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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I think I know what my next Dracoth conversion project will be now! Need another couple Concussors to run with my 2 giant armored werewolf versions. (my 2 old dogs got reforged in Azyr).
  2. Yeah, Screamers flurry across the battlefield. I have yet to see anyone use them since my very first AoS game vs Tzeentch Daemons in AoS 1.0 (not 0.0). They killed my Ghorgon.
  3. So do we think rather than Beasts of Chaos, Kragnos might be like a god of beasts then? And maybe, MAYBE, we'll have an army with were-wolves and were-bears, etc? I mean, I already have an army of were-cows and were-goats.
  4. I was gonna say Screamers of Tzeentch, but I guess they don't really scurry 😛
  5. Just read someone saying there's a rumor that AoS 3.0 will get rid of battalions. Anyone else read this anywhere? And do we think that's credible? That would ****** my Beasts of Khorne over pretty bad. Can't think they'd do that though, battalions make things interesting, and they cost points so can't be abused nearly like old Formations in 40k.
  6. While Kroak is appealing, I'm liking the looks of that Lord of the 7th wind fox from Lumineth. Seems like the best hero sniper possible.
  7. I have that big skull base to the old MageWrath Throne; is that an appropriate size to use as my Beasts of Khorne Altar of Skulls? I was thinking of putting a flat plate on top and just a massive pile of skulls and trophies, etc. But looking at pictures, the Altar does seem to have sort of a smallish footprint. Building a couple Spawn based Slaughterpriests, and those need an Altar!
  8. It's always both exciting and anxious for a new rules release. Will our stuff get nerfed? Will it need extra models to function well? Will all behemoths score objectives as 10 models? My Stonehorns would be peeved, but my Stardrake would be pleased.
  9. You're welcome! I like the Blue Scribes to auto-cast let's say, the Bridge of Screams (or whatever that big skeleton bridge spell is). That or the Boatman. Then a whole wad of Fireglaives could teleport and unload in someone's face for the price of 1 Fireglaive. Scribes are also good if you wanted to wizardry besides and took another couple Tzeentch Heralds (1 foot, 1 on disc). His CA allows Tzeentch wizards to reroll casting rolls within the CA range. The Heralds can dish out some MW like that.
  10. If you don't want to kitbash a Skullcracker or two (I recommend an Ironblaster kit to start, but instead of a cannon add some maulerfiend arms with big blades or hammers on the hands attached to wheels like they're mechanically activated...you can always use them as Chaos Chariots too), then allies and maybe a CP makes great sense. Contorted Epitome used to be good, not sure what its rules are now if they're limited to Slaanesh. I actually favor Gutrot Spume with 5 Blightkings for the outflank and tanky disruption they provide. 2 Slaughterpriests and 2 Plague Priests can end up tossing out tons of MW which aren't missile attacks and can't be unbound. Blue Scribes is a good one if you want to get an Endless Spell off, maybe add some Screamers for extra fast objective grabbers. Guess I'd tailor your allies (if not 2 Skullcrackers) to what you see yourself wanting to do in the future. Your Azgorh force can be a good Cities of Sigmar force. Draz=Griffon General, Magma Cannons=SteamTank if you add a rifle or two, Fireglaives=Irondrakes, K'daai=Kurnoth Hunters?
  11. I think against certain armies a bunch of Magma Cannons and Fireglaives with some Skullcrackers could compete. Unless LoA is already resided to being a Legends army? If perhaps GW makes a united Duardin battletome someday, on par with Skaven, I could almost see a subfaction being Chaos Duardin. But they don't like to mix Grand Alliances I guess, like that even means anything in light of recent lore. A better solution perhaps would be Forges of Chaos or something, then they could do some extra goodness like Black Orks, hobgoblins, throw some Soul Grinders and other things like that in there. Stuff that clearly helps out Slaves to Darkness but was not included (actually not sure if Soul Grinder is in StD...).
  12. I'm wondering if Kroak will be getting a points hike with that new model? Seems like a popular ally for the Starcast. But I fought the Beasts of Chaos with my: Mission was Starstrike (the one where the objectives crash down turns 2 and 3. Stardrake at 4 Bullgors over 3 turns, and the Beasts just couldn't hit very well. Summoned Gors captured the 2nd objective as they were teleported courtesy of Darkwalkers, but couldn't hold it vs Concussors and the Lord Arcanum. The Palladors went Doombull hunting but ended being lunch for a unit of Bullgors and the Doombull. Pretty relaxed non-tournamenty game but a good test drive. Had another game with 4 Fulminators, instead of the Palladors, vs a Gloomspite Gitz army with 2x6 Rockgut Troggoths, 60 Grots, 15 Boingrot Bounderz and Troggboss. Knife to the Heart. Once again the Stardrake got constipated and ate 4 Rockguts! I was dum and didn't deepstrike anything into his backfield, thinking the Fulminators combined with Heraldor could storm through the lines to the backfield objective. But the Gitz held the line with Itchy Nuisance, excellent Boing-smash, and Hand of Gorking Troggoths against whom no Liberator can stand. So it was an auto-loss after turn1/round 3. Great game though.
