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Everything posted by amysrevenge

  1. I think the biggest problem with the Realm rules is that they only limit SOME of the play styles but not all of them. It would be much more fair if in addition to: Shooting limited to 8" Can't run No reserves we also had the potential for other crippling things to other play styles as possibilities such as: Roll 1D6 instead of 2D6 to charge All melee attack ranges reduced to 1/2" Roll 1D6 instead of 2D6 for casting a spell -2 to hit for all attacks Half Move characteristic for all models No models can be set up after deployment via any "summoning" rules. This way it's not just those few play styles that have the potential to be crippled beyond all effectiveness - their counterparts also have to worry about this. (ETA: I feel like I should add that this isn't sour grapes - my main competitive army is FEC and I would LOOOOOOVE to play on a nerfed shooting table. It still isn't fair that other than Total Commitment fudging my Ghoul Patrol, I don't really have to moderate my list writing because of Realm Rules the way that other people do.)
  2. Not a lot of mystery to this one guys. It's a "normal move" which is an actual rules term. You can run, you are constrained to retreat and all the other normal move rules.
  3. I had to adjust... my preferred list has as its three main elements an archregent, two TG heroes, and a block of 40 ghouls in an otherwise minimum ghoul patrol. I can still do all of that, but I had to lose the ghoul king on foot that I had been able to afford before.
  4. Similar to Ogors, I think there is a minimum floor for the book to be generally considered a success (people will find a way to complain no matter what there is, but generally a success). Minimum floor: Must incorporate Archaon and Varanguard Must incorporate all in-production Slaves to Darkness models Must include the standard trappings (spell lore, artefacts, terrain, endless spells) Beyond the minimum floor, there are any number of things they could do to make it even better - large Darkoath model line, re-written scrolls for the very underwhelming Chaos Knights and Warriors, other new kits, etc. These would be gravy. (ETA: There have been enough hints about Darkoath that an StD book that didn't include a significant new Darkoath model line would be less well received than it would be otherwise.)
  5. There is a deeper level to this issue. In the smartphone app, they have mistakenly included several old pre-battletome abilities in the warscroll, including the pre-battletome wording of the bonus to cast that specifically would stack ("+1 while within 12" of this model", not the non-stacking "+1 while within 12" of any model with this ability"). I know, you always use the newest warscroll, so you use the one in the battletome, right? But wait. The one with the errors in it in the app is very specifically date stamped June 2019, which is newer than the battletome. So, as the rules for old warscrolls very explicitly call out that warscrolls with a newer datestamp always over-ride previous warscrolls, this warscroll with copy-paste errors from the previous scroll is actually the current one.
  6. And, unless you've got your own Start of the Combat Phase unit, normal Feast Day FEC can do the same thing, they just are compelled to choose the TG to fight first (and then go again for free) before you go. Really brings Gristlegore down to par with the other builds.
  7. I came in here to get all "well, actually" on you, but look at that, the Azyr app does include a "date of publication" on the warscroll, and it is newer than the battletome. If I'm not mistaken, the June 2019 version of the warscroll in the app is actually the pre-battletome version. So it seems like it is an error that it is there, and the battletome version is what should be in there. And the normal warscroll update procedure is not to stealth-buff or stealth-nerf warscolls via the app with no mention in the official FAQ. These two factors are enough for me that I would (and will) use the battletome version and not the app version in my own games, but I don't have a leg to stand on to insist that my opponent does the same.
  8. I was prepared for worse. I can live with this. Gristlegore start of the phase BS only works on the charge, which helps tone it down without nerfing the other builds.
  9. Only just barely. I haven't thought about it in maybe 6 weeks(?) maybe more.
  10. Contrast paints drag the bottom 75% of painted armies up in quality, and barely make a ripple in the top 25%. Which is a perfectly fine thing to do.
  11. I've got an upcoming event with a July 12th cutoff for rules. Whether FEC FAQ is before or after this date will greatly impact my summer hahahaha.
  12. It has sure been a content desert for AoS on the Community page lately. Don't know what that bodes for summer, but it bodes for "not really checking the Community page every day anymore" for me.
  13. Slightly new topic - Tenebrous Court. I had a great time playing two games with my Spiderfang army with a Tenebrous Court mercenary ally. One Archregent, three Horrors. First game I summoned 20 ghouls to hold an objective (which they did), second game was Scorched Earth and I summoned three Flayers into the backfield on T2 and they burned objectives on T2 and T3. It was glorious. I got to throw the Horrors into a trio of Varanguard, with the Archregent buff spell at +3A (and him standing nearby for the hit reroll) and they killed all three pretty handily. It's pretty nice to have a self-contained, self-buffing contingent that can actually get some stuff done, while the main force is off doing their own buffing and coordinating.
