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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I was wondering if mobs of Bloodletters might be viable again. Hoping they get 2 attacks base, but not holding my breath. I like those old 2nd edition ones and also the 3rd edition goat looking ones. More keen on getting daemons, but the mortal models are super cheap!
  2. Clan Eshin and Skryre tabled Lofnir Lodge on Sunday...one of the most satisfying victories ever! Position Over Power. He had a FatherDroth, SmiterDroth, SonDroth, 2x10 HGBs (1 of each type), another Runefather on foot, Battlesmith, and Runesmiter on foot. He tunneled the foot smither w SonDroth and moved up the SmiterDroth to my right flank, and I moved my Deceiver (who failed Skitterleap) and all the 3x10 Night Runners, and also my Acolytes a bit. Also my pair of lightning cannons took out the SonDroth, only 1 cannon exploded but had 1 for the power level, so totally worth it! I did however forget to bring in my Night Runners so we decided they'd just come in turn 2 rather than after the fact. He got priority turn 2 also, and charged his FatherDroth into my Deceiver, who struck first, did very little due to Coal Heart Ancient, and suffered 5 MW in return from lava blood. Center Night Runners fled from battleshock, and I used a CP to keep the other unit from running due to 1 or 2 dead, the Deathmaster did a couple MW to the Droth after popping out. On the other side, my Ratling Gun had gnawholed over in turn 1 failing to kill the Runesmiter on foot, and the SmiterDroth came out of the woods, smashed the gnawhole, killed the Night Runners over there, and the Ratling Gun too. THEN I Skitterlept my Deceiver out of combat (was that legal I hope?! thought it was), and brought him and Gutter Runners right next to the woods and Runesmiter on foot. Acolytes ran forward and killed the FatherDroth handily w Warpspark and MMWP help from the Arch Warlock. Deceiver and Gutter Runners put the hurt on the SmiterDroth, and the Deceiver took care of the footSmiter. Then I got Priority and Gutter Runners plinked away at the back center HGBs whilst the left Night Runners and Deathmaster and Acolytes played cat and mouse with the other HGBs/Runefather. Lost all those other Night Runners, but Deathmaster held and ended up killing the last of those Broadaxe HGBs. The center poleaxe HGBs came forward to take on the Acolytes, successfully, and faced down (and killed) the Arch Warlock. But the Deceiver (after finishing off the SmiterDroth) and the Gutter Runners swung around to finish all the HGBs and Battlesmith off as the Engineer gnawholed over to the enemy backfield objective to net me the tabling and the win! Very exciting match. After my last loss vs Fyreslayers I sorely wanted to beat this army. I liked the extra cannon over Doomwheels. So much running and shooting is excellent, just wish Gutter/Night Runners could charge after doing so as well (though only the Gutter Runners would really be any good at combat). I kinda wish I'd taken the Brass Orb, that woulda been fun to teleport the HGBs back into their zone and possibly make it so they couldn't, and just die. Tough to pull off but that mission has a small tight zone. Meh, always good to have a spare Warpspark though.... All his Fyreslayers were 'undead'. Didn't realize they're all skeleton dwarves until late in the game !
  3. Yeah, we were all like WHOA. Seems really hard to deploy against. Guess a Beasts of Chaos army could null deploy, ambush everything and give Stormcast the first turn...that could work.
  4. Someone in my local group is taking this list to an upcoming tournament. Submit your eye-rolls now! Lord Imperitant (general, master of magic, arcane tome, lightning blast, fuelled by Ghurish rage) 5x Knight Vexillors w Meteoric Standard 5x3 Annhilators 1x3 Annhilators w big hammers everblaze comet bloodthirsty Holy Command: Steadfast March I was trying to think of things that could withstand the impact of this army. I'm thinking Stormcast w some Gryph Hounds and some shooty stuff, and then ally in some Phoenix Temple Guard for their 4+ ward save. Dampen the effects of deepstrike and charging w the Temple Guard, intercept Deepstrikers w (insert best shooty options here), and what to use to get back to take care of all the Knights-Vexillor? Deploying against the Annhilator spam is tough too; how can most armies limit one unit to over 20" apart?! Kinda why I think the Phoenix Guard screens are key. Hopefully they'll still be in the next Cities tome, I like them, despite being Aelves.
  5. Hmmm, low on heroes, and no Galletian Champs, you'll have a tough time scoring battle tactics I think. Are the cat-Evos battleline at all? Can't argue with Longstrikes, they are super good.
