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Three days later, the vanguard of the army left the city under the command of Sheriff Albertus, Freeguild General of the Free Army of Montalban.  With him he had the Greatswords, the Handgunners, the Demygryph Knights and some regiments of Halberdiers.  A detachment of pistoliers from the mercenary company of Nimyard rode ahead of them, scouting the road.  Albertus knew Captain Nimyard from the days way back and Nimyard owed Albertus a favour.


Three days after the vanguard, Stadthouder Adriaanus Manstien would march out with the main body of the army.  Manstien would take to the field on his War Griffon in full ornate battle plate.  More regiments of Halberdiers would accompany him as well as the city's Hellblaster artillery train.  Also going with him was Bert.  Bert was pulling his Rex Diem float, on top of which they had placed the Hurricanum and the Luminark.  Nostro, who was recalled as Battle Mage of the Free Army of Montalban, was standing on the float relishing his new position and polishing up his beloved machines.  In front of the army column, soldiers carried the relics of Holy Michael the Hermit, patron saint and saviour of the City of Montalban.




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