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Everything posted by Kamose

  1. I enjoyed 1st edition as well! And speaking of unpopular opinions... ...until Path to Glory came out, Open Play and the Open War cards and army generator were the best way to play! 😤
  2. And with the final three archers painted, the good people of the Free City of Hogsface are complete; led by Usidore the Blue on their quest to defeat the Dark Lord!
  3. Since finishing up my Seraphon I've been working on my Free City of Hogsface. Today I finished Gormpelious the Orange wizard of Foon and his griffon Manfred von Karma. With them finished I have but three archers left until I have finished the entire army. So close! He also brought a bear. I don't know the bear's name, she never told me.
  4. So PtG isn't a campaign system that you can win. It's a system for growing your army and developing your units over time based on the games they play. It's similar to Crusade in 40k and the way Crusade works is GW releases campaign setting in books or White Dwarf that your Crusade army can fight in. Those campaign settings may have win conditions or your gaming group could decide for themselves. So PtG is all about your army's growth and the campaign books are all about the war they are fighting.
  5. So far I've played about half a dozen PtG games and a few sneaky not-PtG-but-I-still-leveled-up-my-army games 😉, at least one each with Seraphon and Beasts of Chaos and several with my Free Cities. Overall I've really enjoyed all of my games. Some observations: Having played a lot of Crusade in 40k, I have to make the comparison. While I enjoy both systems, I feel like Crusade is definitely more fleshed out in the Core Rules. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. For example, in Crusade, there's a lot more unit customization that occurs and that is narratively awesome! In PtG it seems like there are fewer changes to your army after each battle but a lot of changes in your kingdom (stronghold, barracks, territories, etc.). This makes army progression seem slower and less meaningful in PtG. Its good though because its fewer extra rules I have to completely forget about mid-game. It also give your army a place in an evolving world which is definitely something missing from Crusade. On a related note... This is definitely my biggest disappointment from PtG. Its such a bizarre design decision that I almost wonder if they forgot or ran out of ideas. I mean the entire concept of PtG is that my Warlord is tooling around with their best army, gettin' famous, finding cool treasure, growing on a deep, personal level, and evolving as a highly complex individual or something like that. All the previous iterations of PtG focused heavily on this concept (sometimes too much imo). Now its completely removed from the game. The Warlord is the Warlord and this as good as he/she/it's gonna get. They will never change. I sincerely hope they add reasons for your Warlord to gain renown in future PtG packs and to be fair I'm sure they will or else why have them be able to gain renown in the first place. I usually try to start small with these kinda campaign system but I think beginning at Warlord size (800pt+) games is best. When I started at Vanguard I found that my casualties added up so quickly that I started every game with half of each unit or more out as casualties. The game was impossible to win and I could never get enough GP to fix up my soldiers. I actually had to restart my Free Cities army for this reason. So starting over at 800pts let me put a little redundancy in the army so I could afford to keep a unit out of a battle and let them recuperate. I've also learned the value of retreating from a battle to prevent casualties. That's a very important rule and narratively I love it! As for the battleplans I've been rolling randomly so I've only played the first four. Of those four I really enjoyed Sudden Assault and The Ritual. In Sudden Assault, even though my army was losing each fight I was able to keep in the game with careful positioning and retreating from combat to keep my models holding table quarters even in the face of superior troops (Lumineth!!😤) The Ritual just has a nice back and forth to it since its usually not worth it for your opponent to throw everything they have at the main ritual site objective. So they send units after the two other objectives and the player performing the ritual can choose how to react or not. I think the Watchtower could be a fun mission but the one time I played it I was blown off the table in 2 turns by Ironjawz. Turns out Freeguild Guard are no match for 'Ard Boyz in combat! I had the same problem when I played the The Trap. The mission looks interesting and I love asymmetrical deployment but if you don't kill at least one unit by turn 2 you cannot win (as the Ambusher). In my game I failed kill that unit by a single model and that decided it. It was frustrating and made playing the rest of the battle kinda pointless. After turn two it was just waiting around until I could retreat my army to prevent casualties. Right now I'm just waiting for the first Battlepack, whatever that might be. Hopefully they add rules for upgrading your Warlord and I really wanna find out what outposts are! I don't why I've fixated on outposts but I just wanna have an outpost! Give me outposts!