  6. Yeah, I feel that. It's an older kit, but I just built 2 and I think they actually look pretty cool. Nice thing is the only super poky brittle thing is the tail, which is less fragile than many more modern kits. The legs of the Dracoths, and Stardrake, and to some extent the Stormdrakes, all seem pretty stiff in pictures. On the table they're a little more interesting IF you say take a box which has 2 poses, and toss in the different Vandus Hammerhand one in each of 2 units, and then if you're skilled with a hobby knife/jeweler's saw you could cut and pivot the legs and head of another kit for even more slightly altered poses to net 2 units of 4 completely different Dracoths. I'm doing 1 unit of Tempestors and 1 of Desolators/Fulminators (magnets are pretty easy to do in the right weapon shoulders.). One other idea is to do different zenithal effects on the same Dracoth poses to give them a different effect a bit. Kinda like doing different make-up shadows on noses to make them look skinnier or bigger, etc. Dracoths are solid, battleline in Hammers of Sigmar, reasonably fast and tough, with some shooting to help them out. Pricy in points but generally worth it from my experience of getting hammered by them in the past
  7. That actually looks pretty good to me! Are these the models you have or not yet? Very thematic with a Sacrosanct majority. I'm also a Stormcast noob (Dracoths for me), but I might suggest you trade out 1 Ballista for another hero of some sort, perhaps a Knight Azyros or other buffing type. Definitely recommend going Scions of the Storm. That will allow you to drop down as needed. For example if you don't have a great line of sight with your ballistas due to terrain and your deployment zone, you could choose to drop those and the Ordinator as a group elsewhere and still shoot...also maybe dropping them into area terrain for a cover save.
  8. That's a fantastic birthday surprise for everyone who fights against it!
  9. Yeah, I don't get the perpetually out of stock syndrome lately. And they just released plastic jetbikes for Horus Heresy....and limited each store to 1 box. ONE. WTF? Creating pent up demand is dangerous in a world of kitbash conversions, plentiful army/unit choice, and 3D printing. But for the Loonshrine, that's just sillyness. Gitz absolutely need that. Other armies could get by without their terrain pieces very well, but not the Gitz (or Beasts of Chaos for that matter).
  10. I've decided to go with Stormcast for an upcoming 1k event in late March, as I have the models already and half are painted. I have: Knight Draconis Lord Arcanum on Gryph charger Knight Zephyros 2 Desolators 2 Tempestors I'd go Hammers of Sigmar to get Dracoth battlelines. I still need the battletome but what would experienced Stormcasters recommend for the CT, artefacts, mount traits, etc? Was thinking the Draconis as general since it's the beefiest in there, and command entourage to get another enhancement.
  11. I think for specific thingies that happen if the general is... the general must be specifically chosen, not just counts as general. Somewhere in the FAQs.
  12. Maybe Khorgoraths, being big walking gobs of blood, will do like a Skarr Bloodwrath thing, reappearing next to dead enemies on a 4+ or something. That would be AWESOME! And rend -2 or MW on hits or wounds of 6, because. Cost more, but worth it. And battleline if: ?. Yes I'll cut my finger and pray for that....
  13. Wow that's weird, and cool! Skulltaker is a good model, so 3 of him wouldn't bother me. If I find a bunch of really cheap Khorne models I'll bite. But good advice, I'll wait otherwise. Cockatrices aren't cheap at all though now
  14. Isn't Skulltaker unique though? I for some reason today got a vision, a vague premonition, that Khorgoraths will be awesome in the next book. I don't think they're actually too bad now for 90pts. They're also reinforcable, not that I'd do that necessarily. So how about this? Could be Chaos toying with my mind, causing me to waste money. But at least Blades units are pretty cheap right now 2nd hand (not sure about any CTs, artefacts, etc, as I don't even have the BoK tome right now) 2 Bloodsecrators 3 SlaughterPriests Skarr Bloodwrath 1x10 Bloodwarriors 2x10 Bloodreavers 8 Khorgoraths Wrath-Axe Judgement 2 allied Cockatrices Seems like it sucks. But also, like, kinda cool.
  15. Oh yeah, I forget about the 'season' we're in. An allied Orruk Megaboss might be better for that purpose, just cuz he's tougher. I was considering trying out that and a Warchanter just to buff da Boss. The GC thing really makes for difficult battle tactics.
  16. No Scuttletide?!?! Drop those Sporesplattas! Also I eagerly await your 8 legged Kragnos Conversion. Give it a few games vs various armies and see how it goes with different missions. Spiderfang has some great tricks and can be surprisingly nasty if played well, but certainly not a point-n-click army. I think having Skraggrott is actually really good for a guaranteed Bad Moon effect if he's alive; so I'd keep him. Not sure if there's points but since you have Kragnos in there, maybe switch out the Skitterstrand to a Flinger? The big spider does the same, but you have the chance to gum someone up with the webs. Not sure if the points are there though...you could drop the Fungoid too, maybe net another unit of Spider Riders or something doing that?
