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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. @Zephyr I'm glad you like my army. I guess the aspects of Slaanesh which involve a lot of nudity was one of the reasons a lot of people thought Slaanesh was gone for good. And I can understand why people can have issues with bare chested women in a store filled with kids. With AoS there has been an increasing amount of female models, which look like actual characters in the setting instead of pin-up models...

    My reasons for creating this army don't have anything to do with this sentiment though. I simply feel that there is a lot more depth to the lore on Slaanesh. Slaanesh is also the god to grant creativity and inspiration, the god for every warrior who maniacally takes their skills to the extreme. these are themes I like to explore and I'd love to see those different aspects of Slaanesh represented in the miniatures. It is the things I like to explore in my snippets of lore and are also represented somewhat in my mini's.

    I finished another character for the army. This is Eurenil, an elf lord who is actually possessed by a greater daemon. He holds a big position in the city and controls the brotherhood of the ox, hence his horned helmet. I painted his base to represent a mosaic featuring a bull headed daemon... hinting at his possession. I personally really like the pose.




    and to finish of this post, a sneak peak of something I'm currently working on:


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  2. @DeathCat147 thanks! the scar was one of my favorite parts to paint, oddly enough... by the way I love your project!

    @daveboy the weird thing is the white was completely white in Photoshop... anyway, thanks for the example. This makes a lot of sense, and I'm trying it out on the model I'm currently painting. I can see how this can help to make some areas look more crisp.



  3. thans for the replies and feedback @Gorthor21 @Somanlius. There might be more civilians down the line. But right now I'm actually working on some mini's that will take the army out of the city, which will allow for the samenons and slaangor to roam free along the elves... @daveboy I'm not familiar with the term blackening though. I guess it means having a small line of darker color between different areas? maybe you have some pics to clarify?

    I figured out a way to get better pictures with less harsh lighting. although I'm doubting if I should go back and adjust the light temperature somewhat, because they appear slightly yellowish. Or is that just me?  so here are the same mini's again.





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  4. This week I'm on holiday, so I could take some pictures of the stuff I've been working on the last couple of weeks. After finishing the Slaangor I had some models lying around who could represent the inhabitants of the city my army hails from. The influence of Slaanesh can be felt throughout every layer of society in this city, although not every citizen might be aware of it. An outsider could visit the city and enjoy it's riches, the art that is everywhere and all kinds of other ways to experience pleasure and still be oblivious to the fact the city is ruled over by Thalion, a daemon prince of Slaanesh. that is until they reach the upper levels and see what the court of Thalion really looks like...








    I imagine the infernal enrapturess could play some beautiful music to please Thalion.

    As always I'd love it f you leave a reply,


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  5. The new rumour engine uses the same text as last week (about feeling Sharp and something to wet your taste). A fluke? Or maybe the last two are connected, which probably means the bug wings from last week are also 40k?

  6. Wow! I got so much positive reactions to these Slaangors, it's insane... On Instagram they got almost 900 likes when I usually get around 200-300 likes and also a lot of reactions. I'm so thrilled people like these guys as they really were a joy to work on. 

    @VBS thank you so much, allthough that might be a little bit too much credit. There are some really cool threads on here! I feel like this part of the site doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.

    @Lavieth @Kronos @kaaras @Tzaangor Management @KnaveOfScribes @Gorthor21thank you all so much for the kind words and support, just leaving a reply really helps to keep the creative juices flowing. You compliments really mean a lot, especially since some of you have your own awesome Plog.

    @Mila il Bello, like @Arael said they are based on the abberants. these are from a boxed set but GW realesed more of them I think. the one on the left had to give up his claws though, to make the Slaangor possibe... poor Slaaneshi mutant...


    So now I got to figure out what is next... This would be a good moment fot GW to release that new Keeper of secrets. hopefully it has a bull-head just like the oldskool one.

  7. I’m glad slaanesh got mentioned, because I was somewhat fearfull we might not see slaanesh for an entire year until next januari. The fiends and harpist will Probably be released as seperate kits in a few months. Maybe there will be some extra stuff for slaanesh then. I’m hoping for a release the size of the new goblins (12 new kits?) but we’ll see. 

  8. I got so many positive reactions to the Slaangor (both on TGA and mostly instagram) that I decided to make a complete unit of 6 Slaangor. I was originally just planning on doing a single Slaangor, but when someone suggested to make an entire unit I couldn't resist.

    It has been a lot of fun building these guys and working a lot with green stuff. They are now pretty much done and ready for painting. Hopefully Iĺl get round tot painting them, or at least some of them, during my christmas holiday.

    Let me know what you think of them!



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  9. 59 minutes ago, Overread said:


    There's artwork at the early part which has quite a new take on Deamonettes. Whilst its mostly just art, unless they are giving us anew kind of them, because they look VERY "pinhead" inspired. Could be human woreshippers or another new unit considering that the other 3 gods got at least one new humanoid style unit. 

    It isn’t new artwork though. I like the look of those daemonettes, they look more like the concept art for that Warhammer game. But I don’t think it means new daemonette models... sadly 

  10. So the regimental standard is about noise marines, the 40k slaanesh guys. I’m not sure If the content of regimental standard is a clue for what is to come? If so, maybe we can expect some slaanesh stuff to appear in the near future? Maybe just for 40k. We have had rumours about ‘excesmass’ and/or ‘slaanuari’, but that has been a while. 

  11. @Gothicwaltz thank you! It's humblingto hear my work inspires others:)

    @mcfishstick thanks for leaving such a kind comment!

    @Cambot1231 thanks! I love the pincer daemon model, especially the head. It has been a while since I painted this guy. But I think it is kislev flesh blended with purple (I use xereus purple and screamer pink) and black on the tips. It is a lot of blending. But I don't think I can remember the exact proces. Good look on the pincer daemon!

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