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AoS 2 - Flesh-eater Courts Discussion


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@XReN thank you muchly, it was a tough field but very enjoyable event. 

Spectral Host is good for getting a first turn charge with the GKoTG or for letting the horrors move over the unit of ghouls screening them (or anything else for that matter).

Blood feast I never cast because I can't think of a time when I'd ever want to not cast unholy vitality but that's the most likely of the unlikely spells to use so I take it any way.

Given how little the GKoTG degrades and his healing + chalice I don't find Monstrous Vigour overly useful for this setup, I tend to take it more often when I've got a zombie dragon in the list.

Deranged Transformation would let me move quickly but leave my character support behind so I don't tend to go for that.

I wonder whether I should have been more aggressive against the shootcast, if I could cripple them T1 it wouldn't matter if I wasn't capping objectives, they wouldn't be either and then just try to score a late game point...more practice is required!

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2 hours ago, Karragon said:

Blood feast I never cast because I can't think of a time when I'd ever want to not cast unholy vitality but that's the most likely of the unlikely spells to use so I take it any way.

I wonder whether I should have been more aggressive against the shootcast, if I could cripple them T1 it wouldn't matter if I wasn't capping objectives, they wouldn't be either and then just try to score a late game point...more practice is required!

The only time I've had a situation to use Blood Feast come up is if I'm really low (like 1-4 wounds remaining) and I can reliably kill a threat\am not threatened by anything that turn. But I agree... I don't really think anything else is worth it unless you bring Spectral Host for redundancy.

I've played SC once with FeC and... yeah, I agree in that I think the best or only way to deal with them is to get in right away and do as much as you can. My guy was running more of a Seq\Evo setup, but shootcast will definitely require more pressure from the get-go or you basically give them the game.

Great write up though, we have our tournament for the League in the next few weeks.. if I had that many Horrors I would definitely try something similar as it looks great but I think I'll have to settle with a 6-6-3 Deadwatch and see what happens.

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Will be out for a friendly drive-by at another gaming group which is supposed to be relatively competitive... has anybody thoughts, experiences or recommendations concerning this list:


Feast Day

Infernal; GkoTg; AARegent

6x/6x/6x Flayers

Deadwatch and Chalice

1960 pts


internally I am debating AAR-> Gk+2.Inf ; to summon 10 homebase guards and still have a second flayer regen. And 9/6/3 flayers...

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1 hour ago, Honk said:

Will be out for a friendly drive-by at another gaming group which is supposed to be relatively competitive... has anybody thoughts, experiences or recommendations concerning this list:


Feast Day

Infernal; GkoTg; AARegent

6x/6x/6x Flayers

Deadwatch and Chalice

1960 pts


internally I am debating AAR-> Gk+2.Inf ; to summon 10 homebase guards and still have a second flayer regen. And 9/6/3 flayers...

I ran this list at the weekend and went 1-4. I faced two shooting skaven, one KO, beastclaw and Nurgle Blightings. The big issue I found is flayers can't take a double turn. Although I didn't have the chalice because it can only heal flayers and not bring them back. I loved having feast day and I'm sure 90% of the problem is my generalship but anything that even had a little bit of punch just takes flayers off the board.

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On 8/26/2019 at 9:25 AM, Karragon said:

@XReN thank you muchly, it was a tough field but very enjoyable event. 

Spectral Host is good for getting a first turn charge with the GKoTG or for letting the horrors move over the unit of ghouls screening them (or anything else for that matter).

Blood feast I never cast because I can't think of a time when I'd ever want to not cast unholy vitality but that's the most likely of the unlikely spells to use so I take it any way.

Given how little the GKoTG degrades and his healing + chalice I don't find Monstrous Vigour overly useful for this setup, I tend to take it more often when I've got a zombie dragon in the list.

Deranged Transformation would let me move quickly but leave my character support behind so I don't tend to go for that.

I wonder whether I should have been more aggressive against the shootcast, if I could cripple them T1 it wouldn't matter if I wasn't capping objectives, they wouldn't be either and then just try to score a late game point...more practice is required!

Would the ethereal amulet have made a difference? Shootcast seems to rely on rend so making them have to get through 4+5+6+ seems like a good idea. Also I am borrowing this list for a test drive next week

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51 minutes ago, Gdead909 said:

Would the ethereal amulet have made a difference? Shootcast seems to rely on rend so making them have to get through 4+5+6+ seems like a good idea. Also I am borrowing this list for a test drive next week

It might have, but it would also have meant they could shoot me for an extra round so YMMV. It's an artifact I don't often consider as 4+ is fairly hit and miss and if I wasn't taking ragged I'd have taken doppelganger instead for the inevitable slaanesh match up.

Good luck with the list, it's great fun and the horrors will hopefully surprise both you and your opponent

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:23 AM, Karragon said:

It might have, but it would also have meant they could shoot me for an extra round so YMMV. It's an artifact I don't often consider as 4+ is fairly hit and miss and if I wasn't taking ragged I'd have taken doppelganger instead for the inevitable slaanesh match up.

Good luck with the list, it's great fun and the horrors will hopefully surprise both you and your opponent

Rocked some ironjawz tonight. The two units of horrors were a wrecking ball. 

