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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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I just made 10 skullreapers but they’ll do nicely in units of 5.  Shame we can’t bloodstoker three units with one stoker though, he’s got a triple whip!

My next idea for Khorne is triple Daemon princes with two or three mindstealer sphiranxes to AoS the army in striking first   This will help mitigate the MSU effect to some extent   Could be good for Nurgle and Slaanesh and Tzeentch too....but those gods suck  😛

allied plague priest though is good 


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1 hour ago, Charleston said:

Btw, anyone played bloodthirsters in the new edition? In theory they should be even better now, as MONSTER HERO units


In addition we can make our Bloodthirsters Wizzards now with the arcane grimoires in 27.5.2

Yeah, and never look at ourself in the mirror again ...


Bloodthirster are getting up yeah like all monsters and even Skarbrand can be funny versus the new Stormcast hero because he count like having suffered 10 wounds ^^. But we have no clues about the point cost so we don't know if they will be efficient cost wise


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3 hours ago, Charleston said:

Btw, anyone played bloodthirsters in the new edition? In theory they should be even better now, as MONSTER HERO units


In addition we can make our Bloodthirsters Wizzards now with the arcane grimoires in 27.5.2

Not yet as I'm waiting for points and unit sizes to be revealed, but the GHB 2021 battalion that's all Monsters is like tailor-made for Thirsters. Free pre-game move? Yes please!

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7 hours ago, Perturbato said:

Yeah, and never look at ourself in the mirror again ...


Bloodthirster are getting up yeah like all monsters and even Skarbrand can be funny versus the new Stormcast hero because he count like having suffered 10 wounds ^^. But we have no clues about the point cost so we don't know if they will be efficient cost wise


That would be worth putting Skarbrand in the Vanguard Core Battalion!  And have the Thirster near him with the 6" pilein thing (Unfettered Fury?).  

I've got Khorne Mortals, but the daemons are starting to whisper to me now....

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51 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

That would be worth putting Skarbrand in the Vanguard Core Battalion!  And have the Thirster near him with the 6" pilein thing (Unfettered Fury?).  

I've got Khorne Mortals, but the daemons are starting to whisper to me now....

i still have a few mortals to paint but it's planned for me to go on the daemons for colored invocation and build a thirster list (i have skarbrand and two others) and they doesn't look that hard to paint ! (heavy drybrush !


Edited by Perturbato
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Just now, Zamik said:

Skullreapers up by 25 points! Whyyyyyyyy

yeah it's most of my elite troops, meh every other units go up. I think they go up because they know my secret plan : aspiring deathbringer wrathmonger bloodsecrator bomb on skullreaper for many mortal wounds! 

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What i can muster and that is painted


WARLORD (5 drop)  







2000/2000 POINTS

Edited by Perturbato
points errors ^^
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1 hour ago, Perturbato said:

here are the point for us


If you don't want to do the calculations, I did them myself, take a look!


5x Flesh Hounds +5
10x Bloodletters -5
10x Bloodreavers +10
Blood Warriors +10 (New min size of 10)
Aspiring Deathbringer +5
Bloodmaster +10
Bloodsecrator +5
Bloodstoker +5
Exalted Deathbringer +5
Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne +5
Korghos Khul -15
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut -5
Mighty Lord of Khorne -5
Scyla +10
Skarr Bloodwrath +5
Skullgrinder +10
Skullmaster +5
Skulltaker +10
Slaughterpriest +10
Valkia - No change
Insensate Rage Bloodthirster +10
Unfettered Fury Bloodthirster +25
Skarbrand - No change
Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster +10
Bloodcrushers +10
Garrek's Reavers +5
Karanak +10
Khorgorath +10
Mighty Skullcrushers +10
Riptooth and Magore's Fiends +5
Skullreapers +25
Wrathmongers +15
Bleeding Icon +10
Hexgorger Skulls +20
Wrath-Axe +25
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Would need to math out an old list but the loss of Gore Pilgrims and a CP should more or less balance out the increases. I imagine same would apply to those running Tyrants with 3-4 thirsters. 

I just dont know why you would take priests and judgements now that priests are limited to one prayer/turn and judgements can be banished by enemy priests. 195 points for a priest and wraith axe that both only do anything if you roll 5+. Unless the judgements lose their disappear at the end of the round ability I dont see myself taking any. 

Given we are moving to an MSU meta it seems odd that Skullreapers have gone up so much. However I guess in a high armour save meta mortal wounds are more valuable. They also have easy access to a 3+ save and Rally which helps their survivability issues. 

