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Everything posted by Gecktron

  1. Really happy to see more bats! Id like to see the FEC lean more into the "beasts of the night" theme. I want bat swarms with my giant bat beasts! They never lost that link. Ghoul Kings have been Vampires the whole time.
  2. They look great! I think I will use the leader as Ghoul King on foot.
  3. You can only ally either Gotrek or Fyreslayers. If you take Gotrek as Ally, you cant take any other allies.
  4. My guess for AoS: Hedonites of Slaanesh Gloomspite Gits Cities of Sigmar (Free People focused) Nighthaunt or Flesh-Eater Courts
  5. There are also command traits. We know from the Greywater Fastness Preview that they can be quite powerful.
  6. Most likely not. The book will be massiv even without adding three whole books. It will most likely be similar to the Chaos tomes and how they handled the Slaves to Darkness.
  7. Both sets will cost 80€, which is in line with the SC! sets for Kharadrons, SCE Vanguard and Fyreslayers.
  8. This rule is about "Feel no pain" abilities, like the Bonesplitterz 6+ against wounds and mortals. Morathi just doesnt take any wounds past 3.
  9. Yeah, I think this just means Wanderer heroes have synergy with wanderer units (same for Free People, etc...). I dont think there will be another layer of allegiance abilities besides the general CoS and Free City ones.
  10. This Hammerhal ability is really thematic. The defenders of the city holding their banners high is a cool image. The Greywater Fastness abilities also sound great for black poweder themed armies. Artillery supported by units of Handgunners and a few Steam Tanks sounds like fun.
  11. The AoS FaceBook page posted a CoS preview a few minutes ago. This confirms that the cities get unique abilities and atleast one artefact table to chose from. I hope we get the rest today.
  12. I have a number of half-painted Stormcasts, Free People and Aelves who are waiting to be forged into one army. I originally planned on going with Tempest Eye so I can add my Kharadrons in a pinch but im not so sure anymore now that it looks like each City has access to every faction. Id like to do a cthulhu themed Anvilgard force But I also like the look and the symbol of the Living City: I think im going to wait until I have the book in my own hands but im very excited!
  13. Nothing. This just combines the core rules, matched play rules and the realm rules from the core book with the battleplans from the current Generals Handbook. Its more of a handy collection than an update.
  14. They showed the new Free Guild general warscroll. He gained the ability to cause mortal wounds on hit-rolls of 6. I couldnt make out if his command ability changed.
  15. Yeah, I now also think this is maybe a big Ghoul or Horror but I just want to add that Ghoul Kings do have hair. The new Archregent model has a number of fur/hair patches all over his body similar to Ghouls and Horros. The different BL books also fleshed out Excelsis in Ghur quite a bit. Id like to see it atleast mentioned in the Cities of Sigmar battletome.
  16. Looks like a King and two Ghouls. WU aside, this is great for FEC players. A different sculpt for a King on foot (be honest, the King from Terrorgheist looks awkward without his stead) and Ghouls to fill some courtier shaped holes are great news!
  17. To weird you out. Its all deliberate. Thats also why they all have this creepy smile.
  18. I really like the mix of different asian design elements. Some of these banners feel very mongolian, then there are some of the riders and the one advisor next to the Mortarch who look like samurai and then there are the four-armed constructs who look like Hindu gods. A welcome breath of fresh air compared to the very euro-centric rest of GA:Death. I also like the background of this faction. They are kinda like a dark mirror to Sigmar. Sigmar uplifts heroes and infuses their bodies with pieces of his own godly powers all while Nagash takes multiple souls and untold number of skeletons and forces them into one being. EDIT: ALSO, a semi-sentient bone warmachine? I can't wait!
  19. KO wont be in the book. You can take them in a Cities of Sigmar army but they (most likely) wont get any changes. Just like Stormcasts or Sylvaneth.
  20. There were rumors back when Kharadrons came out (around fall 2017) that GW was very happy with the sales numbers (as they exceeded expectations) and that they green lit more Kharadron kits. We know that new kits need around 2 years from design to the store, so the timeline would fit.
  21. I think a re-make of Man'o'War is the most likely candidate for a AoS themed specialist game. MoW2 would be easier for GW to produce as a Warmaster-like game would need a whole host of units to accurately present a faction while a naval game can get away with having 2-3 ships with a few weapon options (they can also group similar factions together at the start). This would also allow GW to try out something new. Kharadron Skyvessels bigger than the Frigats and Ironclads we see in AoS, Nighthaunt ghost fleets, Nurgle plague fleets, etc…
  22. Smaller games are definitely viable. My local gaming group almost exclusively plays 1000p on a 4x4 table. We aren't too competitive, so its hard to make universal claims about balancing but Id say its a slightly different meta. Its harder to replicate hard hitting combinations seen in tournament lists due to the lack of points, which helps reining in some of the top lists (Witch Aelfs spam was never a problem for my group for example). TL;DR: 1000 points are fun with, or without Meeting Engagement rules.
  23. I agree! I really like how GW takes established concepts and elevates them onto a whole new level. Thats why I never had a problem with all the different mini factions. The possibility of turning them into full factions was very exciting for me. I still hope we get a full Phoenix Temple army one day...
  24. Bell of Lost Souls has a few more pictures from Gencon. https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2019/08/games-workshop-gencon-2019.html Sadly the quality is still pretty bad but at least we get a look at the Kurnothi from another angle.
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