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Everything posted by Nacnudllah

  1. I found this fossil buried in a cask of ale drinkin’ away his woes. Just another cursed soul ready ta set sail on the Flying Tallyman.
  2. Got this map from a wizened duardin, claimed to have been born before chaos took the realms, not that I'd believe an old pirate. Anyhow, a story come with it, one that was too good to be true, but it might just be. 'E said that when 'e was but a beardling twas a kingdom in the realm of metal, and the shining jewel of it was the mountain hold of Karak Gorlm. The whole kingdom stowed their treasures away in vaults tunneled deep into the mountain. And so it went for hundreds of years until Sigmar's pantheon disbanded and so on and chaos fell upon the land. 'E wasn't sure what caused it, but the whole kingdom fell into the sea, leaving behind only mountaintops as a chain of islands. The duardin who lived there built mighty endrinships and fled to the sky, while their human neighbors were left to die. The story of the treasure of Karak Gorlm fell into myth, and was eventually written off as a children's tale. Of course, he had a map that he was willing to part with for only three gold crowns and a tankard of ale. And if that ain't a bargain, my name's not Smitty Cystongue. Also, I stumbled upon my old chum Ulgar who says e's up for makin' the voyage. We used to sail together back in the day and e's as fine a gunner as e'er sailed the mortal seas. Now if i can just find me old Cap'n, we can put the old crew back together for one last adventure.
  3. The scurvy crew of the Flying Tallyman are still hirin’ (and still in need of a Cap’n), but might aid ye’ in yer querulence. As of this moment, they sail in the Soulless Seas of Ghyran, but they’ve been asearch for a seaworthy realmgate to take them to The Glittering Archipelago in Chamon. I hear tell the isles we’re once the stronghold of a filthy rich Duardin clan afore they fled to the skies leavin’ behind all their riches. The Flying Tallyman WIP of the ship’s Plague Cannon WIP of the Captain’s Mate Smitty Cystongue? (Name in progress too) Update: Smitty has a paint job!
  4. I used an x-acto blade to cut it out. I actually ended up hand drawing my own template for the ship because his was so huge. The design is so simple that it was an easy change to make. I used my models as a guide to make sure it would hold a 6-man unit on 50mm bases as well as a 10-man unit on 25mm bases.
  5. I got the background from someone's AoS homebrew resources folder ages ago (it's a bit dated now compared to their new format with all the circles and arcs). The boxes are actually just powerpoint. I make a text box with beige background and brown border, and I have a brushed metal image that I cropped into the little diamond shape.
  6. @Acid_Nine The main building material is the posterboard that is foam coated in paper on either side. After you've cut it into shape, peel the paper off and you've got a nice thin sheet of foam. The detail is all done by etching patterns in with a ballpoint pen. Also, in the tutorial, he uses white glue for everything, but I found that it was easier to glue it together with hot glue, but use white glue to coat the whole ship before painting.
  7. You just attack the units in this one, the ships are basically just moving terrain. Also, the ships are scratch-built from foamcore. I used this tutorial (with a little modification for scaling) and it was really easy.
  8. I've been working on some naval battles rules for an upcoming event I'm running and figured folks on here might get some enjoyment out of them. Also, I'm curious as to what sorts of rules other folks use (or would use) for naval battles. Mine revolve around keeping it simple, and have worked well in my test battles so far, but I'm sure there are a lot of different ideas out there. Bonus: My mini-armada of scratch-built ships making a beach landing!
  9. Mollox's Menagerie. I put wings on him so I can use him as a Daemon Prince of Nurgle in my army.
  10. I voted for Gifts From the Heavens, but Wilddog makes a good point, Starstrike is just a better version of the same battleplan. I like that it forces changing tactics depending on where the objectives come down, but it also makes sense from a story perspective.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a one-stop-shop Narrative battleplan. It is designed using storytelling game concepts to play into the idea of gaming as conversation. I designed it for narrative/open play pickup games for when players don't have some great idea for a story; they can instead let the story flow over them with this battleplan. It uses a system of Objectives and Motivations to create thematic scenarios. It includes generic Objectives and Motivations along with Objectives and Motivations to accompany most battletomes.
