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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Finally!!! Sons of Behemat!!!... All hail King Brodd!
  2. The multi faction problem was resolved time ago, and it is called mercenaries... Destruction needs a new exclusive faction to develop his own path.
  3. I hope Chaos won't receive new stuff before AoS3.0 and they revamp the concept of the Chaos armies... In the actual state of the game, Chaos is problematic and boring to play against him (because or the army is useless or is broken). So, I hope we could see more things of Lumineth, the new campaign book and a preview of SoB. I think we won't receive anything more this year, I think this is a 40k year.
  4. New Warscroll Battalion and new heroe for Gloomspite Gitz in the next White Dwarf Sorry, I forgot to say that they aren't playable in Pitched Battle. Although, in April we'll get the Legion of Tithe... so...
  5. Hello, I'm from Spain and we thought the same: "it's only a virus, if you get sympthoms you will stay at home...". But the problem with this virus is that you are very contagious before you get symptoms... And be sure, this virus is very contagious. We have a lot of deaths because a lot of old people's home get infected and after the first person get symptoms basically all the people in that residence was infected. Please, be careful, if you aren't your health system will collapse.
  6. I think we are going to receive one new army every 4 months... March-April - Lumineth July-Agost - Sons of Behemat November-December - Vampires
  7. The Dread Saurian will be updated in a few weeks or a month... As always happen with all the Forge models.
  8. I hope Chaos factions won't receive anything more this year... The others alliances needs more love to be in equal level than Chaos is actually in AoS meta. It's very boring see all the options and news they received in the past 12 months and after that look at any other alliance...
  9. The head is very strange... It is from a wolf?
  10. I think that the problems with China are affecting the releases of news...
  11. Balewind Vortex was changed to "Out of Stock" on the US webstore a few weeks or months ago. So, yes, it is removed actually.
  12. The fangs are Orruk/Ogor emblems, they aren't Destruction emblems. The grots have a better craftsmanship.
  13. New rumour image, and It seems the Evil Sun to me.
  14. The biggest problem with Azyr is the poor info about the equipment you can select for your units. You need to write a lot of notes, and this inconvent with a not free App is awful.
  15. Am I the only one that think the result of the campaign was a clearly Katakros victory? - Bonefortress and the conquer of near territory. - The only one good general is Archaon in the Chaos forces. And because of that he is trapped in Eighpoints . - The destruction of the duardin Forge. - Slaneesh going to be hidden again.
  16. "Their armour is bedecked with sun and moon icons, symbolising the twin gods of Hysh, for their warriors are neither Tyrionic nor Teclian exclusively."
  17. Two weeks for Seraphon? I don't know... It's my first time been a seer. 🤣
  18. I want a new Ogor Hunter because the mes Beastgrave Ogor is a 40mm model, and the base is a pain to modify.... 😭😭😭
  19. Borth are clear for me. You modify the roll changing the result. And this result could be modified if it's a BS/Save. Count as is not the same as it is slain.
  20. Or some of the generic spells are going to "rotate" in the next General Handbook.
  21. Next week, all the characters from the past year boxes... We need to remember the resine models become Out of Stock a few weeks ago.
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