  6. I love dragons and I'd love to see more of them in AoS. I'm interested to see what modern GW's sculptors can do! To be brutally honest, when I first started Warhammer I choose 40k over Fantasy because those old metal fantasy dragons were (imo) really bad. I just don't enjoy the 'earthworm with huge feet and an even bigger head with teeth so large it can't close its mouth so let's make screaming, tongue-flapping monsters a thing for the next 4 decades' aesthetic. Of course they can make some awesome models now and I'm a fan of the Magmadroth and Stardrake (they can even close their mouths). Spoilers for the last Broken Realms short story: Skink Starseer: "Hey skink! Look what we did!" Skink: "OMG you hatched a bunch of dragons! We get to fight with dragons now?!" Starseer: "No!" Skink: "What?! Why?" Starseer: "There's another little boy out there who needs them even more. And his name is Sigmar." 'cue Mickey Rooney musical number about painting fences or something'
  7. 7 pages. That's how long this "discussion" has gone on. 7 pages, a full 8% of this thread, and 3 days of endlessly going on and on about this nonrule. Truly the spirt of Warseer of old lives on this thread. 😖 Here's my advice for everybody: 1. Paint your army however you like and make conversions to your heart's content. An FAQ is very specifically not an ironclad rule but a clarification just in case the word "discouraged" didn't give that away. No one has to follow this "rule" and, like many of you have said nobody ever will. 2. Answer any questions that your opponent may have, particularly if there are obvious points of confusions such as proxy models or subfaction rules that do not match your paint scheme. This is common courtesy and a reasonable expectation in all social activities. It is your obligation to ensure that your opponent knows exactly what rules you are using. 3. If you encounter the one person on Earth who will actually try to use this FAQ to bully you during a game then stop playing immediately and make it clear that you will not play with them again. This is a hard pill for some people to swallow but you are responsible for the health of your gaming community. Our game is one that requires real life social interaction between actual people and in that situation it is everyone's responsibility to support and nurture their gaming community. Part of that is not tolerating disrespect and bullying, actively calling it out, and, if necessary, removing offending individuals from the community. 4. Please discuss some actual rules in the "AoS3 New Rules Discussion" thread. I know this seems like a big deal to some of you but I promise you are just working yourself into a lather over a nonissue that everyone will ignore. To end on a positive note, if this really is all anyone can talk about then I guess the rest of the rules and FAQ's must be pretty tight! Maybe this is the best ruleset ever! 👍
  8. This. I play 40k as well as Sigmar and apart from a single Matched Play tournament and some learning Open Play games, every one of my 40k games in 9th have been Crusade games. Crusade is excellent and the best way to play 40k. I expect Path to Glory to be similar and I'ma play the hell out of it! 👍
  9. But that's not all because with the completion of Lord Kroak, I have now completed my Seraphon army! Family photo time!
  10. Its been a while since I last posted here but today is a red letter day! After two weeks or so, I've finished painting Lord Kroak! As is tradition, that mummified frog on the top isn't the real Lord Kroak but simply a decoy. The real Lord Kroak is hiding elsewhere on the floaty chair... There he is with his jaunty little wizard hat!
  11. So it seems that the new AoS app with army builder will launch shortly after 3rd ed. is released and for free, at least for about a month. "Beta version" are words I've learned to fear so I hope there's a method for providing feedback and that they take the feedback seriously. Battlescribe works well for 40k but no one seems to care to create a decent datafile for AoS so if the new app sucks like a shop vac, I really will go back to pencil and paper. Goodbye old AoS app, you will be missed! 😢
  12. I feeling cautiously excited about this fancy new Warhams+ all the kids are talking about. As mojojojo 101 said the price honestly isn't that bad. Its lower than I would've expected for the content we're gonna get and low enough that I'll prolly pay for at least a month to check it out. The animations have potential. I'm concerned they'll be Saturday-morning-cartoon levels of depth and maturity and I'll lose interest pretty quickly. The animation quality seems...diverse 😐. Some are quite good, some look like video game cut scenes from 15 years ago. If that was all that was offered there's no way they'd get my money however... The painting videos, Loremaster, and battle reports I do find intriguing. I've found GW's painting videos and the Citadel Paint App to be some of the best content they've released so I have high hopes for this. Their video about painting the Lord of Change was a lifesaver when I went to paint my friend's Kairos model. I'm also one of those guys that enjoys 2+ Tough's lore videos and I'm always up for more lore! I also love a good battle report and I particularly like that they'll post Matched AND Narrative battle reports. Here's to hoping for a Crusade and a Path to Glory campaign. I've never had a subscription to White Dwarf but I do buy them individually on occasion so the offering back issues will make for some interesting reading. On a related note, what's this all about? I must have missed something and I do hate missing out on "fiascos". Now for my biggest fear and greatest hope, the apps. Since the AoS app launched, I've paid the couple of bucks a month for Azyr, purchased my battletomes through the app and I have no regrets. Its a wonderfully useful little app and I love it. The 40k app...exists. Barely. I've tried a couple of times to use the app since it was launched. Its one of the worst apps I've ever heard of, let alone used. The apps are really the primary reason why I would pay the service, everything else is just gravy. The 40k app fiasco (fi-app-sco 😁) concerns me. The existence of the AoS app gives me hope. In the end I'ma prolly wait a week after launch and see how everything shakes out. If the apps are good, I might even pay for a yearly subscription. If the apps suck and my beloved AoS app disappears, I'ma burn ALL my armies in mourning. Or maybe just make lists on paper like I used to.
