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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. What about an all Undivided army? Because Chaos Dwarves don't worship the main 4 gods. Only the best god, besides the Horned Rat: the Horned Father of Darkness.
  2. Some units with high MW output are costly in points, or blow themselves up (see Skaven), or are easily killed. But plenty have none of those drawbacks. There's probably some sort of algorith used to determine points cost, but I wonder how well it's designed, or if it has loopholes for aelves (seems like GW loves aelves). I wholeheartedly agree any unit doing MW on hits of whatever, should be doing it on wound rolls of whatever instead. Except my Warp Lightning Cannons.
  3. Besides Stormcast, it's weird that trees would ally with dwarves who obsessively use fire and axes.
  4. Wow 2/3 StD on the podium! The whole wave of that 2nd StD army is something I haven't really explored, but deepstriking Corvus Cabal sure could come in handy; I like those guys, and then Untamed Beasts seem decent for pregame moves too. Cabalists seem to be having good success with getting important spells off, so that's encouragin. Wasn't sure if Archaon is all that, but I guess with Varanguard he can make the most of himself and them. I just need an extra $300 and then I could run it 🤑
  5. I actually am selling my Mirebrute and Marshcrawla because they're not as fun looking as the Rockguts and Fellwaters. Decided I'd much rather kitbash my own Marshcrawla now from random extra Gitz bitz and whatever else I can have in the bags o bitz. But to each their own.
  6. Thinking that 2 Troggbosses are actually better than 1 boss and 1 Dankhold. That lets one take the skullspeaker fetish and the other can take a glowy howzit. Then if 1 bites it at least the other is still around to issue the fancy bonus AoA. Then I'm wondering what to do with my spare 150 points; a Gobbapalooza? Here's my collection: Dankboss Dankboss 2 Fungoid Shaman Skragrott 2x6 Rockguts 2x3 Fellwaters Marshcrawla. I still like the idea of some allied Brutes. They're killy and can deny objectives to 1 wound models, so at least I'd be okay. But Gobbapalooza can do some fun things, and are actually a bit more durable than I expected.
  7. Got my ninjas primed today. Next game is this: Idea being to get in their faces and/or on objectives quickly from the start. I got all the Night Runners real cheap so figured I give them a try. Pregame moves helped during my vacation in Bonesplitterz country....the Gutter Runners deepstrike and hopefully can get into a winnable combat with the free charge reroll from the theoretical Triumph. Deceiver does what he does, and maybe get some extra plink-plinks in with the run n shoot from all the Night Runners and Acolytes; meanwhile the Doomwheel HOPEFULLY gets to Levitate and go twice a good 4D6" roll causing mayhem even before shooting, and then the other one helps it out with more-more warp bolts...and not die. Vermintide as a medicore speedbump somewhere that isn't near me.
  8. Gearing up to assemble my StD army. Anyone running Archaon at all? Does he require a massive specific entourage to be worth it.... or is his prowess and warscroll able to stand on its own letting the rest of the army be how it wants to be? In the works I have: 10 Chosen 2 foot Sorcerers/ 1 Manticore Sorcerer Manticore Lord/ Daemonic Mount Lord 5 Knights 20 Warriors 4 Chariots (or could be Gorebeast Chariots, they're heavily converted warmachines pushed by centaur-ogors) 4 Mutaliths 10 Chaos Spawn (which are really just for Mutalith effects) and Archaon Seems like the Cabalists are my favorite to help get spells off, though I'm also tempted by Despoilers. Only endless spell I have currently is the Quicksilver Swords.
  9. I took a look at the Marshcrawla, and it has an 18" bubble, that's gigantic! I wonder if I could stash mine behind the Loonshrine to keep it safe. Too bad it can't garrison it...
  10. I can't think of anyone in real life who has ever claimed that 2 of the dice being the same number within a 4D6 roll to not be a double. I get the argument that the 'double' is described as a 2D6 roll in the book; HOWEVER, I view it and believe an equally viable argument is that any 2D6 within the 4D6 is the double, or any 2D6 within a group of multiple D6s that are the same number, is a double. But if people want to go for it and try to get a favorable ruling, heck yeah, go for it! The Doomwheel though is very clear IMHO. If it gets Levitate cast on it (which never went off successfully when I tried it so far 😛 ) then it could pass over any unit it wants cuz it could Fly, and still do MW on a 2+ to each of those units. If it doesn't get Levitate then it could only pass over models of 3 wounds or less, meaning it probably couldn't do squat vs Ogors except when shooting, charging, and piling in.
  11. I vote for #2! The Gobbapalooza had a good write-up on PlasticCraic. I'm gonna look for a box next time I'm at the FLGS (hopefully tomorrow).
