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Everything posted by flemingmma

  1. There is that, Sigmar is obviously a pig who insists on sexualizing his underlings
  2. mould out the breast plate but not into boob plate, boob plate compromises the function, similarly to muscle plate.
  3. This shouldn't be an issue Chuck some women in, there no reason lore wise why there can't be any, in fact quite a few women floating around in the lore Maybe get rid of or tone down the boobplate because its impractical but if you need it to differentiate the models well there you go. The "sjws" aren't coming to take away the fun. This ridiculous persecution complex in geek culture reeks of people who need to actually experience the real world rather than getting their world view from forums.
  4. male armour and female armour are actually the same, boobplate is a way to get injured
  5. Is it the actual sand or is it the sandy paint?
  6. can't wait to mix these fellows with my chaos marines and blood warriors
  7. Because China is occasionally dystopic.
  8. Chaos cultists could make good fodder for conversions to flagellants
  9. Sylvaneth: either a tree revenant or a spite revenant Kharadron: endrigger or the admiral with the top hat Slaanesh: masque or fiend Flesh eater courts: regent or crypt ghast courtier Seraphon: skink starpriest Gloomspite: new loonboss
  10. Welp i guess my tastes are a bit cheaper than many if the tga Stormcast: the easy to build sequitor prime Cities of sigmar: Greatsword Slaves to darkness: lord of chaos on foot Skaven: grey seer or the leader of the shadespire warband Nurgle: Lord of plagues Khorne: any of the shadespire reavers Beasts of chaos: beastigor or tzaangor enlightened Tzeentch: gaunt summoner Orcs: megaboss or savage big boss Nighthaunt: either the cairnwraith or knight of shrouds Death rattle: wight king
  11. Word bearese with iconography of all the gods, so our mate in front has a khornate axe, a plague marine bolter and the marks of slaanesh and tzeentch on his armour
  12. Conversions are your friend I was an unemployed ****** subsisting on governmental study allowance when i started and using the easy to build kits i made a bunch of different heroes to start my various skirmish forces. This did however lead to my current situation where i have multiple skirmish to 500pt warbands but no actual playable armies A couple of examples are below
  13. I did get 1 aos guy done, although he'll be used for d&d And chaos two more spess mehrines
  14. Night shift productivity helped me reach my goal of 1 model
  15. The thing is, there's only one anvil at least according to josh reynolds, so getting reforged can take a long time if the smiths or sigmar don't think you're a priority
  16. An action game in the vein of dark souls would work as a stormcast, perpetual war always zapping back to beat yourself against the brick wall of chaos until something gives
  17. I agree with the above, if its a big ol monster say a great unclean one or some such feel free to assemble the whole thing just be aware some bits will be hard to reach, if its a catapult or such like assemble the war machine but keep the crew separate
  18. If its anything like the arrival of nightvault there might be a new set of universal cards to bring the old warbands up to snuff. Might not though.
  19. flemingmma

    Fighty Nurgle

    Nurgle need a new book
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