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What happened to the Forums?


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The forum software needed an update.  This is the new layout as part of that update.  A few things might be broken but i'm trying to fix them at the mo.  Header bar for example and inexplicably disappeared!!


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5 minutes ago, MrCharisma said:

This new layout is a great user experience on mobile. I could never run a search in the old layout due to other buttons overriding the search icon. 

I really like it. 

Actually, I was coming to post that the search button isn't working.

i can hold it down and pop it into a new tab though

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10 minutes ago, Ben said:

The forum software needed an update.  This is the new layout as part of that update.  A few things might be broken but i'm trying to fix them at the mo.  Header bar for example and inexplicably disappeared!!


I see! Is there a way to change some of the font colours? Reason I am asking is because the light grey on orange to indicate the number of replies on "Hot topics" for example is really hard to read now. Just a minor thing I noticed, no biggie of course.


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27 minutes ago, Chillpill said:

I see! Is there a way to change some of the font colours? Reason I am asking is because the light grey on orange to indicate the number of replies on "Hot topics" for example is really hard to read now. Just a minor thing I noticed, no biggie of course.


Yes. This can be changed ones all the major updates are in place. Another day or two of interruptions then all will be good. 

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17 minutes ago, Chillpill said:

Did the update mess with TapaTalk a bit by any chance?

It might have done.  I am working my way down a list of things that need checking/updating.  

TBH, the mobile interface is much better than Tapatalk now.  give it a go. 

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