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Everything posted by Zamik

  1. I'd really like if there were some allegiance ability that would let you either remove the Hero keyword from certain five-wound heroes or allow you to take 2-3 of them in one Hero slot. I think it would be a neat way to represent the highly competitive nature of leadership in Khorne armies--every single warrior wants to be a warlord, so why shouldn't Khorne as a faction be able to bend the normal Hero rules? You could call the ability "Gorechosen" and select 2-3 5-wound heroes to occupy one Leader slot.
  2. I really like the Waves of Murder idea, since it would really amp up the Goretide's Ever Onwards ability, rewarding Bloodreavers for what they should be doing anyway--rather than forcing them to hang back in their buff bubbles. I'd like to see some Bravery buff attached to it, or applied generally to the army. It boggles my mind that warriors who have dedicated their lives to the Path of Skulls should have to worry about Battleshock. They're fundamentalists who see killing and dying for Khorne as acts of worship--what could entice them to hold their lives so dear all of a sudden?
  3. How does Qulathis the Exile's Glade keyword interact in this case? Can she be designated a City keyword since she doesn't already have a home city? Does the Glade keyword interfere in any way? Nevrmind, she doesn't have the Cities keyword at all, D'OH
  4. Thanks! Still strange I can't see the warscroll on the stores though.
  5. Is the Shrine Luminor on pre-order today? it doesn't come up in the US store. It shows up in other countries' stores, but the Download link doesn't work for any of them to see the warscroll.
  6. It reminds me a bit of the valves on the Irondrakes' drakeguns and their horn.
  7. I just found it on the Warhammer TV page. Ah well. Time to get my cart back to normal.
  8. Anybody hear anything about the winners yet? Isn't today the notification day?
  9. Oops, just looked through the book that came with the AoS 1 starter. They used to have the Monster keyword. Just realized also that the Bloodstoker's Whipped to Fury ability applied more generously to Khorne units. Why did they have to change that!?
  10. Khorgoraths' keywords have long bewildered me--not monsters, neither mortal nor daemon. Though I guess if they could benefit from all Mortal Khorne buffs, they'd be an absolute nightmare to play against!
  11. I have a tendency to be salty about Slaanesh summoning just because ours is so punitive and difficult to use. Now if Blood tithe were somehow weighted, so that Bloodthirsters could beget Bloodthirsters could beget Bloodthirsters....
  12. Yeah your post just got me thinking about that--bloodsecrator, bloodmad warband, aspiring deathbringer CA. Yeah I love my Skullreapers. And now I've read the Goonhammer review of the hedonites book, I am a little salty about Slaanesh's summoning--but at this point it seems par for the course.
  13. I haven't watched any video reviews of the Slaanesh battletome to get salty, but I'm not sure how the Painbringers are anywhere near Skullreapers. Skullreapers have an extra wound and two more attacks apiece, and have a built-in ability to fish for those extra mortal wounds. That said, I hope the next Khorne rules (Broken Realms, Battletome, etc) make Skullreapers a conditional battleline!
  14. I guess it's not 100% certain, but if a Gravelord is anything like a landlord, then I assume their tenants are skeletons!
  15. I just finished reading "The Red Feast," the first book in the origin story of Khorghos Khul, and there is a blood moon that appears over the Feast, where Khorghos and his Bloodspeaker go ham on a bunch of tribal champions. So yeah, now I WANT THIS!
  16. I don't think any points will come down, although yes I would love it if Skullreapers came down. I'm more interested wondering what we'll get from a Broken Realms book and when we'll get it.
  17. I'm really digging that there are a lot of 2" and longer range weapon options, because their max HP is Loooooow. But then, on a Double they gain Fly, so that'll be fun for making hit-and-run attacks.
  18. Okay, opening up this kit, and there are so many build options! I might need another box!
  19. I just bought these because the Morathi book is really working its dark magic on me. Are they fun to play? It's weird that I don't see more discussion here.
  20. While it wouldn't exactly be a comeback per se, I'd like to see Valkia get a new plastic model. I mean, she's carrying around the head of a Slaaneshi daemon prince for a shield, I'm sure she'd have something to say to this Newborn.
  21. It mentions a "Miss Glavia S.," a daemonette who appeared in Broken Realms: Morathi. I think the name was Sintouch? Which would make the last sentence even better. Edit: It was Glavia Sinheart.
  22. This reminds me of the weapons of The Unmade, crude bludgeons covered in nails and straps. I'm sure they'd be among the first to honor the Newborn!
  23. Relying on the Bloodstoker's survival has always kept me from building a list around Skulltake, but I'd love to see you prove my fears unfounded! Maybe Goretide could work as a slaughterhost because then you can give the Stoker the Thronebreaker's Torc for added survivability, along with Bronzed Flesh and Look Out Sir. And it would help you fling those Reavers out pretty fast too.
  24. I'm wondering how the "Stand fast" might apply to Steelheart's Champions. They're liberators, so they should get that +1 to saves, and then they also have their heroic guard ability that gives a +1 to saves when they are charged. Their melee profiles are decent too, especially with the bonus. Not a big unit, but maybe durable enough to be a pain where you need someone to?
  25. They don't have rend but they can generate mortal wounds on 6s to-hit, and they get to reroll hits against units of 5 or more models. They're foot-sloggers, true, and pricey; but they can be scary with Bloodsecrator and Bloodstoker buffs.
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