  13. Too right! I know they're upset that their book is undeniably weaker but it's like listening to a rich guy complaining to a poor orphan that their fridge no longer dispenses fine liquor. "Just ice cubes and water now, can you believe it, chap?" "I'm so thirsty, sir. Could I have but a single ice cube?" "No. But chin up! Those little goatmen you have can reroll charges from ambush, ole boy! Pip, pip, cheerio" 'rich people noises'
  14. As of right now I don't think anyone knows what the deal is with bound endless spells. I expect we'll find out in the day 1 FAQ. I use endless spells pretty regularly so I'm keen to know. My wild speculation is that we'll be able to control endless spells any where on the board not only to 30". Maybe even the Slann can control any endless spell (friendly or enemy) whether or not he cast it at any distance. Masters of magic and all that! 🐸
  15. Oh don't get me wrong, I think the rerolling charges from ambush is definitely a good change. In fact rerolling charges would've made a huge difference in the game I mentioned in my previous post. Specifically I ambushed two units of Gors and a Beastlord and only one of them successfully charged (Hint: it wasn't the Gors). I just wish Gors had something to do with all that speed. They can go anywhere they like but have nothing to do once they get there unless there's an undefended objective just hanging out by itself. The axe & shield Gors are reasonably durable but the twin axe Gors just don't have any staying power even in a 30-Gor block. Between their weak defense and Battleshock, even a pretty average melee unit can wipeout 30 axe Gors in a couple rounds of combat and take almost no damage in return. Watching Tzaangors wipe out 3 times their number of Gors in one round of combat makes me sad. ☹️
  16. Overall I'm happy enough with the changes. I was playing a game today in fact where the changes to the Beastlord and Gors would've been quite useful. Rerolling charges out of ambush ought to just apply to all Brayherd units frankly or at least all Gor and Bestigor units. It doesn't address the problem that Gor have functionally 0 damage output but we'll prolly have to wait for a new book before that's addressed. I like that the Beastlord doesn't need to pay anything for his ability. Its still not great but at least its free. Why do the Beastlord's rules imply that once the fighting starts he just wants to suicide-berzerker himself into the most hopelessly outmatched fight he can find? I get the idea that he wants to fight enemy leaders but he's just not good at it. He'd struggle mightily to kill a Battlemage in a turn let alone a Stardrake or Carnosaur! As for the Jabberslythe's new rules, I like 'em! Its a big ugly water balloon full of acid blood you throw at whatever needs some mortal wounds on it. Now the number of mortal wounds is limited by the enemy unit's attack characteristic (+1). It makes me want to summon a Jabber and send it into the nearest Saurus Knight block churning out 80+ attacks! That's the big difference now; before you wanted to throw the Jabber into something that would easily wound it so it would bleed on them. Now you wanna send it into a unit with high numbers of attacks so they hurt themselves and then you bleed on them. I'm keen to give it a try! These are interesting changes and I'll enjoy trying them out but we really do need a book rewrite. Battletome: Conditional Clause is just hopelessly outmatched right now. 🐐 PS: What do you all mean by saying that the Jabberslythe is a pure suicide unit "NOW"? What exactly were you doing with them before (other than not ever using them)? It doesn't do anything else. For a Jabberslythe, existence is pain. It's the Mr. Meseeks of Warhammer.