Bloodwarriors at min 10 are a hard pass as well. Coherency issues, less bloodtithe and no rend in a high armour save meta make them pretty useless at 210 points.

The only reason you took Reavers was to screen your hard hitting units. New coherency rules mean they cover far less ground as a screen and so their value has gone down, yet they cop a 10 point increase. 

105 for 5 is amazing value for flesh hounds so they are by far the best battleline option. No coherency issues, good screen, decent movement, can reroll 1's to hit (very rare), built in charge reroll, an unbind/dispel... whats not to like? Looks like every list I write from now on is starting with 3 x 5 flesh hounds. 

Riptooth and Magore's Fiends look good value at 125 as thats 2 easy blood tithe points. Might even justify running a priest with blood sacrifice.... maybe... 

Pleased to see Bloodsecrator only going up 5pts despite his Totem keyword giving even more utility. 

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@Beer & Pretzels Gamer theres a new rule for Coalition Units; essentially units from another battletome that can be part of your faction. So Archaon can still take mark of khorne and join the khorne faction. The only consequence of the new rule is that coalition units cannot be battleline, which means chaos warriors/marauders with mark of khorne will not count as khorne battleline. 

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Just now, Agent of Chaos said:

@Beer & Pretzels Gamer theres a new rule for Coalition Units; essentially units from another battletome that can be part of your faction. So Archaon can still take mark of khorne and join the khorne faction. The only consequence of the new rule is that coalition units cannot be battleline, which means chaos warriors/marauders with mark of khorne will not count as khorne battleline. 

So I could build around him using my favorite Fleshy Puppies of Doom as Battleline and buff him with Khorne units?  Thank goodness… was so grateful to be gifted Archaon but haven’t built him and was worried I wouldn’t get to play him.

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6 minutes ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

So I could build around him using my favorite Fleshy Puppies of Doom as Battleline and buff him with Khorne units?  Thank goodness… was so grateful to be gifted Archaon but haven’t built him and was worried I wouldn’t get to play him.

You are good to go!

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Khorne got out of this better than some other armies by quite a lot.

Thirsters barely got upcosted, Skarbrand even stayed the same.

Msu mighty crushers and skullreapers seem solid. Crushers outscore 5 man cavalry units by default, that's great.

Msu blood warriors are decent filler. Not needing hero around them improves them a lot.

Wrathmongers are great for reinforce points with the reach 2".

There isn't much to spend reinforce otherwise if you don't take marauders or chaos warriors.

Msu knights still good all-around unit.

Bloodletters still bad but nobody expected them to improve.


Since battalions are free the typical compositions seem to be:

2 thirsters, 4 heroes, 3+ units that gives +2 artifacts +1 cp for hero hammer. Those small heroes could be Karkadraks or Demon princes, pretty good.

Skarbrand, 2 heroes, 5 units, optional behemoth or 2 cannons for 1 drop.

3+ thirsters, 2 heroes, 3 units for +1 artifact +1 cp. This one is the new thirster spam.


2 thirster+prince seems like a better setup than 3 thirsters because you get 1 more artifact and prince's ability with CP surplus is pretty damn strong.

Edited by Smooth criminal
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@Smooth criminal Agree with a lot of that except;

You cant run 3 thirsters in the same core battalion. At best you can run 2 in the warlord battalion so if you want to run 3 you will be minimum 6 drops. Not terrible but will be outdropped by most armies.

Thirster's points are reasonable but they lost Tyrants battalion and cant stack command abilities on themselves. Finest Hour doesnt do much when they all wound on 2+ anyway. 3+ save and heal does help them a bit so will be interesting to see where they go. 

Totally disagree on bloodwarriors. Absolute trash in min units of 10 with no rend and coherency stopping half the unit from swinging. One less bloodtithe point at 210 points? Hard pass.

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The main buff thirster got is the ability to protect themselves from shooting by +1 save on command.

The thirsters don't need to be in the same battalion. As I understand only 1 battalion reduces drops and without it you always count the units.

I'd wait on the whole drop count debacle until the meta for that becomes clearer. We can go 1 drop with 1 thirster or 3 drop with 3. But neither option has additional artifacts to protect those. I mainly want a 5+ ward generic artefact for the general thirster.

Oh, also a neat bit. The unbind thirster now can unbind 3 things at +2, that could put a wrench in people's plans.


My opinion about blood warriors is that 10x2 wounds for 200 is the new baseline (see chaos warriors) and they fit that baseline. Of course I won't be taking them in a thirster-based list but some people played mortal lists with 10xwarrior units and those got better with the ability to command themselves.

Coherency reduces them by 30% now, you keep 3 dudes back.

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