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Everything posted by Naem

  1. Wait wait wait hold one my man. You are telling me that you not only have this beautiful table, but also a cute wife who does not only tolerate you gaming habit but actively participates in it? Please teach me master! (Awesome Table btw and also very very beautiful showcase. Is it made from the same wood?)
  2. Thank you for the advise! Do you happen to know which White Dwarf it was that contained the Syll Forces? nvm already found it Plus I really love the model!
  3. If you don't mind I would like to hijack your Thread a bit, because I am basically looking at the same question. After painting up a few Chaos dudes for a friend I kinda felt a certain attraction to the faction. The new models are gorgeous and as Chaos Warriors was my first army when I was a kid I got myself a Start Collecting. Now what I am looking to do is a Slaanesh themed army that combines Daemons and Mortals. I would really really love to run the Keeper of Secrets as I find the model just unbelievable. So how would you recommend to build that sort of thing? In my mind I would like a force that has a big bulb of Warriors and 2 hard hitting Knight Units plus 1 or 2 mortal heroes but the rest I would like to be Daemons and Daemon Princess. The idea behind it is to show a force of mortals that are being turned into Daemons one by one - while some are already full daemon mode, some others are still human - all being led by the great Keeper of Secret. To start: would you recommend building a Hedonists of Slaanesh force with STD allies or the other way around? Maybe with the host that favors Daemons as leaders in the STD book?
  4. How about: Stardrake Prime Castellant Exorcist 3x5 Libs 6x Evos on Kitties 1x Comet Thats my take on the Stardrake and Kitties menu and I find that it works quite well. I don't really miss the Lord Arcanum and rather drop him then losing the benefits of the Castellant. But the problem with only having one caster stays
  5. Do you think the Lord Castellant found in most Starcast lists is absolutely mandatory? Because I was thinking of replacing him for an Excorcist in Order to have 2 Casters (him and Incantor) alternatively replacing him with Lord Relictor for some more mobility.
  6. Thanks a lot - I think this might be the right direction, but I will have to just try some models out. Fortunately I do have an extra SCE box, that I got cheaply of ebay And I really do love the models, giving that I only have Order so far and Chaos was my first army back in 2003, I am thinking about maybe building a small Chaos force. For myself I would prefer something Tzeentchy. Never got to understand the synergy between Daemons (or Disciples in that case) and STD. I love the warrior and knights models, so I would definitely need them in my list, but can the rest be Disciples? From what I understand you can combine quite freely, can't you? On the other hand the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh is one of the most beautiful models I have ever seen sooo, maybe Hedonists with STD?
  7. Hey guys, I promised to paint up a unit of Warriors for a friend who is only getting started and now I am looking for a nice Slaanesh theme but without the typical pink or purple armor. Was thinking maybe bone colored armor with just a few purple elements or maybe black with purple highlights or something completely different. If you happen to have some good looking minis I would really love to see them (of course I looked threw Instagram, Pinterest and such, but didn't find quite what I was looking for =/ )
  8. Well then I would love to hear your price and whether you are willing to ship to Germany (and of course I would assume that the trade will depend on whether it is still satisfactory for both sides considering the shipping costs)
  9. Thank you! Indeed basing in The Fang seems to be a good idea. Someone on reddit suggested to base mechanicus standard grey, then wash with Nightshade, layer with Ulthuan and drybrush with Praxeti White (plus optional fine highlights with White Scar). But your way seems to be a lot quicker. Did you use no Shade at all? And what would you guess was his approach for the brown parts (the "skin" under the bark)? I think the GW way will look similar to the staff on the first picture, which would actually work pretty good with warm leave colors.
  10. Really love all the armies here, especially the Sylvaneth. Here are some of my Stormcasts - I wanted to go for something aside of the classical gold or basic color armor and tried to go for a little more "grim dark" approach. Not all the way though, but at least a little bit less shiny ^^:
  11. Hello Friends, I have finished constructing my SC box and two more boxes of Dryads and now I am ready to paint. But I can't decided on a scheme yet, especially as I haven't found one yet that shows exactly what I would like to go for. So I wanted to ask you guys for advise on how to achieve what I envision. As a general concept I originally had an army of Weirwood Trees in mind, like the Game of Thrones ones. So generally speaking a bright bark and red leaves. Then I found another image of a scheme with a bright bark but more yellowy leaves that I also really liked: The original idea goes more into this direction: What would you say was the way to achieve the look of the bark? Also I thought about painting the bark according to this video: which gives them a more "earthy" and "woody" feel and should also look pretty neat with dark red or dark yellow leaves. Also the technique is quite easy with mostly drybrushing. So in conclusion: which one do you like best and which one would be easiest to paint time-wise (as I already dread painting all of my 60 Dryads :D)? Plus: what would be you guess on how the bark color in the two first pictures was achieved? Sorry if this is the wrong topic and should rather be moved into the painting section.
  12. Well if you are interested in selling separably I would take the Raptors
  13. Hey guys, I decided on Sylvaneth for my next AoS project and got a really good deal on some minis, including a Start Collecting Box. Quick question: can the Treelord model from the SC be build as a TLA and TL like the regular Treelord box, or is it just the Treelord in the SC?