  12. I mean, with the WLC, all the undmodified 1s, even though they still do MW to the enemy, will cause the WLC to suffer D3 MW per 1....always worth it though!
  13. So nice when the app gets updated and useable! I'm strongly forseeing the Marshcrawla to lose the benefit it has for all friendly units, and being FAQd to only work on Orruk Warclans (similar to what happened with Blade of Khorne units no longer benefitting StD units). Anybody else feel that impending vibe? I like the Mirebrute too, but mainly cuz he looks cool and is also a Troggoth. GW seems to be aiming for less allies in general. For usefulness with Troggoths, almost seems like just Orruk Brutes would be good allies to deny objectives to 1 wound models (and general crumpin'). Coupled w Drenched in Vomit, that could be nasty.
  14. I think you have a sound plan-scheme there, and I agree another Grey Seer would be very good to have...And I might recommend a Warlock Engineer for the Warp-spark action on the Stormfiends, though another 20 Clanrats wouldn't hurt either. @Skreech VerminkingI totally want to try the Plague Censers with the Deathmaster. I feel it would be good to have with a 1 or 2 drop army so they could get into either safe or ready to strike position early on since they'll be a juicy target....which means one would need a few other things to throw into the enemy's face right off the bat. So perhaps something like: Verminlord Deceiver (Flaming Weapon spell)-Hopefully Dreaded Skitterleaping Deathmaster (Shadow Magnet Trinket) Arch Warlock (Tunnel Master enhancement so we don't need a 2nd artefact) 3 Plague Priests (try to get the big Plagues off) 15 Gutter Runners- deepstrike threat 15 Plague Censer Bearers-to hide the Deathmaster and receive prayers from the Plague Priests 20 Clanrats-for tunneling and hiding weapon teams Warp Grinder-for the Clanrats 2 Ratling Guns-hide in the Clanrats Vemintide-cuz it's annoying 2000 on the dot. Will it be able to hang in there? Probably not. The Ratling Guns could be traded for Warpfire Throwers and get rid of Vermintide. These days that might actually pay off only because to run with Galletian Champs ppl usually want to run some littler models in bigger groups to get the Bodyguard thing going. OR I'd trade them out for Acolytes, but the lack of reinforcment points makes them have to be MSU (we're not Daughters of Khaine afterall 🙄 ).
  15. All I remember from the Goonhammer review is I can make almost an entire army of Spawn, Cockatrices, Chimeras, and toss in a couple allied Mutaliths; WOOT!
  16. I will most likely be taking Skraggrott in every list with my Troggs; the Goonhammer review made him sound really really good, a walking Bad Moon. But they didn't mention the Fungoid Cave Shaman at all....is that not gonna be in the tome?! That would suck cuz I bought 2.
  17. BOOOOOOOO!!!!! Seraphon will NERFED, at least a little bit. On the other claw, WE got deepstriking masses of 60 rats loaded with sneaky machine guns: Clawlord (tunnel master, warpstone charm) ArchWarlock (nightflyer cloak) Plague Priest 2x60 Clanrats 1x20 Clanrats 12 Ratling Guns 2 Warp Grinders Doomflayer Vermintide 2000 pts......201 wounds. KA-POW!
  18. Had my first battle with my stompy Oakenbrow army vs my buddy's Maggotkin. He had a Lord of Plagues/Festus/and I think 2 more Sorcerers and Bloab Rotspawned/10 and 5 Blightkings and 10 Plaguebearers and a Beast of Nurgle. I had Durthu (gladius/gnarled), TLA (Treesong)/3 Treelords/10 Tree Revs/allied Lord Arcanum on Gryphcharger and 2 Concussors; and I took Everdusk figuring extra hits would be awesome. First mission in the new GHB. I gave him first turn and he held that until turn 5 when I ended up double turning him. I foolishly aggressively charged my Concussors towards the maggoth lord and failed hard, while my Lord Arcanum foolishly tried to get rid of the Nurglings who had infiltrated my backfield. TLA dropped the tree center left giving Durthu a chance to charge the big Blightking unit and do some amazing damage! And he totally whiffed as I was within range of the Lord who had nasty stench to make me unable to issue/receive commands, so on 6 attacks with the sword I rolled like 3 hits and failed all the wounds. Luckily I remembered that turn to strike and fade! Forgot that every other turn. Treelords tried to run up a bit. Concussors died, they need to be run in 4s, so not as allies. Couldn't afford Fulminators. Blightkings and everything moved up to get the center and my right objective. He was all over the overgrown stuff in the middle but not my own. I ended up charging the Plaguebearers with 2 Treelords and they cleaned them up and a summoned Sloppity Bilepiper, then got charged and grinded with 5 BLightkings for a while. Meanwhile in the center my Tree Revs were just holding my center backfield objective. His big Blightkings charged Durthu in the center with the Lord, and brought in the other Treelord with pileins. That