  17. This. Everything about this. I'll agree that the Ghorgon is alright but those Bullgor models are some of the worst GW have ever made imo. They're so bizarrely and grotesquely bloated and ugly I'd almost think they were going for some kind of 'warped and twisted chaos monstrosity' vibe. But I think the truth is that they're just ugly and poorly sculpted. However give us new Bullgors and a new shaggoth and I might just expand beyond Brayherd! Dragon Ogors in particular are sweet!
  18. There's definitely limits to the granularity that a D6 system can achieve with dice rolls. In the past 40k and Sigmar have sometimes tried to overcome this by increasing the number of dice rolls. If your Stormcast Eternal has a 4+, then it dies half the time, not very heroic right? So what if we let it ignore wounds on a 4+; now it only dies 25% of the time! And if its a HERO with a bodyguard rule to pass off wounds on a 4+, it only suffers wounds 12.5% of the time! Woot except you've just required 3x as much dice rolling all at once. It becomes unwieldy especially when dealing with dozens of dice rolls at the same time. I really appreciate how the design team is trying other approaches to represent characteristics like toughness without adding dice rolls for example Seraphon's -1D scaly skin rule. Spreading out dice rolls to other phases helps as well. With that in mind, I think that fixing our units, Gors especially, cannot be just matter of fixing their statline. The number of attacks Gors need to over their base size handicap would be ridiculous. They should definitely have more attacks (2 minimum up to three or four with buffs) but I'd like them to really emphasize the overwhelming berserker style of combat we have. Beasts should hit like a literal stampede but if the enemy doesn't break and we get stuck in a prolonged combat then we lose. So why not add impact hits to our charge phase as an army wide rule? I would like to see automatic wounds (not mortal wounds) based on the number of enemy models within a 1/2" of a Beasts model that charged this turn. If one gor hit two models then it causes two wounds. Automatic wounds seems fair because the enemy still gets a save so its most effective against the light to medium infantry Gors should target and they are just big sheep-dudes not literal tons of muscle like Bullgors. Let Bullgors, Dragon Ogors, and monsters deal mortal wounds on the charge. Impact hits is thematic, has room for scaling based on model size and role, and increases our damage potential while spreading out the dice rolls. However, in my made-up Battletome, Ungors do not get this rule. They are small, weak, and have no horns to speak of. They are chaff and exist to die and certainly not to compete with Gors for damage output in any way. That's just my two cents. 🐐
  19. This my hope as well. I'm a Brayherd goat through and through but I'd love to see some new Bullgors and a new Doombull. Just my opinion but those are some of the ugliest models they've ever made. A new shaggoth model might even get me to expand into Thunderscorn! But it's just a dream since, as we all know, Beasts, Skaven,and Khorne weren't in Broken Realms and they're getting discontinued. 😉 Oh, also new centigor models please, with lore that states that they are actually Kragnos' lost, corrupted people.
  20. Mine are blue sheep actually. As for Kragnos, I think he looks awesome and I'm happy for the Destruction people. They've been on the back-burner almost since AoS was released. They had a bit of bump with Ironjawz and the new Gloomspite but they've never been central to the lore until now. As for our Centigors, well, I think its obvious. Kragnos is the last of his people, right? That's what he said. All the rest are dead...or corrupted by Chaos perhaps? I think centigors are the last twisted remnants of Kragnos people and he's more than welcome to come and try and take them back if he can! 🪓🐐🛡️
  21. I know I'm excited for my Beasts of Chaos! In the video at the bottom, Jes Bickman mentions that "every faction is gonna get their moment in the sun" in Broken Realms. BoC hasn't featured much yet so surely, as Jes promised, they will get some major updates in Kragnos. Surely they will. He's waiting GW. He's waiting.
  22. When Broken Realms: Kragnos drops and Gors get a surprise warscroll rewrite I'll be sitting pretty!
  23. I'm painting up some Gors right now in anticipation of the "You're one those people that actually bought lots of Gors after the last Beasts of Chaos book was released, thank you!" Secondary Objective, score 15 points. Just an automatic 15pt crutch for running Gors! 🐐
  24. Definitely! I love that new Kroak and I'ma grab him as soon as I can. Hopefully it will be easy enough to swap out Lord Kroak for my little Slann for casual games. The bigger and more ostentatious little Cueyatl's floating chair is, the more it amuses me! 😁
  25. Now that I'm back at my computer I can post a few more pics! 😊 Here are some of my big dinos! Also my Realmshaper Engine with custom Starpriest made from the Anvil of Apotheosis.
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