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Everything posted by Tomplex

  1. You give up a lot of good allegiance abilities to play big waaagh, and I feel like Kruleboyz give up less to join big waaagh then the other warclans do. Dirty tricks that might not work anyway? A subfaction choice whose primary draw is freeing you from the Gutrippaz tax? Meh. Big waaagh also frees you from the Gutrippaz tax, in a way. Kruleboyz are also the only clan that seems suited to drawing out a game long enough to benefit from the waaagh table. Ironjawz and bonesplitterz have subfaction and allegiance abilities that are too good to give up.
  2. There's a new thread in the Orruk Warclans subsection of Destruction here on the forums but some of the old hands have stayed posting here. It would probably help to consolidate there.
  3. What battalions are you thinking of? Because if you're worried about drops a second mirebrute would push you out of a 2 drop with 2 battle regiments. If that's not a concern, the mirebrute is a great pick. Shootas also favor lower drops while equivalent points of hobgrots can spread out better. 2 units of hobbos will speed bump 4 fulminators twice as long as 1 unit of 20 shootas would. Beyond that I always try to include a killaboss somewhere if I'm bringing 20 Gutrippaz, but it's always hard to find the points.
  4. Because he slaps and also Kairos can use his fate die to change the thirster's to wound roll to 6 for a guaranteed large area mortal wound bomb.
  5. I thought I liked soup tomes based off of the previous warclans book which let you play either orruk faction which you could season to taste with allies from the other, or big waaagh which combined with good command traits and battalions let you enjoy a lot of the benefits of both forces across your whole army with a few significant but not overly punishing sacrifices. The new warclans book has almost no interplay among the 3 factions, with conditional battleline exclusively tied to subfactions. You can't ally or coalition other orruks at all which feels weird and bad. And the big waaagh makes you sacrifice too many allegiance and subfaction abilities in exchange for a chart with buffs that might take effect 2 turns after you're tabled. The new warclans book is less of a soup and more of a 3 course meal where you have to choose one course to eat and throw out the other two, or you can throw it all on the ground and eat off the floor with big waaagh. That's my worry with future soup tomes. If the dwarfs get souped I hope it's more like the previous warclans book or cities of sigmar than the new warclans book.
  6. I think the issue that puts me off both the breakaboss and the gnashtoof is that they're neither monsters nor eligible for sub commander status which just leaves them a little fiddly to slot into my list building.
  7. Ironjawz can no longer make up for their lack of options by using other Orruks. Can't coalition or ally... only Big Waaagh which is... well let's just say it's not a net gain.
  8. I think the choppas is good for that list at scale. Assuming the megaboss is on foot
  9. Our strongest piece is the mawkrusha, and the ironsunz command ability makes sure the enemy can't isolate and kill the mawkrusha in combat without us having a say about it.
  10. A couple of points. The choppaz allegiance is only buffing your min sized ard boyz so you're much better off with Ironsunz as that'll let your mawkrushas support each other. Another thing to think about is dropping the weirdnob for another warchanter. 2 buffed krushas are better than 1. You can grab an extra enhancement for the arcane tome if you really want a spell.
  11. I found fighting in the hero phase pretty valuable, along with some other things like traits and armor, but yeah they at least got some things to make up for it.
  12. I think the issue might be that you can put Flaming Weapon on the Mawcrusha's Mighty Fists which has rend-2 but Destroyer (as an artifact) cannot be put on the mount attacks.
  13. Other than the aforementioned caster I can only really think of bringing msu Big Stabbaz to punch over the heads of msu Ard Boyz. I think that would have some play for a cheap investment. I love the idea of bringing 1 unit of each warclan battleline, but I have no delusions about it being efficient or competitive. Just 30 savage stikkas meeting a glorious and grisly end soaking up a ton of damage. Who knows, maybe they'll take an enemy model or two with them?
  14. I like this list a lot, pretty close to what I was thinking of. I do think you have too many mount traits though. As far as the shamans go you have just what you need to poison up but your boltboyz units, plus they're your needed subleaders. Seems good to me.
  15. Magic is kind of an all or nothing proposal in this game. Orruks have very few bonuses to cast or dispell so even with a heavy investment you're unlikely to prosper against factions that do have bonuses. That said I'm surprised I'm not seeing more inclusion of the fungoid cave shaman ally as that's our only source of extra cp generation nowadays
  16. Can you imagine how great it would have been if kragnos gained the orruk clan keywords in the orruk warclans allegiance? Moving with mighty destroyers, a 6+ ward and venom encrusted weapons in big waaagh? Triggering smashing and bashing in ironjawz? I feel like he'd be well worth the points and could go toe to toe with some of the other god models then. Err, toe to hoof i mean.
  17. Musician- count the number of enemy units within 12" and roll a d6. If the result is higher than the number of enemy units you get +1 to charge. Banner- roll 2d6 and subtract 1 for every enemy unit within 12", and -2 for every enemy unit within 3", if the result is higher than your leadership add 1 to your leadership. Champion- roll a d6, on a 6 you get +1 attack. I'm being facetious of course, but it does seem in line with the abilities we've seen so far.
  18. I had a hard time finding an eReader too, and was also not impressed with customer service on this particular issue (I've otherwise had wonderful experiences with gw service) In the end I found that lithium was the only eReader that I could get to work.
  19. I'm hoping the Mouth of Mork, who might be a special character, and might be riding a scorpion-tailed bat, is a powerful spellcaster and not just another killaboss (if he even exists)
  20. I'm a little fuzzy on the rules for what can and can't be taken. Theoretically, say I take Stormcast as my book. I take 3 battleline and a leader. Now the rules say 1 in 4 could be allies that don't exclude you from taking Stormcast allegiance, so if I played MSU I could still bring IDK, KO and FS as token units without losing my allegiance abilities. But what if I take more? I lose the allegiance abilities but could I still go to a tournament with a legal, albeit self-nerfed army?
  21. Does anybody know if Lethisian Defenders have survived the transition to AoS3? I've been telling myself if the allegiance gets removed that I could make it work with grand alliance order but it seems like that might not be an option anymore.
  22. I'm stoked for a new warclans book. Something is worrying though; between Kragnos and the Swampcaller both having abilities that can negatively impact your own army, I fear GW might be reinvesting in the concept of team killing dim-wittery as a defining theme of destruction forces. Which, while flavorful does make me flash back to the bad old days of greenskin animosity. I'm interested to see if venom crusted weapons will be one of the allegiance abilities that has a parallel ability in the big waaagh!. I'm really looking forward to having some shooting and artillery available!
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