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Photo blog for my progress painting my Cities of Sigmar army. 

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Phoenix Guard for Huron

These guys are part of a unit of 10 and will be the Honoured Retinue for Huron. I think the paint scheme is OK, but seeing other people's paint schemes makes me jealous!



Huron, the Nomad Prince of Hysia

Just finished the general for my army- Huron, a Nomad Prince. He's using the forest-greens from the rest of the elves, but with some blues to indicate his alliance with Hysia.   



Some more finished characters and the first finished unit!

I finished a selection of heroes and photographed them together. Thankfully they sort of work together! You can see the green theme for the aelves on the right and the blue theme for the humans and dwarves on the left. I used an Isharann Tidecaster as another battlemage, snipping off the watery bits to make it work on land: Finally, I got through 10 Ironbreakers. It's not technically "the first unit" completed as they'll be played as a unit of 30, but it sort o



Sisters of the Thorn Basing

I'm not that happy with the stags themselves- I've just done the GW base/highlight type scheme and it looks a little simple, but in any case the basing is done! This is a good illustration of what the elf bases will look like- lots of different tufts and some of ******'s excellent Wild Meadow static grass sheets.   



The full army!

I realised i hadn't gotten my full army out, so I did! This is all the Cities models I have, but is well over 2,000pts. I'll be running the army as different cities and swap in models depending on what works in each city, but to start, it'll be a Hallowheart (or Magic type city using Hallowheart rules). All armies will have Huron, the Nomad King, as it's general.  Here's the full list-  Huron, Nomad Prince General, comes with 10 Pheonix Guard as his retinue. All e




My plan is to paint most of the army relatively quickly, but to make them bright and stand out on the tabletop. The aesthetic is a little old school- bright and colourful- as homage to WHFB, so the usual layer/highlight process works well for my purposes.  Here's the Runelord for my army. The colour theming will be Hallowheart blue for all humans and dwarves- they live within the city- and greens and autumnal colours for elves- they live in the forests around the city and emerge to protect



Celestial Hurricanum Finished

The Celestial Hurricanum is now complete! It's about 10hrs paint time total, though with a model this size that's a speed paint pretty much! Love the details on this model. Likely next model will be the Dwarf Runelord as a break from such a complex model!



First finished minis

I've got a pretty big Cities army, now fully primed and zenithaled. Lockdown is the perfect opportunity for me to paint it pretty quick! Here's the full list of miniatures I have-  Here's the first painted miniatures- the Sorceress, Battlemage, a Gyrocopter and Celestial Hurricanum.  Lots to get through but happy with the colours and basing.  



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