  17. I see the Seraphon got a new Salamander. They stole our Fellwater vomit and cranked it up to 11, no fair! Hopefully it's artillery, and single, and $100 model.
  18. Actually I don't have my Gobbapalooza yet! I might have to proxy. It's on order though.
  19. My friend and I are both on the cave train, but he's more gobbos and squigs. Next week we're gonna see how they do vs my Troggs...I've read Fellwaters do better in MSU but Rockguts better in bigger units, so I'll try 2x3 and 2x6 respectively. Though now I'm thinking a unit of 9 Rockguts for Sharpshooters would be better perhaps? Thought the Sneaky Stealin Staff was good to help the Fungoid cast a little better. Figured w Chasing da Moon and Skragrott in there to all but guarantee it, I should have the good ward on the Troggboss...doesn't seem like super high odds of him eating the Howzit. But I'm sure my first game he'll eat it turn 1
  20. 😆D'oh! I have all Troggs, we can't read very well (but only due to our poor eyesight).
  21. How do they take an objective from 9" away?!
  22. He definitely has the perfect amount of ratling guns! I tried screening with my Night Runners, but I think they actually shouldn't be too far out in front of everything all the time; guess like most games it depends on the mission and the enemy forces.
  23. Oh me oh my! That's absolute insanity, LOVE IT. I wanna make that list now too. I have everything but the Bombadier and 10 more Ratling Guns, and purple sun, and clanrats. So really not even close. But I've been so disappointed by my Doomwheels of late this will be a good thing to work towards (my Eshin alpha strike flubbed last night too 😛 ) Jaws of Gallet; I had Deceiver (Shadwomaster, Magnet Trinket, Flaming Weapon), Deathmaster, ArchWarlock w Resonator MMWP, Engineer w Levitate, 15 Acolytes, 15 Gutter Runners, 3x10 Night Runners, Vermintide, WLC, Doomwheel, 1 ratling gun. My opponent had Greyfyrd Fyreslayers for max artefacts: Runeson and Father (resolve rune for a one time 3+ ward save?!) Droths with coal heart and fireyoungblood traits, 2x10 HGBs w broadaxes, battlesmith with nulsididan icon, runemaster w volatile brazier, and runefathers 1 w big axe of grimnir, and 10 vulkite berzerkers, and the infernoth invocation. I got priority and went first, and was way too aggressive, trying to This One's Mine his runemaster w the deceiver...who dreaded skiiterlept and then proceeded to fail 2 charge rolls. Gutter Runners managed to kill 1 HGB next to the Runemaster....1! Killed a couple Vulkites w other stuff, got 3 pts for objectives. His runeson droth charged my Deceiver, but I struck first, got him down to 4 wounds left...but took 10 wounds from its lava blood plus normal strikes. Deceive managed to kill the droth turn 2 w arcane bolt and doomstar/tails though, so avoided more blood. But bottom of turn 1 he killed all the gutter runners w the fatherdroth and 2 units of night runners. turn 2 I took priority again, got 1 objective point as he got rid of my backfield one for going 2nd, and I failed to kill his last monster with a Skryre unit, but killed it with my Deathmaster instead....shoulda gone for the easy Eye for an Eye. Dang it. He then killed my doomwheel and Arch Warlock, (WLC had already blown up itself after rolling a power level of 6, but still got enough MW on the droth to help out). I had Deathmaster and 2 Acolytes left in the middle, Deceiver in the enemy zone. Enginner was still in my zone behind a wall. turn 3 I got priority again, he removed the objective by my Deceiver. I ran my Engineer up for a Cunning Maneuver in the center, tried to shoot the Runefather w Acolytes and he lived, but the Deathmaster and Doomstar killed the Runemaster. My Deceiver tried to take on the HGBs, but I forgot they have a CA to strike first from the army traits, so Deceiver got axed big time, though it was close, only failed 3 ward saves out of like 8 or 9 (he had the awakened enhanced steel rune for an extra rend-2 to all his weapons!). So we walked through it and he ended up with 25 pts to my 8. Lessons: can't be so aggressive w fragile cowardly rats, and assassins need to be choosy and focused with targets. I should have given him 1st turn actually to move up towards me so more of my stuff could be in range all at once, and giving him speedbumps w Night Runners. Not always good to skitterleap, especially with all kinda deadlies in range. But at least he couldn't shoot my Deceiver w droth breath whilst I was within 1" of terrain, so that's a good CT! Vermintide was super annoying but not quite annoying enough...I think Quicksilver Swords might be better (for lack of a purple sun). Ignoring ward saves is very handy.
  24. What does the Cockatrice do now? I read somewhere they do less MW. I thought they'd just go by the wayside since they only have a Finecast model...
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