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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Thank you @Lowki The Tree is one half of a Gallow's Grove from Hordes and the Statue is a third party resin Shadespire terrain piece.
  2. Undead converting adventures. Not sure what the final creation will be but it's coming out of this.
  3. It's incredibly different but I like that there appear to be more themed options. The drop in speed is severe. I think some otherwise strong lists will have a tough go against enemies who can block them in. We don't look to have the punch to fight through quick enough in infantry heavy builds. I'm leaning towards speed and disease trait as our best bet. Drowned Men: Hold the Line Inspired GUO: -1 to hit, Witherstave, Poxes Twiceborn 2x 10 Plaguebearers Blightlords: Reinforced Nurglings: Reinforced Nurglings: Reinforced Battle Regiment Wounds: 150 Drops: 2 Points: 1975 Idea being get to the center as soon as possible and grind away. Auto 6 run the GUO for sure. Pre game move and Nurgling infiltration means you can get a lot of effective wounds up table quickly. Nurglings seem amazing to me: Volume of attacks for disease. Built in deployment flexibility and healing, 5++. All for 105 points per 12 wounds. I'm surprised more people aren't excited for Twice born. Consistent damage output, Twice per round auto heals and can return Nurgling bases. The list has a ton of wounds all 5++. Lots of auto healing, anyone near that GUO is getting steadily wrecked by Mortals from his monstrous rampage and enhanced disease resolution. Excited to try the book out. Also: It's clear the Disease mechanic was changed during development. Noxious Nexus is clearly meant to work with an old form of the trait. What do you think Noxious Nexus will do when they completely rewrite it? I'm thinking it will be changed to work like the Munificent Wanderers Trait for things near the hero.
  4. I agree. If our Traits, Artifacts, Spells and Abilities are improved depending on how afflicted the target is it could be a powerful and fun mechanic.
  5. With the new book on the way I finally got Lord Poxwaddle painted up. Really happy with how he turned out. The Wayne England inspired weapon conversion worked perfectly
  6. Done and it's not even the last day of the month. Truly we live in the End Times.
  7. Might not work because of "other unit" but levitate on it is brilliant non the less.
  8. https://youtu.be/S-riRDJExOg
  9. When your core faction identity is ascending the Path to Glory for personal power you've gone wrong somewhere when the best fighters are at the bottom of the ladder and your non-named leaders are weak buffbots that project auras to help the aspiring (What is this Cities?)
  10. The most bizarre post yet for me. 1. I forgot to post the before pic. 2. I'm done and it isn't the last day of the month.
  11. You can still be -2 to hit. If your enemy doesn't have any +s to hit it will become -1 when they roll dice. It's useful to negate All out Attack, Hurricanum etc.
  12. I saw some made from the SE Vanguard Pallador mounts and Elven Cav riders. Looked great.
  13. Some elements were retained and others jettisoned. A recent campaign book reprinted the entirety of the Chaos Space Marine PA stuff alongside adding the Be'Lakor mixed mortal/daemon subfaction but both those factions are waiting for their 9th book.
  14. If it's the last day of the month it's an Eldarain post. Love this sculpt!
  15. One of my all time favourite sculpts up next.
  16. @Warbossironteef I really like that list. I'd be tempted to swap a necro for a foot vampire for a more reliable +1 attack buff for when one of Mannfred/Radukar's is unlikely to be applied. Any additional thoughts as to battalion usage and if you intend to use the Gravesite/ Legion Ambush with anything?
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