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AoS 2 - Fyreslayers Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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15 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Fyreslayers, Kharadron and Dispossessed are just far too different to justify a soup 'tome imo. Their aesthetics, gameplay and lore are just too radically different. The only thing they have in common are "they're all dwarfs." To me it's like suggesting the Chaos God 'tomes should all be souped because "they're all Chaos worshippers." 

It also gives GW an excuse to just leave FS' out to rot and commit models to the other sub-factions whilst shrugging off any criticism as "well it's still a release for that army."

All of the Dwarf factions have a large amount of potential - yes, even the Dispossessed - and to see that squandered by soup would be a huge disappointment. That said, their reference to 'sizzling duradin' makes me think they're not going to do it.

Dwarves currently have a few stages of grief about their gods.

  • Kharadron can either be seen as Denial or Acceptance. They just moved on entirely, purposefully supressing thoughts about their gods.
  • Fyreslayers are Anger and Bargaining (Kharadron are also bargaining a lot, but not for bits of their god) with some depression mixed in. They strive to become one with their god, and have an interesting contrast with Aule from Middle Earth, who created his dwarves, while these dwarves are building their own god.
  • Disposessed have quite a bit of grief seeping through which could be seen as depression, but I think anger and either acceptance or bargaining are more important.

There are significant overlaps, but the differences between them thematically and in their backstory can't be mixed without losing a lot of their flavour.

And we're not yet at the differences in aesthetics.

  • I could see the Ironweld dwarves as a halfway between the Disposessed and the Kharadron, but they are not in the diving suits and it's more gearpunk than Kharadron.
  • Gotrek could be seen as between Disposessed and Fyreslayers, but that's a thin line and does nothing for the vast difference in clothing/armour.
  • There is no halfway point between Fyreslayers and Kharadron, it's not going to happen. I tried. 

The Dwarf Blood Bowl team can be used for spare bodies and have a bit of a centered look, if you want to scrape as much diversity from GW as you can find. The Trollslayers are very good sculpts, and that expression is something I would have loved to see in Fyreslayers.

As I stated before, we need a "Fixing Realms" series centered around dwarves to fix the mess the elves made in "Broken Realms".

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9 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Is everyone hoping for a new pure Fyreslayers tome, or is anyone else actually rooting for a united Duardin tome....like me?

I wish a soup tome,citys have been the most fun tome of all my 5 armys and also the funniest in hobby time due to very diferent units so you dont get burnt(as building 80 same naked dwarfs...)

But im pretty sure that we are getting only a fyreslayer tome and with some luck we get one lodge with the 1 of 4 units being dwarfs that would be horrible as fyreslayers havent msu units to spam.

Also i dont see problems with soup in lore,if citys could have elfs!!!!!and dwarfs togethers.......every mix is posible then

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Yeah a Duardin City with all of them possible (without allies) would scratch that itch for me.  Fyreslayers could make a new tome with perhaps some magma-based artillery (perhaps the Flame Cannon or similar?) and maybe some sort of faster volcano loving creature unit with beastmaster type of dudes in it?  Seems like they could use an Anvil of Doom, or at least enjoy the benefits if Dispossessed get that again.

Still, looking at Orruks tome, all of those subfactions do function very differently on their own vs all mixed up in the Big Waaagh.  I think if Grungni gets rules/model it could work; they all exhibit excellent craftsmanship and hold deep grudges.  

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7 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Yeah a Duardin City with all of them possible (without allies) would scratch that itch for me.  Fyreslayers could make a new tome with perhaps some magma-based artillery (perhaps the Flame Cannon or similar?) and maybe some sort of faster volcano loving creature unit with beastmaster type of dudes in it?  Seems like they could use an Anvil of Doom, or at least enjoy the benefits if Dispossessed get that again.

Still, looking at Orruks tome, all of those subfactions do function very differently on their own vs all mixed up in the Big Waaagh.  I think if Grungni gets rules/model it could work; they all exhibit excellent craftsmanship and hold deep grudges.  

Or we could do a city of dwarfs, who are all following the one and only true dwarf in all the realms:


fyreslayers would follow him for the absurd believe of him being the fire dwarf god (forgot his name)

The dispossessed would follow him, because they are the x amount of grands in grand son of Gotreks many dead cousins, and family keeps together after all.

and the Ko would follow him because of:



Edited by Skreech Verminking
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If anyone is Grimnir's avatar, it seems like Gotrek would be!

