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Everything posted by AthelLoren

  1. Great job! He looks eerie to me, but I don't know if that was the intention or just my impression. Something about the flesh tone and the way shadows fall on his face.
  2. I'll join if I have time. Maybe capitalising on the Wine trade... Still the thought of FIsh-slapping drunken satyrs comes to mind.
  3. Looking Good! Welcome to the Cities, brother - the most versatile force in the game. And welcome back to the hobby! I bet you've got a pretty deep bitz box, eh? I'm a newbie myself, so can't give any advice on Hallowheart - or really anything competitive, for that matter. I've read quite a lot of lore, played a lot of Warcry, but i've only played a handful of games of AoS.
  4. Hello all, what do you guys think about Warmachine/Hordes models in Age of Sigmar? Mostly Heroes, and a small number of units. It's all basically WYSIWYG (Well, Battlemages might have spears or bare hands instead of staffs), for example Circle Orboros Reeves as Freeguild Crossbowmen, Wolves of Orboros as Pheonix Guard, Baldur as Freeguild General, various solos and unit add-ons as Battlemages. Maybe even Bradigus Thorle as the Celestant prime? I just love the Circle Orboros line, and their models fit my theme perfectly. Pheonix Guard and Freeguild Crossbowmen are great models, but the Wolves and Reeves of Orboros make more sense in my aesthetic, which is an All-natural Living City force. In addition, I like the Privateers Press games (Not as much as AoS - they're a little Rules heavy for my tastes) and setting a lot, having played them with my dad when I first got into wargaming, and if I ever decide to get back into that universe it would be nice to have some starting models. What do you all think? About this specifically, and Warmahordes models being used in AoS in general?
  5. (Long, impressed whistle) Speechless, this is so amazing. Wish I could do the things you do. The original Queen model was gorgeous, and this just tops it.
  6. Those Gyrobomber conversions are absolutely amazing! I enjoyed your reference to avatar the last Airbender, one of my favorite TV shows overall.
  7. Okay, hey guys, sorry for the silence but my family recently moved off grid. So, I say that I'm a Sylvaneth/Wanderers player, but I only have a few models - I mostly play Warcry. What would you guys suggest proxying Glade Guard as? Shadow Warriors? Do they work as sisters of the watch or do they not look right? Also, how would allies work for a Waywatcher? Does the warscroll still exist even though the model is gone and, if so, what category would it be under? Wanderers? Asking because there doesn't seem to be a suitable proxy for a Waywatcher.
  8. I love it! Believe it or not, I was going to post asking SOMEONE to use that art to convert nature Dwarves, when I found this blog. please keep feeding us glorious pictures, fellow druid! By root and stone!
  9. Just got back from a three day vacation at my aunt's house, so sorry for the silence. So, about the Stormcast, what about a chamber of the Astral Templars called the Tridentcrests? Either a warrior or Vanguard chamber, and the Lord Celestant/Aquilor has Tridentcrest as their title/surname thing.
  10. Honestly, I think that the lumineth would make great Posterboys. I like them a lot, personally, but I am a sucker for Aelves with Spears and Shields. Really.
  11. Honestly, I think that the lumineth would make great Posterboys. I like them a lot, personally, but I am a sucker for Aelves with Spears and Shields. Really.
  12. Wonderful! Winter Sylvaneth/Aelves are always awesome. Wish I could paint like you, man. Praise the Everqueen!
  13. Hmmm.... Maybe when we finally get Kurnothi, I can have drunken romping satyrs slapping people with fish. Again, without the Scales. I've always wanted that.
  14. Gosh, I vote for Astral Templars! That makes perfect sense. Also, that's an amazing piece, @Kalebkhaine. I wonder, would there be any place for Wanderers or Sylvaneth? Maybe sea-green Wanderers working with the Scourge Privateers?
  15. So, what do y'all think about Scales as a currency? What do you think the ratio would be - for example, how many scales for a fresh fish (Without the Scales, of course - they're too valuable)? How many for a loaf of bread? I think this kind of thing could really help us flesh out the city.
  16. Hey guys, it's been way too long. If any of you remember me, my family moved off grid and I haven't had a chance to update. I was planning on just lurking to begin with, but this topic is an absolute gem - Lore is the best part of the hobby imho. I like everything so far, but I was thinking, maybe we could have a Homebrew Stormhost focused on Seafaring? Like the thing in Tyler Mengel's Homebrew tomb Kings stuff, just not necessarily Hammers of Sigmar. Maybe a metallic purple armor, something like the Trident Lords? other than that, I'm super excited about this - if you will take me, I'd love to contribute. PS: I love the whole Shadow War thing going on - perfect setting for games using the Warcry rules. I like the idea of the city being built around bones, but the Beast regenerating in the underground pool. Reincarnation, man!
  17. Honestly, that Shadows in the Forest box sounds awesome. Can GW hire you, because I also need a Crab riding Aelf in my life. Also, my sister plays nurgle, so I would love to see some pestigors - the Wood Elves and Beastmen have a long rivalry you know.
  18. I recently got rid of most of my AoS stuff. My family is moving to a smaller abode and I decided that, as I don't really play much, I didn't need to bring it. I brought a few models for Nostalgia's sake, specifically a unit of Glade Guard, a Waywatcher, and what passed for a single tree-kin (A Mage-Knight-Dungeons model on a Warhammer base). The good thing is that this all leaves me to start anew and choose a fresh army to go with.
  19. I'm pretty sure they had a section like this in an old Ogor Kingdoms book - 6th edition maybe? I have the old white dwarf preview. Issue 300 I think. Yass! I always thought that the old Grey Ogres looked better than painting them with actual flesh.
  20. Ok, so pre-orders up. I know I don't play Ogors, but they intrigue me enough to possibly look into - anyways, I thought a new topic was in order. The Orruk Warclans one was up WAY earlier, and we all need a place to talk about lists and lore and speculation and such. Let the feast of bones begin!
  21. C Nice! They appear to be word bearers, though their shoulderpads say deathguard... Correct me if i'm wrong?
  22. I think option 2 looks the best. Alarielle is a spectacular model, and a blob of 20 dryads never hurt.
  23. Can't wait to see where this goes! The Knights Excelsior tend to be pretty harsh, so drankards probably won't sit well with them.
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