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Everything posted by DestroyerBirb

  1. If I had some allies not in pestilins, and I had Plague monks and plague censer bearers, could they still be battlelines? Also, is this a good list? Leaders 6/8 Plague Priest 80 Grey Seer 120 Allied Plague Priest on Plague Furnace 180 Grey Seer on Screaming Bell 200 Allied Verminlord Corruptor 260 Warpgnaw Verminlord 320 General with Command Trait and Artefact Battlelines 4/4 x40 Plague Monks x40 Plague Monks x40 Plague Monks x20 Plague Censer Bearers Artillery 2/5 Plagueclaw 160 Warp Lightning Cannon 180 Allied Endless Spells Either Bell of Doom 40 or Vermintide 40 2500/2500 Allied 500/500
  2. If I had some allies not in pestilins, and I had Plague monks and plague censer bearers, could they still be battlelines? Also, is this a good list? Leaders 6/8 Plague Priest 80 Grey Seer 120 Allied Plague Priest on Plague Furnace 180 Grey Seer on Screaming Bell 200 Allied Verminlord Corruptor 260 Warpgnaw Verminlord 320 General with Command Trait and Artefact Battlelines 4/4 x40 Plague Monks x40 Plague Monks x40 Plague Monks x20 Plague Censer Bearers Artillery 2/5 Plagueclaw 160 Warp Lightning Cannon 180 Allied Endless Spells Either Bell of Doom 40 or Vermintide 40 2500/2500 Allied 500/500
  3. Have you heard of a certain impossible khorne dragon? Or beastclaw Raiders, or Exalted Daemons (They are insanely hard to kill, all of them)
  4. If you have astrea solbright, they get more worth. 1 3+ Rerolling failed hit rolls 3+ -2 1. Don’t forget primes hit on 2’s. Sure, I gotta agree with some people that they aren’t the fanciest, but really, if I played Stormcast and I had all the battlelines I need and I had to choose between 6 Castigators or 5 Judicators, whether or not astrea is around, the castigators are a great option.
  5. Hey guys! I have a huge question that might change my army. Who can Slaves to Darkness Ally with? I really want to ally a Chaos Dragon into my army for a very chaotic reason, but I need to know if it is legal to do this in casual and competitive. Thanks!
  6. Hey guys! Me and my friends (I play Slaves to darkness, one plays Stormcast/Nightnaunt, one plays Skaven, one plays Nurgle and the last one plays Sylvaneth) are thinking of buying and splitting the malign sorcery box. How do you think we should split it?
  7. The big boi dragon is not that good against destruction (or anything that deals a lot of damage quickly) but other than that you will have a moderate to high chance of winning.
  8. My guesses are something like a chaos spawn or a Khorgorath. Or I can put a Sorcerer lord on top of it!🤫
  9. Hey guys! I made a gorebeast using spare parts, (images below), but I am not hundred percent sure what I could use it for. I am playing in a casual club that allows proxies.
  10. If you can get like 120 Blood Reavers and an 80 point hero then the blood god will smile down on you and grant you glory! The point of this army, send the big boi right into all the chaos, (get it?) and have 40 blood reavers supporting him, 40 onto the weaker flank of your opponent's side, and the final 40 capturing one objective, (If you use them) and the hero sneaking an objective on the sides or something. This might be a little expensive for some people, but if you can, this will have your opponent in tears (Good tears or bad ones) and the blood will keep spilling!
  11. It is amazing! It is mostly for either taking out smaller models or for halving bigger ones. It won’t last too long, but it has strength.
  12. I love reg chariots as they can be speedy, and really you just throw them at stuff with higher save and wait for reinforcements, or just to grab that objective on the opponents side
  13. Thanks! I just would need a little more information, like are you selling it or just giving it away, the condition, and if the shipping will be free or 1000000000000 pounds (That last one is mostly sarcasm)
  14. I might have an idea on an army with both the start collecting and the battleforce. For 2k It would be Isharaan Tidecaster (100) Isharaan Soulrender (100) Isharaan Soulscryer (100) Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (440) Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) (General) x6 Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (280) Battleline 1 x10 Namarti Thralls (140) Battleline 2 x10 Namarti Thralls (140) Battleline 3 x10 Namarti Reavers (140) x1 Akhelian Allopexes (140) x1 Akhelian Allopexes (140) 2000/2000 And for 1.5k and 1k, my friend will simply take a few things away and that sort of stuff. For 2.5k probably split up the Guard, and add an Akhelian Leviadon and Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers. Is this any good?
  15. Hey Guys! I would like help on one of my friend's army, if you could give my and my friend a few suggestions, that would be great! https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22665-idoneh-deepkin-army/?tab=comments#comment-339465
  16. Hello again! One if my friends wants to start an Aelf Army, and likes Idoneth Deepkin. He is has been playing for the same time as me, just doesn’t have an army. Any suggestions for a high tier matched play army? (He probably will get either a Battleforce or {more likely} a start collecting.)
  17. Does anyone know what colours/shades I will need for the Gargants under the Chaos Warshrine?
  18. Nice list, an equal balance between magic and melee.
  19. If you remove the shackles you can add 3 castigators. My friend plays them (6 of them) and they are mean, especially with astrea solbright
  20. I am starting a Slaves to Darkness army, and I will soon be getting a Battleforce, is this a good 2k Army/2.5k army? Leaders 3 Chaos Sorcerer Lord (General) 160 Chaos Lord on Manticore 250 Chaos Dragon (Galrauch) 340 (Allied) Units 25 Chaos Warriors 450 (Battleline 1) 15 Chaos Knights 480 (Battleline 2) 1 Chaos Chariot 80 (Battleline 3) 1 Chaos Chariot 80 (Battleline 4) Chaos Warshrine 160 And for 2.5k I would add Leaders 1 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Steed Units 3 40 Chaos Marauders 200 (Battleline 5) 1 Chaos Chariot 80 (Battleline 6) 1 Chaos Chariot 80 (Battleline 7)
  21. Add 40 Marauders just to annoy the bird out of your opponents Or if you know someone who plays Stormcast Godsworn hunt and a spawn would work perfectly
  22. Hi everyone! I have a question for all the warhammer pros out there and those who have been around since fantasy. Where could I get the Chaos Dragon/Galrauch?! It is a necessity in my Slaves to Darkness 2k and 2.5k army and would appreciate it if you could tell me where this dragon is hiding! (One, dragons can’t hide from me forever, not that I am a good seeker but they are huge and can’t hide, and two, don’t tell me eBay, I know they exist in other places.)
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