Gotta get some more primer, then I can paint my new army up.  Here's what I'm thinking for my first game when it happens:


Hermdar snip.JPG

I could get some more Vulkites in the bargain bin at my FLGS too rather than allies, but figured I'd use what I have to start.  

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That list rely on enemy having monsters or the auric are overcosted.

Also too much rely on the dragons to get distant objetives.

We hope with our new tome we can get some list even close to competitive without the need of use out of fyreslayers units to fill the gaps in our book

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7 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Here's a winning Lofnir army list I saw on Goonhammer.  Almost makes me want to convert all my Vulkites to HGBs and Auric HGs, and slap some wings on my 2 Magmadroths......didn't say what Grand Strat, Triumph or Prayers he had, so I just filled those in.....

Fyreslayers Lofnir Bill Souza winning list.JPG

Huh...never would have thought to include Stormdrakes but I wonder what for? I imagine is mainly for movement purposes. And thats a lot of Aurics 

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On 12/31/2021 at 3:48 PM, Doko said:

I wish a soup tome,citys have been the most fun tome of all my 5 armys and also the funniest in hobby time due to very diferent units so you dont get burnt(as building 80 same naked dwarfs...)

But im pretty sure that we are getting only a fyreslayer tome and with some luck we get one lodge with the 1 of 4 units being dwarfs that would be horrible as fyreslayers havent msu units to spam.

Also i dont see problems with soup in lore,if citys could have elfs!!!!!and dwarfs togethers.......every mix is posible then

On one hand you are correct.

On the other hand, there have been no new models for Cities, and barely any for the existing factions in Orruks.

Also, I would rather keep my Kharadron god-free, and GW likes to smear everything with some god or the other.

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On 12/31/2021 at 6:44 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

Is everyone hoping for a new pure Fyreslayers tome, or is anyone else actually rooting for a united Duardin tome....like me?

My thoughts are this: if we get new units (not heroes, or at least not only heroes) then I want them to remain separate. However, if all we’re getting is a single foot hero, I’d probably prefer a Duardin soup book as a Band-Aid for the issues fyreslayers have that rules alone can’t fix (we need more non-hero units damnit!)

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Just played my first practice/learning game with the Fyreslayers today on my rug.  Was vs Ogors/Beastmaster/Bloodgullet/Hunter w 3x2 Frost Sabres/Frostlord on Stonehorn (Splatter Cleaver)/Kragnos/Big Drogg Fortkicka.  Mission was Tooth n Nail, which didn't permit me to use Magmic Tunneling, which I realized after I took the first deployment picture so I tucked the HGBs to the left of my Forge, and the AHGs in the forest just northeast of the Forge.

Here's my list:117641026_Hermdarsnip.JPG.0414b529703ca216779c65aa8d9ef07b.JPG

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Big boyz had a 3 drop army and went first.  Kragnos' 3D6 charge aura helped all get into combat and he did 9 MW on the charge to the Runefather whom I foolishly did not screen.  Really shoulda used the little Longbeard miners for that purpose.  If I use them again I'll probably do 2 smaller units (though those Stormdrakes are looking good to me now).  Left unit of Vulkites died top of turn 1 of course too.   Ogors got Ferocious Advance cuz of the cats and ended with 6 pts with killing the Runefather on Droth.

Bottom of turn 1 I failed to Curse Kragnos, but got Runic Empowerment on the HGBs and Searing Heat on Kragnos, plus used the Rune of Awakened Steel (got no Enhanced Effects all game though).  Kragnos went down after Auric shooting and then HGBs but only with 1 extra failed ward save to spare, it was close!  Fyreslayers ended w 5 points for controlling 2 objectives (they took the cats' one) and killing a monster.

Top of 2 Ogors went first, healed a wound on the FLoSH with the Mawpot before the Hunter ran up to the center.  FLoSH charged HGBs and Big Drogg went into the Longbeards, they achieved Savage Spearhead, killing 5 HGBs and many Longbeards.  5 more points for 11.

Bottom of 2 Cursed the FLoSH successfully, Runic Empowered the HGBs, and summoned the Flamespitter!  Unleashed the Rune of Searing Heat and at the Ur-Gold nugget on the Droth-smiter.  AHGs shot the FLoSH to 12 wounds, Flamespitter launched an ember to achieve Broken Ranks on the closest single leftover cat with 1 wound on it, HGBs struck first in combat to kill the FLoSH, and the Droth and remaining Longbeards did some wounds to Big Drogg (who at the end of turn 2 had 18 wounds on him).  Another 5 points for the Fyreslayers for 10 total.

