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Everything posted by Hollow

  1. But it shows that there is a good possibility that GW will port something similar into AOS using giants.
  2. Erm... you do know that Knights exist in 40k right?
  3. I really don't understand this. You were gutted because lots of people turned up to play games and have fun?
  4. This announcment has been met with genuine cheer! I think it is interesting that they chose "The Old World" subtitle and map to go with it, rather than the 'World' map that we saw in the 8th edition rulebook. I'd love it if the main 'Factions" are Bretonnia, The Empire, Estalia, Tilea, The Badlands, Albion, Kislev and Norsca with a smattering of other races such as beastmen and greenskins as disorganised feral tribes, with the main focus being on the wars of men with a kind of 'low-magic' vibe to contrast with the 'high-magic' vibe of AoS. The forces would be square based and the size of 4th/5th edition armies.
  5. Look fantastic. I really like your smooth, simple, crisp finish. More!!! 🤩
  6. I really like them. The fact they are new and bringing something different to the table is cool. There has literally been 30+ years of generic fantasy skeletons released and dozens of versions from different providors. Some people seem to be stuck in a never ending cycle of re;ease, tweak, update, repeat.
  7. Haha! How times change. People used to cry and complain about that kind of thing. Now GW has changed it people want to be kept in the dark. Damned if yah do.
  8. I really like them. I hope a new KOS is in line with this aesthetic.
  9. Looks amazing. Great to see someone stick with a force and really grow it. What are your future plans?
  10. Although there are a lot of companies already out there doing this (many good ones) I would really like to see a selection of some more "generic" battlemaps from GW. Here's hoping.
  11. I'd really like to see more Wargear and general gubbins for factions. I really miss that aspect of fantasy, lots of cool magical trinkets and weapons to sift through and equip your warriors with. The added so much flavor and allowed for some interesting gaming combo's.
  12. I think this is great news as it shows a desire on GW's part to get Battletomes out. Without the sneaky (Make a book with some repackaged miniatures and call it a full release.) Considering the amount of 'nearly complete' collections that could easily get a Battletome, with just one or two models if any. (Beastmen, Free people,) I'm looking at you. The more Battletomes the better I say.
  13. I was thinking along these lines the other day. With the coming of the Kharadron, it seems as though the GW design studio has been taking one aspect of a race that previously existed, then blowing it up to a Battletome sized force. It'll be interesting to see which features they seek to explore. When It comes to the Duardin, we have Fireslayers and Kharadron, representing fire and air respectively and taking previous design elements of the stunties and turning them up to 11. With the Slayers and the Gyro's having been expanded upon, I think it might be fun to take the Miners and really explore that aspect of the Duardin. They could encapsulate everything 'Earth'. Lumbering stone golems, burrowing mole-like Duardin, the ability to walk along walls and ceilings! with special gripping apparatus and they could have a crazy subterranean submarine! They'd be utterly consumed by precious metals, minerals and materials with armor covered in gemstones. Their sworn enemy would be the dirty Rat men! That would leave the element of 'Water' to be represented. Although, as we all know, the only liquid a Dwarf is interested in... is Ale! This Battletome would explore the Drunkin Duardin! and could take design cues from the war-machine aspect of the race. The biggest, most bonkers war-machines ever conceived, all blasting thunderbolts, beer barrels and cannon balls made from water with horrible sea-monsters floating within. (That would be a hell of a challenge design-wise) Due to their close relationship with all things liquid, we could see Duardin fishmen! Flippers for feet, Zeus inspired bidents. Their armor would be all shells and crabs with bright tropical colors to contrast with their constant foe. The shadow Aelves.
  14. I like the models but I'm really looking forward to seeing them done up in some different schemes. I do love that shade of purple though. (I want my Tau in that)
  15. ^Indeed. Time for a rampant speculation thread!
  16. I like them a lot. I think they are great fun and fill me with optimism regarding the future of AOS. I really like the idea of having multiple smaller factions with different aesthetics and play styles derived from the same race. What I wouldn't give to see some of the bigger picture plans regarding the game, it's background and future.
  17. Looking good. (Or awful :P) I really like the deep, dark, rich green you have achieved. Do tell... how did you achieve it?
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