  14. Yes I think its gonna be the Lord on Stardrake. I just love dragons
  15. Well the first one is finishing the other list options for my SCE army. For the first time in my life I managed to get a full 2000P. army painted (after returning to the hobby after 18 years). Now I want to be able to play different lists and therefor need to paint like 30 additional models, including 2 big center pieces (prime and dude on drake...the reptile one, you know what I mean :P). So there I would like to put all the stuff I learned in the past year and really go and try to paint the best model I possibly can. Other than that a big resolution for me is to play more. In the past year I only managed to make a total of maybe 5-6 games, even though I live 15 minutes by foot away from the next GW and several clubs which are also less than 30 minutes away. But work and family keep a man busy and besides I didn't have a fully painted army until November, so in 2020 I would like to throw a lot more dice Third one is starting a new army after my SCE are almost done. I have a custom Primaris chapter for 40k that I am working on but also would like to have a second AoS army. First I was going for Sylvaneth, then Chaos came out and looked awesome (and as I started with Chaos as a kid I have a special connection to them) but now pointy Elves where announced and maybe I wait and have a look on them :P).
  16. That is a fair point, but as you said regarding StD, this stuff changes - and fast sometimes. Another example would be the Space Marines in 40k, who were not to great and a suddenly top tier, because for once they got a decent codex. So when choosing an army that you want to play for years I maybe wouldn't rely to much on the contemporary meta. An army that might be unplayable bad, could be the most overpowered army with the next upgrade. On a more general note: I also would love to have a more balanced game. But we should give GW a break sometimes, as balancing a strategy game is a hell of a job and the more factions and armies you have the more difficult it gets. I remember an early interview with blizzard regarding Starcraft, where they were asked why only just 3 races. And the answer was that there is only so much time and money and balancing three races while making them also unique to play was the absolute maximum that this huge company could handle. While balancing an RTA might be different from balancing a round based game, just imagine how complex it must be to even approximately balance 12+ different armies. I would even dispute that it is at all possible to balance that many armies, if you don't want so simply clone units like other RTS do (Age of Empires for example, where everybody has the same units with different skins except for a couple of special units).
  17. Well boys, now that the Battletome is there, are you satisfied with the rules? I am not quite sure to be frank, but I haven't played a game with the new rules yet, so of course I cant know for sure. But my impression is, that the units stats (that remained the same for big parts of the army) are still quite underwhelming. Especially for Knights I was hoping for some stark improvement. But maybe with all the auras and allegiances and magic stuff they can be pimped to be as scary as they should be. So, what are your overall thoughts? Is the army now on even grounds with the newer mighty forces like Bonereapers or still rather meh from a competitive pov?
  18. So how do you guys fix the magnets and which size do you use? From what I’ve heard just superglue won’t cut it?
  19. On a side note - any chance they change the armies name to something that doesn't have STD as its acronym? 🙄
  20. Sounds great! I will ask around my group and place an order. Thank you
  21. These look great, I would like to order some. Do you ship to Germany?
  22. You are so right! And I can not really understand why GW is not doing anything about it. Why is there no warscroll builder for 40k for example? It is so terribly complicated to build an army in 40k with all the separate point costs and the beloved Battlescribe is the best thing we have, but it is not a good app in my eyes. There is plenty of more room to make a user friendly and easily accessible app which would give GW some additional moneys for a relatively low effort.
  23. Joining the contract for finishing my SCE collection and 3000 P. mark: 4 Sequitors 2 Evocators 2 Ballistas with Crew 2 Paladins And that would be it, after that I am going to finally turn to my 40k Primaris Project (SCE in space basically ) oooor continue with easier StD or Sylvaneth
  24. Would be my strategy as well, but I do not feel like barring the costs of paying double for every book. If you would get a code to download the digital version with every book you buy in print, that would be a sweet deal. But paying 2x 30€ for the same Battletome for example is just to much. So to answer the topic's question. I switched to digital and use the books with my Ipad. Especially the gaming book is a good product as it contains all the rules you need including realm rules and endless spells in just one document (which is searchable making it way easier to find a specific passage when needed). But I miss the paperbacks of course. The feel and smell are uncomfortable - but its just not worth it for me, unfortunately.
  25. Oh I started out quite young, I think I was around 13 when I bought my first minis. I think they were Chaos Space Marines. Later I switched to Fantasy because I felt it was more "epic" with all the magic and the huge regiments. But problem was that it was just too expensive. I had not enough money to get a real army in any reasonable amount of time and didnt have to patience to wait for years until I had a force large enough to play. I would be able to buy like one box of units per month but would then have no money for anything else ( I think I got like 50 Euros a month from my parents and a box of Chaos Warriors costed like 40 Euros ). I still painted and played with the little forces I had until WoW and girls happened and I kinda lost interest and sold all my stuff for money. But I never lost the fascination for the painting and just admiring beautiful minis whenever I passed by a GW. Plus being 15 or 16, when being "cool" is the most important thing ever, I felt like wargaming was not a cool enough hobby to impress girls Scroll forward like 15 years later. I am in my early 30s and have a decent job plus girlfriend who I don't need to impress I walk by the local GW and see this amazing minis that look like medieval Space Marines. I fall in love. I get two starter boxes and all the colors I could ever wish for and just go for it. Best decision ever and I hope that I never quit again. On a side note: its funny how much all the tutorials, youtube guides, apps and forums help. My very first mini after more then 15 years was waaaay better then my best mini when I was 15. Just because I adapted basic techniques like thinning the paint and had the right material. So thanks to everybody who contributes to the community in that way.
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