Top of 3 Fyreslayers go first!  Ogors burn Rune of Zeal for the extra 2" move going for Slay the Warlord (who was the Icebrow Hunter).  Cursed the Big Drogg, Empowered the HGBs, and Searing Heat on Drogg too.   Healed the Droth back to a higher bracket.  AHGs moved toward the center for getting in range of the Hunter and the far-flung Vulkites w axes closed in on him as well.  Hunter shot to 6 wounds and finished off in combat.  Droth spit lava on Drogg for 6 MW!  And the Flamespitter got him for 2 as well.  The Volcanic Blood from the gargant attacks ended up dealing quite a few MW to him back.... Along with Curse Big Drogg went down..... and killed the Droth with TIMBERRRR!.  HGBs had rolled snakeeyes for the charge and I had no more CPs.  Still another 4 points for the Fyreslayers, total at 14 now.  

Bottom of 3, I guess the Ogors would still score 3 points for objectives even without models?  Since they still score if models aren't on the objectives?  So 14 total?

Top of 4 the far out Vulkites run to get to the back prime objective.....Fyreslayers would take that, Hold the Line and win the game, HUZZAH!  Fyreslayers have made it to the next bunch of painting on deck :D

Just checking on Volcanic Blood, if a multiwound attack gets through the armor save, does it roll 1 D6 for each damage point then?  Or just for the single attack that gets through?  I was thinking that each damage point is allocated as a wound but perhaps I'm mistaken.  




bottom of top of turn 1.jpg

bottom of turn 2.jpg


bottom of turn 3.jpg

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On 1/2/2022 at 5:32 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

Just checking on Volcanic Blood, if a multiwound attack gets through the armor save, does it roll 1 D6 for each damage point then?  Or just for the single attack that gets through?  I was thinking that each damage point is allocated as a wound but perhaps I'm mistaken.  

It says 'roll for each wound that is allocated' so i read that as if a single attack has 3 dmg and all 3 armor saves fail then you roll 3 dice for Volcanic Blood proc. The attack itself or number attacks doesnt matter in this case. Its just damage that goes through your armor saves...well by melee of course.

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Sounds likely. Bit of a pity it doesn’t look like we’re getting underwater Realm Rules like 40k got but acid rain from Aqshy’s burning seas sounds really cool. I’ll just homebrew a seafloor battle along with putting those Wrath of the Everchosen siege rules to work.

Pour magma ur-cauldrons on those soul-eaters and start a fish fry! :) 

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On 1/1/2022 at 11:53 PM, Malakithe said:

Huh...never would have thought to include Stormdrakes but I wonder what for? I imagine is mainly for movement purposes. And thats a lot of Aurics 

High mobility

MONSTER keyword (tactics, rampages)

18 wounds on a 3+ save and 4+ spell ignore

Helps round out the list which is otherwise all slow infantry

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2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Haven't seen the Stormdrakes in real life.....wondering if a Magmadroth is bigger-bodied....wondering if magnetizing wings might be do-able.  I bet the drakes are slimmer and smaller based on the wounds.  eg: Bloodthirsters, for all their wingyness, aren't actually that huge.

Magmadroth is MUCH larger than a Stormdrake, at least 2x the body mass (the wings on the Stormdrake does a lot of the heavy lifting to make them look big)

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4 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

Magmadroth is MUCH larger than a Stormdrake, at least 2x the body mass (the wings on the Stormdrake does a lot of the heavy lifting to make them look big)

I havent seen one up close but yeah I figured the wing span makes it look larger then most people think

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I'll be fighting a big old 'grudge' match vs Kharadron Overlords tomorrow night.  Never fought them before with any army; and I'm a complete noob at Fyreslayers, should be amazing!

Here's what I'm bringing, no lodge:


Fyreslayers lodgeless w Dispossessedallies v1.JPG

Depending on the mission/deployment and what he has, I might even tunnel in the magmadroths behind him.  I mean for a first turn Savage Spearhead with monsters, that's a nice 3 points.  I almost forsee not having too much trouble to get into combat, as don't the airships go pretty fast?  He might have to get closer just to shoot me with some stuff.  Or not, not really sure.  I mean, they're not Lumineth right?

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