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The grand final break down


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"Worth noting that Order and Chaos respectively have a greater selection of warscrolls and allegiances – there are more units and armies to choose from in these grand alliances."

Whilst this is indeed true, it would be really interesting to actually see the spread of different warscrolls used.

"It’s worth noting that whilst no players used the new Death allegiances of Soulblight and Nighthaunt, many discussions were taking place about their viability in the future! With the Handbook being released relatively close to the GT final, it’s hard to paint up an entirely new army in time and get practice games in, so many players were talking of the next GT season as an opportunity to bring Nagash’s minions back for some revenge!"

Will be very interesting to see if this does come to fruition. I suspect not haha!

Overall it's cool to see them post this kind of breakdown. I think the figures themselves are the interesting bit. I'm not sure how useful the commentary is.

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Its a nice breakdown, similar to some that were done on this forum just after the event. 

Still I think it was a little to 'hopeful' for my taste, but that's a given when you consider the source.  I do hope that this type of data is beeing looked at by the rules team, it would be nice to have seen more data from the heats so a better guide of the change can be seen. 

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16 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

Think it needs an edit.

Last I checked 64.04>63.95



There are also only 85 players total in the charts but they said 90 at the top, and the chart about the destruction allegiance split is 5+3+2+2+1=13 ne 12.

edit : and they didn't talk about the 2 legion of azgorh players :D

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7 minutes ago, Uveron said:

I do hope that this type of data is beeing looked at by the rules team, it would be nice to have seen more data from the heats so a better guide of the change can be seen. 

They are way more in tune with Tournaments than ever and seem to take data like this seriously. I definitely look on this sort of thing as a massive positive for the future of the game.

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1 hour ago, flamingwalnut said:

They were talking about average score per player. So, despite Order having an extra 10+ players, Chaos nearly beat them average score. So, Chaos players did better on average than Order players.

Basically, is it saying Order players had a higher standard deviation from the average compared to Chaos, with a greater number of Order players falling below the mean, but with a few people that scored really high?

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Not at the rate they are releasing models for those 2 side alliances.

As a 40k player, it's bad enough to try to keep inventing new ways to justify all this Imperial on Imperial violence. It looks like GW want to drive the AoS truck in that same ditch...

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On 11/12/2017 at 5:11 AM, MOMUS said:

I can't see death and destruction factions ever being as big as order and chaos.

Yeah, I doubt they'll ever get there. Games Workshop would need to put an extraordinary amount of releases into those alliances to 'catch them up'. That ultimately comes down to those alliances being made up of less models to start with, and Games Workshop being more focused on the whole - Order vs Chaos - dynamic.

But, I don't think it's ultimately necessary. I think as long as a Grand Alliance has enough medium sized factions, or at least factions that have some degree of versatility and variety in them, they don't need to be as big.


I think players ultimately wouldn't care as much if for example, Death had 3 factions the size of Tomb Kings rather than 8 factions the size of Deathrattle.

The problem at the moment is that so many factions in the game aren't interesting to play, because they basically have one strategy, one build, and that's it. They just don't have the unit depth to make the factions interesting to play. You don't even need a huge amount of variety now that allies around, Ironjawz are a case in point as they ultimately only have 4 heroes and 3 unit types.

If Games Workshop spend a few months and released 2-3 new warscrolls for each faction in Death/Destruction, ultimately the Grand Alliances would be in a much healthier place. 

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13 hours ago, someone2040 said:

If Games Workshop spend a few months and released 2-3 new warscrolls for each faction in Death/Destruction, ultimately the Grand Alliances would be in a much healthier place. 

I expect that that is what GW want todo when they have the opportunity.

It has been reported that the factory in Nottingham is close to at max capacity with production of current range, and expansions to the facility has slowed down current production rates. Then have a look at what has been released over the last few months?  And what new models do we have on the horizon?   Basically following Death Guard (Whom are still missing a wave of models), we have had only small amounts of new plastics put out, the new stuff is focusing on books, and other products not made in Nottingham. 

So the point i am trying to make, is that we cannot expect GW to be able to fix large imbalances quickly.  Adding 6 new kits to the game is a major undertaking currently. 

That being said,  if they were todo it, you are looking at Alot more than 2-3 warscrolls for death. with several factions needing extra heros, battaline and 'other troups' 

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19 hours ago, someone2040 said:

If Games Workshop spend a few months and released 2-3 new warscrolls for each faction in Death/Destruction, ultimately the Grand Alliances would be in a much healthier place. 

'Healthier place', that's a funny term, what's to say GW doesn't think the current split isn't already healthy or perhaps above their expectations? :)

What I meant by my orginal post was that from a fluff/tonal/gameplay point of view I don't think destruction/death will ever be as appealing as order and chaos and never as integral to the story being driven forward by the game.

Figures/stats are a funny one too, plenty of people pointing at the % saying this means death will get plenty of love soon when actual fact it might mean the opposite. GW might view the core customer base as order/chaos and double down on that, with a few tidbits to keep the other factions happy.

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Yeah, it would mean that back in the days of FB, one quarter of people would have had a Vampire count or a Tomb King army and second quarter an Orc, a goblin or an ogre army.

The split is according to the fluff, wishing the alliances would be even is just that, wishes.

That said, a Grot or a skeleton army would be a nice breath of change. 

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