was a tarpit for a while, and Durthu then took Finest Hour got 4 h its vs the Blightkings with the Gladius and rolled.....4 1s! Oh the humanity! Durthu ended up withering to disease points (maybe that ward save season is worth looking at?). But the Treelords and TLA ended up cleaning them up and scoring Eradicate Trespassers....THEN turn 5 Marched the Treelords to kill the maggoth lord! Tree Revs had teleported over to the left objective to take that turn 4, whilst Lord Arcanum zipped over to the enemy back objective, and I ended up with 19 points top of turn 5, and he couldn't catch me on objectives (we called it top of 5 since I would have charged my Treelords/TLA in with Treesong going and killed his general and Festus, thus not sure he could have summoned anything to deny my Take What's Theirs Grand Strat). Excellent learning match for both our new tomes. Nurgle is TOUGH, and super annoying with those disease points and debuffs. But the big trees are tanky. Just wish we had the Living City thing to heal a wound every unit in our hero phase; period. No conditions needed. And casting buffs! Seems like we depend on spells quite a bit but really have no casting buffs. But we do have plenty of move shenanigans. Also sad that the spells we have depend on Awakened Wyldwoods and don't go off of Overgrown terrain....thus forcing us to take a Branchwych or two just to cast Verdant Blessing. So I think next time instead of Concussors I'll probably do a Branchwych and maybe Knight Zephyros ally. I like the Lord Arcanum, and the model I have for one.
  19. I thought main rules say you can only use any single Monstrous Rampage once per phase or something. (don't have it handy). The warscroll wording doesn't change that. Instead of any other rampage you can do the Groundshaker, once.
  20. I'm glad the Troggs will be auto-healing EVERY hero phase. And the Warhammer-Community article said they'll be getting a better save too, probably 4+. That tokens tease with Drenched in Vomit.....Fellwaters doing something!? I'm very excited for that since I have 6. Hoping the Dankholds and Dankbosses get Monster, but the little Troggs shouldn't. They're like Bullgors (and hopefully still hit better than Bullgors!). I expect allies to remain as Orruk Warclans, and really really really hoping the Marshcrawla continues to buff all friendly units going forward. If not I'll just sell the ugly thing but might keep the Mirebrute w double clubs. Or not, might need to get a big spider instead.
  21. I think it's a good reason to put.a diamond necklace on my Draconis 💎
  22. Thanks! I think the gutter runners are okay, but the night runners are awful and very primatey looking. Must mean rats are our genetic ancestors. ....regarding the Skaven weapon teams hiding in a unit of Clanrats. The Warp grinder says one unit can join it in tunneling deepstrike. But if a weapon team, or four, hide in a unit of 40-60 Clanrats, does that mean it can not join the Warp Grinder since its then more than one unit actually? I see some strategery on the Facebook forum about doing this, which seems crazy good, but wasn't sure about it. Need Clanrats to do it though. That looks like a great alpha strike to me! Do the Deathmasters die though if the night runners they hide in die first? The enemy will certainly have their hands full with the other stuff, but I could see an wiser opponent nuke them first if they have spare arrows. Can you fit all those heroes in a battle regiment? If not maybe go for 2 drops,...OR command entourage to get a Brass Orb and relocate someone who you don't want to be in your backfield.
  23. Jezzails, eh? Guess if you have the models already might as well use them, but seems like 2 Lightning Cannons would be superior. Rat Ogors though, those seem very good these days. I shoulda picked up the lot I saw a couple years ago for cheap. Oh well, I like my warpstone nutjobs, and now, their ninja friends! Here's my next list.....assuming the Verminlord arrives and I can get it built before the next game. Haven't decided on the artefacts, but I'm gonna use a Command Entourage I think for an extra one. There's that new battalion Sharpshooters too, might be good for the Acolytes and Gutter Runners.
  24. Nice thing about the Knight-Draconis though is he's got 5 attacks/3+/2+/rend-3/2 dmg. The rend-3 is super saucy and against many enemies makes them effectively MW by ignoring 4+ armor. Combined with the death breath, stomp from being a monster, and dragon claws, that can take on most average enemy monsters handily. Probably extra good with some of the new GHB stuff maybe? Haven't delved into those yet (don't have the new GHB yet), but I think there's something called the Tusk Helm that makes heroes charge w MW like a Stormstrike Chariot. I like to use him in Living City with Spear of the Hunt for Strike First and rend-4 but that's a different tome of course.
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