  12. Bar-Zhagg, Druzgul, and their grot slaves.
  13. In Options, you can change the heightmap template from High Island to Peninsula to get land at the borders.
  14. I've combined Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator with some additional finishing in powerpoint to make a new regional map for my campaign setting. Eucebium is the region in turmoil that all of my previous Game Day events have taken place in, but I'm growing the map to add some new regions and to get a bigger view of the area they inhabit. Kytos: This region is peopled largely by barbarian cultures. During the Age of Chaos, they fell to worship of Khorne. While some still follow the Blood God, some follow other more positive and life affirming Blood Gods, and others have rediscovered the nature-loving nomadic lifestyles of their past. Army allegiances aside, the people of Kytos are brash and aggressive. Vivax: During the Age of Chaos, Vivax was a bastion of Nurgle... and it still pretty much is. Vivax is very much still recovering from Nurgle's influences on the land and the people. It is also home to the Bleeding Gate that connects it to Ghur. Lamellia: Historically Lamellia has been a Seraphon kingdom. However, during the Age of Chaos, it provided safe harbour to the people of Order and fought to stem the encroachment of Vivax's corruption. Lamellia is also home to the ruins of an ancient Duardin kingdom now known as Karak Uzgul, the Mountains of the Dead. There is actually a lot more of Lamellia to the north and east that is not shown on this map. Trolgotha: To the south of Eucebium is the wild region of Trolgotha. Trolgotha has no seat of power and is defined only by its uncontrollable borders. It is populated primarily by Greenskinz, but also by those that would prefer to avoid the prying eyes of civilization. The Soulless Vortex: The bay to the south of Eucebium is actually home to a thriving population of Idoneth Deepkin. It is a great churning region blighted by mystic storms that prevent ships from traversing the bay safely (contributing to Trolgotha's seclusion from the rest of civilization).
  15. Magore’s Fiends. This is your brain on Chaos.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    The sages of Efengie have interpreted malign portents ahead. Follow the Efengie campaign through Malign Portents, Coalescence: the Desolation of Eristrat, and the rise of a horrible new daemonic queen! This book contains 5 narrative battleplans with a linked battles campaign framework, Regions of War rules for battling in the Vale of Efengie, and lots of pictures and stories from the past year of Age of Sigmar Game Days. This is book 4. Books 1-3 aren't necessary to enjoy the battleplans or storyline, but if you like this, you might like these others too! Book 1 Book 2 Book 3
  17. Heres my Dark Age take on the The Sacrosanct warband for Nightvault.
  18. Averon Flamesire and his Flames of Penitence.
  19. My Sepulchral Guard are actually part of Richter Krueger’s Cursed Company. Here they are along with (some of) my Cursed Company for reference and for those who haven’t been playing forever.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    This campaign book includes 5 battleplans, Artefacts, Spells, Prayers, and more to help bring your Warhammer Skirmish battles into the Dark Age of Sigmar. Explore a ruined city with Rewards of Battle tables that tell the story of warbands exploring a ruined city. Follow the Shepherds of Rot as they traverse the Ruins of Hammerstadt in Ghyran. Also, the book includes three Quests for your warband to pursue as they battle and explore.
  21. Brother Farstrider’s White Scars hunters reporting for duty.
  22. I discovered a pretty cool map-making tool. https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ It's a procedural map-maker that has cultures, countries, automatically generates cities and town names, and then lets you edit all that after the fact if you want. Here are some examples that I've been working on. The first one is zoomed out, this is the sort of thing it generates. The second one is zoomed in. I haven't done any real editing here, I just zoomed in and set it to a topographic view (it also does cultural and political maps).
  23. @Gecktron I really like your map of the Smouldering Peninsula! What did you use to make it? @Melcavuk I've seen some of your blog posts here, is the battletome available for download anywhere? Or is it still a WIP? @Gorks Pokin' Finger Thanks, I've been using a free webapp called Inkarnate (with a little work in GIMP after the fact). It's a little limited, but does nice work. With regard to Waaaghtown!, I have a habit of naming things and finding out what they are after the fact. Thus far, it's kind of the rough and tumble part of the city where boyz can be boyz. Reaper is a very welcoming city, but some need a little extra room. After our most recent skirmish campaign, it gained a soup kitchen run by Ogor Butcher Slogg Sexipants (I have a very imaginative group of players).
  24. One of my favorite bits of fluff is maps. But more than just official GW maps, I also really like seeing other people's home-made maps and hearing about their kingdoms and whatnot. So this is a thread to share you maps and tell us a bit about the setting for your campaigns. I'll start. This is the Vale of Efengie (named for the store Fun-n-Games), in Ghyran. It's part of a larger region called Eucebium. The Gates of Eucebium are a collection of unstable and/or ruined Realmgates. Bludor is the main bastion of Order in the vale while Chaos currently controls land trade routes from Fort S'nak, a massive fortress erected by titans during the Age of Myth. One of the important features of Eucebium is The Azyrspire. If you walk along it for long enough, they say it leads to Azyr. Settlers used it to populate the area before the Age of Chaos, but it has been closed for a long time. During the Age of Myth, Hammerstadt was a thriving metropolis, but during the Age of Chaos, Nurgle demolished it with a trio of plagued meteors and the survivors resettled in the Vale of Efengie. The Free City of Reaper is a city of mercenaries near the foot of Mt. Koula. It is ruled by the Reaper King, a monarch as ancient as he is mysterious. All are welcome in the city, which often results in skirmishes and sometimes outright war, but the Reaper King's rule must be respected... or else.
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