to buff the mortal wound output with Shyish artifacts.


Anyway I'm really rooting for that list to prove people wrong about competitive dinos!

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I had a great time and played some really fun games! I brought a somewhat-competitive list (darn it I like Decimators so I'm going to use them) and went 2/3, not too bad for my first tournament with more than 20 people in it (especially considering two of my opponents finished in the top 30...ouch). I don't think I really understood how competitive a list could be until I got shot clean off the board in my second game, but still had a really good time, and my Stardrake did a drive-by miricle roll on his bite to eat a Knight-Azyros clean out of the sky, so that was pretty cool.


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