  13. I have had good results with my Beasts of Khorne using 2 Mindstealer Sphiraxes as allies. Pretty good odds of letting Khorne strike first against 2 enemy units, but you have to get them into range (12" hero phase effect). That's the tricky part, but the cats with a run can usually get into cover and effective range for a turn 2 strike, and they are low target priority generally speaking, and with 10 wounds tough to remove with a dedicated attempt. My Khorne recommendation for the day
  14. The Mightier Makes Rightier is just one of the best army traits ever, the Ogors twin trait is why I made that army too (though if the Sons had come out like three months earlier I would have just made them instead to start). Walking over some stuff seems fun too.
  15. Hmmm, Darkfire Daemonrift you say? Gonna have to research that one....
  16. Except Warp Lightning Cannons and Magma Cannons. I mean, those are like phasers and photon torpedoes compared to Aelvish arrows. MW forever! Even though I voted no because they should be less prevalent, and we need more rend -3 and 4 stuff instead.
  17. I played a 2K point game vs my friend's Gloomspite last Friday. Knife to the Heart. I'm a Stormcast noob and forgot to keep some guys in reserve to drop in behind his lines, though he probably would have just kept some Troggoths back to clobber them. I tried to smash through with a Heraldor prodding 4 Fulminators but they kept suffering from an Itching Nuisance :P This Living City idea is really neat. Would be a good reason to get a Phoenix model too, but then I'll probably need some feeble humans. Otherwise I think the Heraldo letting the Fulminators run and/or retreat and charge is solid. Just gotta be choosy with targets. That said, my Evocators on Dracolines x3 got whacked hard and easily by Boingrot Bounderz. No MW save really stinks. Chaos Warriors have shields to deal with that, wish our shields did that too! That might be neat change to Stormcast, let subfactions sort of be distinct with their armor, seeing as how their armor is the most deluxe in the Mortal Realms. Guess Evos don't have shield like that though anyways. I haven't rolled a 6 to hit for my 2 Concussors in 3 games now. Guess I need another 2. Fishing for 6s isn't a great plan with small count eliteness.
  18. Oh yeah, Skarbrand, forgot about him 😮
  19. It does seem tough to fight an army with an everybody strikes first trick like the Khorne Tyrants battalion (or at least one of their subfactions can do that). Guess it depends on the mission too. If there were objectives to score without having to move up soon, the Sons could hurl some boulders and get rid of a Thirster maybe (especially if the army had the BossyPants hatred). Hard to master indeed. I've seen many comments on a game group about Kairos+Archaon+Tzeentch tome= win win win. Not sure how the Sons would cope with that much wizardry and stuff, but at least we can't auto die to Archaon's sword!
  20. Yeah I think either Stonehorn, Thundertusk, or even Ironblaster tusks/horns would work for the mighty head, which I would also make the rock-thrower (like spitting balls of magma). I got ahold of some Maulerfiend arms, those should be big enough. And also a Soul Grinder chassis (using the legs for my Cygor exo-suit Megagargant). Saw an old He-Man Stridor....those legs might work, or at least the hooves. Can't justify getting an Exalted Bloodthirster just to mold the cool hooves
  21. But during those two rounds isn't the MegaG scoring the objective over the Blightkings? That's the special sauce. I've not yet finished my SoB army construction but really really really wanting to field them! Skaven Mega is nearly done building, Mancrushers are ready to paint. Guess that's a 1000 points! Had to order a Soul Grinder kit to do my Mega-Mecha Cygor; still not real sure how my Chaos Dwarf Clockwork Mega will be. That's the tough one. I'm going with the Breaker Tribe, 2 Gatebreakers, 1 Kraken Eater, and 1 unit of 3 Mancrushers. Probably Portcullis, and extremely bitter with bossypants and the icon-haters one. Though ShinyUns might pay off too sometimes.
  22. I see the Verminlord Corruptor in these army lists. What's the deal with the Chaos Ascendant armies, they can have any daemons in them? K'Daii Fireborn are daemons. Or do they have to have a Chaos Mark of some sort for this army?
  23. I'd agree the fastest simplest most aggressive army would be the 2 Frostlords on Stonehorns and 4 Stonehorn Beastriders. Very little thinking and always a smash fest! A Sons of Behemat army with 2 Gatebreakers and 1 Kraken Eater and a unit of 3 Mancrushers would be similar. If you want to be civilized about it, I recommend the Hammerhalian Lancers in a Hammerhal Cities of Sigmar army! They're actually really solid and aggressive, probably toss in a Hurricanum and Luminark. Of course they won't score objectives like the Ogors or Gargants.
  24. Hmmm, I am unfamiliar in the ways of Grandfather Nurgle (much more acquainted with the ways of Khorne and Tzeentch to a lesser extent). Didn't realize they get a 5++. Gonna have to study up before my next tournament in July. I think with sufficient bluffs however we can intimidate people into making huge blunders! I have no evidence, or ideas about how, but seems plausible with psychology we can gain an advantage when needed.
  25. Do the Blightkings get a blanket -1 to hit them or is that just in melee? Either way I'd be chucking rocks at the heroes for sure. Massed hurling of debris should be able to snipe at least 1 hero per turn, maybe, I hope?! -1 to hit is a pain no matter what. I've experienced a bubble intersection of -3 vs Gloomspite and some sort of Death army. That sucked. Still I think the big boyz should be able to hold out at least 2 turns owning objectives vs Nurgle. They just don't put out the hurt too much from what I hear, can just take it cuz Nurgle.
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