  14. You can do all that you want, including having options for summoning, with the following 3x SC box 1x Carrion Empire (if you can get your hands on it... otherwise you'll want the equivalent in individual unit boxes) 2x Crypt Ghouls You can turn one of the sets of 3 Knights into Haunter, Infernal, and Varghulf courtiers. Beg or borrow a single extra Ghoul from somewhere (or do what I did, and use a very cheap Reaper Bones body with excess Ghoul head, arms, and accent bits) to get a Ghast courtier. Leaves you with 3 monsters, 4x3 Knights of your choice, 90 ghouls, archregent, and one of each courtier. It's enough to be able to do a nice 2000pt list (with a choice of many battalions), and have summoning reserves of courtiers, Knights, and ghouls.
  15. Well, it wouldn't be too hard even with only 5 terrain placements to shut out almost any of the Faction Terrain pieces with a 6" bubble around them. We're talking about circle-ish areas 15" to 18" in diameter that need to be completely clear to place these things. To be honest I haven't measured it out, but I would suspect that if you were to try placing all 10 suitably sized pieces of terrain yourself, following all the spacing requirements with regard to board edges, other terrain pieces, and objectives, it would be a challenge to leave yourself enough space for one Charnel Throne. There are just so many no-man's-land bubbles on that board.
  16. The trick, I've found, is decoupling list design from the victory conditions. You come up with whatever non-standard list selection mechanic you like, try to follow it in the spirit in which you think it was intended rather than competitive-first, and then once the dice start rolling switch to competitive-mode and play your best to win. Open Play doesn't (and shouldn't) mean "don't try to win". It usually just means giving up the min-max army selection subset of the game. That said, if you can manage the Open Play mindset within the confines of Matched Play rules, you can still have that Open Play style of fun. Whenever I'm not practicing for a tournament, it is how I roll. I don't min-max club game lists, I do stuff that will be fun or different or interesting. And I can often find opponents who do the same. Even though we are both operating within the 2000 pts battleline/leader/etc paradigm.
  17. In general, I really don't care for the as-written Terrain Placement Minigame. Gaming the terrain can very easily result in a negative play experience - for instance, ending up with most of the terrain hugging as close to the board edge as allowed, or big clumps and big open areas, or other strange formations, or massively limited deployment zones, or other tomfoolery. If you are accidentally hosed by terrain (say, terrain that was pre-set before battleplans were chosen), it is such a different experience than if you are deliberately hosed by terrain by your opponent.
  18. It's almost like store availability and rules/squatting are only loosely correlated, not 100% linked.
  19. Follow-up question. How do we know what elements of "slain" are and are not included under the umbrella of "counts as slain"? Is it obvious that it counts for kill points but does not count for the Pink->Blue Horror spawn? Where and how would we find a reference for which functions of "slain" that "counts as slain" will fulfil and which it won't? The most conservative reading would parallel "as if it were the combat phase", which it turns out actually means "not as if it were the combat phase at all".
  20. The other key word that wasn't highlighted is "finishes". It doesn't matter where you start, only where you finish. If you start within 1" of Deadly terrain, and then do a normal move or charge move that ends more than 1" from Deadly terrain, good for you, no roll.
  21. Don't be too confused. The app is never the arbiter of what is legal or not for Matched Play. It is the Digital team's best good-faith attempt to follow the rules, it is not a rule source itself.
  22. I notice that the faction terrain rule for Meeting Engagements is different from Pitched Battle. Much more reasonable. Pitched Battle: >6" from edge, >6" from terrain, >3" from objective Meeting Engagements: >3" from edge, >3" from terrain, >1" from objective Until we hear otherwise, I think I'm likely to suggest in my PB games that we use the ME rule.
  23. This.... didn't happen. Greenskins are still right there among the other Destruction factions. Gitmob got tossed, Greenskins didn't.
  24. Depends on where your community is, and whether you are running an event where you fully expect to personally know every attendee, or if you are trying right from the outset to bring in strangers from out of town. If you guys are just now in the ragequit recovery phase, you might need to step back a bit and relax things and do some small concessionary houseruling to ease folks back into the game. If you're past that phase (most of us here are long past that, but we almost all went through something like it in our own communities 2-3 years ago), then you can start looking at normal 2019 AoS out of the box without any concessions to folks still running legacy armies on square bases.
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