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This is the story of the army of the Free City of Montalban.  This story is part of the narrative Warhammer Achievements event at the  Blood & Glory 2019 tournament.   As part of the achievements, you need to tell the story of your army.  In my story, the city of Montalban decides to rebel against the rule of Sigmar.  How and why this happens is the subject of this blog.  Follow the journey of Stadthouder Manstien and Sheriff Albertus from loyal subjects of Sigmar to despised rebels.  Or one man's rebel is another man's freedom fighter as they would say.  If you are present at Blood & Glory 2019, come and see the protagonists on the tabletop and find out if it was all worth it for our two heroes.

Entries in this blog


Epilogue     Three days later, the vanguard of the army left the city under the command of Sheriff Albertus, Freeguild General of the Free Army of Montalban.  With him he had the Greatswords, the Handgunners, the Demygryph Knights and some regiments of Halberdiers.  A detachment of pistoliers from the mercenary company of Nimyard rode ahead of them, scouting the road.  Albertus knew Captain Nimyard from the days way back and Nimyard owed Albertus a favour.   Three days a



Chapter 7 - What is Freedom?

Chapter 7 – What is Freedom?   For the first few weeks after the events of the festival, Montalban lived in fear of the Knights Excelsior coming back. They had promised to return and kill every living being in the city. The mood in the city was of that of complete anguish and every day funerals were held for those who had been slain by the Knights Excelsior and for those who perished in the panicked stampede that followed their attack. Stadthouder Adriaanus Manstien was a changed



Chapter 6 - The Woes of Montalban

Chapter 6 – The Woes of Montalban   No longer able to contain themselves, the Knights Excelsior jumped screaming from their stand and began to hail blows upon the festival goers.  They smashed their hammers on everyone within their reach and pushed against the crowd with their shields.  Laughter turned into screams of horror and anguish as they hammered upon the spectators all around them.  Those bloodstained from the March of the Blood Reavers earlier on, were now splattered with



Chapter 5 - King for a Day

Chapter 5 – King for a Day   On the morning of the carnival procession, thousands of festival revellers started making their way to the main market square to see the The Burial of the Sardine. The city guild of carpenters had built two large spectator stands on either side of the square. One was for the Stadthouder and the consigniliari of the town, the other for the Lord Veritant and the Knights Excelsior. Manstien had send a herald to the barracks days ago with an official invitation



Chapter 4 - You have been warned.

Chapter 4 – You have been warned   In the week that followed the Knights Excelsior’s arrival, preparations started in earnest for the Laus Stultitiae, the big annual festival. Festival goers began to arrive in the city all looking forward to the celebrations and with plenty of money to spend.  Street markets sprung up everywhere, taverns were full of revelers and across the whole city, houses and squares were decorated with garlands and banners. The festival was a celebration of the hi



Chapter 3 - They are here

Chapter 3 – They are here     Two days later, on a bright but chilly spring morning, Stadthouder Adriaanus Manstien, Sheriff Albertus and the consigniliari of Montalban stood waiting in the middle of the road, just inside the main town gate . The huge, forged iron gate was thrown wide open, its portcullis raised. The town's guard lined up in front of them outside the gate, on either side of the road leading into the town. Halberdiers on the left, Handgunners on the right. The comp



Chapter 2 - Where shall we put them?

Chapter 2 – Where shall we put them?     Sheriff Albertus walked back to the city's guard barracks well after dark. It had been a tumultuous council meeting. Half the consigniliari were arguing with the Stadthouder about sleeping quarters and provisions for the Knights Excelsior. The other half couldn't leave fast enough so they could hide whatever they needed to hide.   In the meeting, at first, Sheriff Albertus thought the situation was hilarious. He changed his mind w



Chapter 1 - The Messive

Chapter 1 – The Messive   Stadthouder Adriaanus Manstien was staring out of the window. He had been pacing up and down the cabinet room in deep thought. Not saying a word. Sheriff Albertus, the only other person in the room was standing in front of the desk, wisely keeping his silence. Now Manstien was looking out of the large cabinet room window towards the main town square and the gate towers. But he was not really looking at anything out there. Sheriff Albertus knew what he was real



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