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Everything posted by Aginor

  1. I'd prefer ads actually. Just one thing you should avoid because I hate it: Ads between posts. Ad banners are OK as long as they don't move or play sound or something like that. A fixed banner space on the top and/or the side would be OK for me and I would add TGA to my adblocker exception list.
  2. My first impression of the new picture with the tattered chainmail also was Death, but it could also be something from Destruction I guess.
  3. In my mind the Cogfort looks like a battleship with legs. The rear end has a ramp like a cargo plane, just bigger of course, that can be lowered to the ground. I would draw it but I am incapable of drawing.
  4. Comet --> Comet Call undead --> Kroak. Defended by ghosts as well.... I like that train of thought! (I still hope for Grand Alliance Death stuff though)
  5. Oh man that would just be adding insult to injury.
  6. Hah, for a short moment I thought you'd get yourself tattoos with Bonesplitterz symbols. Ok, for the colors I would probably go for a bright red to make them really stand out. How to draw them.... I have no clue. Just freehand I guess. Some tribal-like shapes or so.
  7. Also it is kinda rewarding to win a game with one model left, because you wound up having the missions of being in enemy territory with the last model and the one with 5 or more dead models. I sneaked into enemy territory using my last action and won by those renown points. ...and actually my opponent would have won if he hadn't killed my other warrior because then I would not have gotten the other goal either. It is really fun that there are those objectives allowing you to win despite being almost dead.
  8. A few remarks from me: The Blood Rain card is indeed meant to be used defensively I think. The fluff text hints at it. I was confused by it first but then I read through it once more and that's the only explanation I can see that makes sense. I managed to trick a SCE into charging Arnulf, using the "max damage 1" card to keep him alive and then charged that model with everything I had, killing it. Those assists are really good for Khorne. I think it makes a huge difference if you have one or more of the following cards early: - the one that allows you opponent's first attack to only do one damage - the one that gives you a renown point if you charged with three or more of your guys in one round - one "hold objective" card because you are likely to have one guy that cannot attack anyway, he might as well do something. There are some great upgrades so it is rather important to get at least two renown in the first round so you can use them.
  9. It not being effective of course is no reason to not fix it. An ability that doesn't leave the opponent even a chance to react is not something desirable either. Unfortunately there are quite some abilites in the game that do exactly that. The scoring point issue is just the icing on the cake, because who can survive a triple turn? Definitely needs fixing, that's a no brainer, I still don't see it as so unique in how it is able to break the game. The amount of game breaking stuff in AoS is just too big for that. But then again that's my personal opinion on it.
  10. Correct. I'd still prefer solutions not tailor-made for just ONE problem. So the solution does not belong onto the EotG warscroll but into the core rules and/or the battleplans. And that's my main point of critique: Allegedly the rule experts are designing the rules to be balanced, AND there is playtesting. Why do they release battleplans and rules that are so imbalanced and/or so poorly worded that they are spotted as problematic around five minutes after they are leaked to the public? I don't get it. I don't want to believe that they actually forget (or worse: refuse) to test their rules against all their warscrolls. What are all those testers doing?
  11. I somewhat agree, but then there are other battleplans massively favouring some armies that can outright win the game if they go first (there is that new one with the terrain breaking off for example, forgot its name). Those also eliminate the chance to even score an objective point. ...in the end I think for me it comes down to: -> yes, it is a bit broken, but it is quite unlikely to happen -> other stuff is just as broken but also just as unlikely to happen -> yet other stuff is just as broken or more, and has to get fixed much more urgently since it breaks game balance. ...also I think that's really my main gripe with AoS. There is no real balance. It is getting better, it definitely is, but it is still bad, and that makes me angry sad.
  12. Just wanted you to know that I liked to read all your reports. Some cool stuff in there. I disagree about the EotG thing though, here's why: You are right that the maximum result can be devastating and game winning. But the chance isn't that high, it is something like 1 in 200 and even if the Seraphon player uses all his buffs to improve it he only gets it to something like 1 in 20 while limiting his list a bit to get all those buffs. If you apply those standards to other armies you get the same thing with a lot of abilities. They have a low chance of achieving it but they end the game. I had it happen to me with foot of Gork. A shaman surrounded by lots of boyz and on a Balewind Vortex killed four heroes of my army, and with that all of my synergies, in one turn, effectively ending the game right there. The chance for that isn't that much different. And many armies have something like that. So I'd say it is probably OK. Many Seaphon players including me have not seen the EotG pulling it off even once.
  13. Aginor


    Great work! I had a hard time with mine, those sigils almost drove me crazy. Yours looks...crisp. Really great!
  14. No problems at all with TK being gone. I don't want them back. I want units that do the same but belong to Deathrattle in fluff, style, and capabilities.
  15. I kinda hope it is not pirate vampires... I don't know why but the whole vampire stuff is meh to me, and... pirates? In a world that is connected by realm gates and stuff pirates would be very limited wouldn't they? Since TK went away we are missing so many Skeletons and stuff (Chariots, Archers, Giants just to name a few) I'd prefer having those.
  16. He looks awesome. Perhaps a bit too colorful for my taste but that's really personal preference, and I like how much thought you put into that model. Great work!
  17. Yeah but I can totally see SCE as being allied with Seraphon for example. Both are from Azyr, both are among the first when it comes to fighting Chaos, both are Celestial. If the SCE bring a Skink Starpriest or two things get almost as nasty I guess. Also Sylvaneth, we even see it on the picture they posted. I'd pretty much say SCE + Seraphon + Free Peoples + Sylvaneth will be allies. SCE+Treelord Ancient... YAY? Granted, they can bring them already, but they lose their allegiance if they do now. Won't be the case soon. EDIT: It also wouldn't be a AoS book if Stormcast wouldn't get stronger from it....
  18. Curious on how big the discount for bringing 40 Skellies will be.
  19. Aginor

    Wight King

    Nice colors, I like the coat especially. I am going to paint one myself soon and will probably take a hint from you there.
  20. Would make sense. It was SCE's last weak point so it makes sense for GW to finally get rid of it....
  21. Correct. Nobody knows right now, it could be everything or none. We will have to wait for more information. ...although to be honest: I kinda hope allied battlelines will not be a thing. Because IMO that would most likely mean everyone just takes the cheapest available battleline and runs elite-only armies without breaking allegiance so using bataillons and stuff.
  22. Could just as well be some demon thingie for 40k, but I'll also say AoS. Sea Aelves? Slaaneesh tentacle ******? Perhaps some ugly Nurgle thing?
  23. I think it would be a terrible waste not to use them in AoS.
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