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Well, got myself crushed again 😅👍

„falling stars“ against Sylvaneth with Alarielle and Durthu as general, with 2x3 sword and 1x6 scythe kurnoth.

feast day deadwatch list sadly wasn’t up to the task. He plastered one side with trees, alarielle got herself up to +6 to cast and some endless giving +3 to move and charge kinda caught my poor gkotg unaware in the open. Charging 6 flayers with a +3 ferocious hunger into 6 kurnoth and feasting was pretty funny thou...

deadwatch not really worth it imo



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On 9/4/2019 at 1:01 AM, Honk said:

Well, got myself crushed again 😅👍


The reports on FEC OP are exaggerated hysteria.  They got an AOS 2.0 book and that’s it.  People who don’t have that are being cheated by GW and not this book.


On 9/4/2019 at 1:01 AM, Honk said:

deadwatch not really worth it imo

I’ve enjoyed it in multiplayer battles.  Select the right kind of mission and they preform adequately.  Other than that many an hour has been lost trying to fit deathwatch in a competitive list.  Can’t complain about it in the casual narrative lists when both people are pitching underarm.


Aside:  My Delaque Gangers from the 90s are on red bases.  Just red with yellow numbers painted on, nothing fancy.

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2 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

Other than that many an hour has been lost trying to fit deathwatch in a competitive list.  Can’t complain about it in the casual narrative lists

True thing... the third is just too much. 6 flayers too expensive, 3 don’t really achieve things.

but feast day is just great fun

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Hey people I need some help as I am facing FEC for the first time real soon. I am skimming through their tome (never read it before) and I want to know if I read this correct:

An Abhorrent Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist  of the Gristlegore Court will always play first in combar (Savage Strike) and then he can play immediately again (Feeding  Frenzy  + Feast Day)?

Is this interpretation correct?


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I use to play the old Fantasy game, went away for a time and came back recently to 40k but I tried a game of sigmar out at a con and I'd like to start FEC, Is the get started box or the OOP Carrion wars a good purchase or are there models in there I won't be using? Are there any units I should definitely get and any I should definitely avoid? Many thanks!

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11 hours ago, Shadow said:

Are there any units I should definitely get and any I should definitely avoid?

The start collecting box is great and the Carrion Wars gives you the Archregent. If you buy three start collecting boxes you’ll have a brutal bunch of monsters.

Gheists a dragon, 9 knights and 30 ghouls. Trouble is, that you‘ll need to ****** 1 model as courtier, so 8knights with respective courtier(or 7with two) and 29 ghouls with courtier. That is pretty stupid. If you’re skilled with magnets, you can make the arms modular, but I failed terribly at that, especially with the paint job.

flayers or horrors is up to what you prefer.

then you‘ll might want to invest into a varghulf to summon and a box of ghouls and some more knights to play around


about 200 bucks will get you a variable bunch of nastiness, especially for 1k games you’ll have it all...

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I will be playing against some FeC in a few days but I don't know the army very well so I wanted some advice. The list will probably be heavy on crypt horrors with some characters around them (including a terrorgheist).

I think they can bring back (a lot of) dead models but I don't really know how. Are there some tricks to restrict their ability to bring a big blob of horrors back to full? I've only seen the list being played once and they brought back like 5 horrors in a hero phase.

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3 hours ago, spenson said:

Are there some tricks to restrict their ability to bring a big blob of horrors back to full?

Treacherous cur!!! Asking us to unveil our secrets... never!!!

you probably come from the soulstealers fiends, jealous of our true and mighty knights for sure.








hit the heroes, wipe a unit or ignore it (in that round). Horrors next to a king on dragon reroll hits+wounds so make sure to hit them first, instead of being charged by a fully buffed unit.

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On 9/9/2019 at 8:12 PM, spenson said:

I will be playing against some FeC in a few days but I don't know the army very well so I wanted some advice. The list will probably be heavy on crypt horrors with some characters around them (including a terrorgheist).

I think they can bring back (a lot of) dead models but I don't really know how. Are there some tricks to restrict their ability to bring a big blob of horrors back to full? I've only seen the list being played once and they brought back like 5 horrors in a hero phase.

Non-abhorrant heroes revive models, they roll 6 dice and for each roll that beats a target value they bring back 1 model in any corresponding unit within 10"

Crypt Ghast Courtier revives Ghouls on 2+

Crypt Haunter Courtier revives Horrors on 5+

Crypt Infernal Courtier revives Flayers on 5+

Varghulf Courtier revives Flayers and/or Horrors on 5+ and Ghouls on 2+


There is also a battalion that allowes to roll 7 dice on a revive and an artefact that allowes to re-roll all revive dice once per game, there is no way to bring back destroyed unit of Horrors or Flayers.

So you either need to kill the courtiers or kill the unit in one go.

Edited by XReN
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13 hours ago, Shirtripper said:

So I built my terrorgheist kit, and apparently the front left claw rock thing does not fit flush with the other rock formations. What's an easy way to fill the gap between the rock formation and the base?

I used cardboard which got then covered by sand and texture

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Long time no see (again) but I just wanted to stop by and throw a 3-game batrep to you all from the ending Tournament of the League I've been playing in the last few months. This is my final outing with FeC as I sold the army to the last Nurgle player I went up against, but it's been fun. I'll be using that money towards the Ossiarchs most likely so... I'll see you all over there.


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