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Everything posted by smartazjb0y

  1. That's semantics though, if you have to take them and they can't be taken separately, and the only cost is a combined cost, then...well, it's still wasted, you're still eating the cost. Because you can't take them separately, the cost of the despoilers is baked into the 140 regardless of what the WSB says...because you have to take them.
  2. So you're choosing to eat the cost of those units, just to go first?
  3. Well unless they had an ability that lets you set them up at a different point, there's really no way to do what you want
  4. Yep haha, same with SCE for Stormcast. Sometimes you just gotta use 3 letters instead of just the 2
  5. Basically in WFHB, I think female Fimir are sterile so how they reproduce is raid human villages and take human women and use them to reproduce
  6. Ah yes, this sentiment really makes sense in a year where we had like 4 separate battle box releases and like 12 battletome releases, none of which had anything to do with Stormcast.
  7. The whole "GW gives stronger/better rules to new armies to sell more models" doesn't reaaallly hold muster; Nighthaunt, for example, aren't exactly at the top of the competitive rankings despite being a brand new army from last year. Stormcast are a bit older but still generally new, they're the flagship of AoS, and they're not at the top of the heap competitively either.
  8. Yeah that was slightly annoying about the box; the instruction booklet is great but it's missing all alternate instructions (Harbingers, Immortis Guard, Scraplauncher). The other 2 aren't really an issue since you can find their old instruction booklets by googling but the Immortis Guard aren't out yet so no instructions haha
  9. For everyone talking about terrain/scenery earlier, today's Stormcast episode featured a GW designer to talk AoS scenery
  10. Perfect timing! I just built my first "big" model, the Chaos Warshrine, which in retrospect probably doesn't even compare to other actual big models. Very, very intimidated to paint it since I've painted very few models before and those have usually been the smaller units that don't need a ton of colors or details. I do feel like I messed up a bit because the Warshrine is very modularized so I should have just painted the various sub-models before gluing it all together, but reading this I feel a tiny bit less intimidated to start painting it haha
  11. It's a smaller release so I think all the previews will come when they do the normal previews leading up to preorder; if the 14th is the right release date then we should start seeing previews Sunday the 1st
  12. Well generally there's less customization with push-fit, and the one case we have so far of GW selling both push-fit and regular, the push-fit ones ARE cheaper. Push-fit Sequitors come out to $5 a model ($15 for 3) and normal Sequitors come out to $6 a model ($60 for 10).
  13. Leak said $95 USD which is cheaper than the new CoS boxes ($100) and more expensive than the current StD box ($90). We're basically swapping out a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, a Chaos Chariot, and 2 Chaos Warriors for all new sculpts and the new mounted Chaos Lord, for $5. To me that does seem like a pretty good deal, but yeah don't quite love push-fit. Let's hope it's like the Sequitors which have a push-fit SKU and a normal plastic SKU
  14. If they follow past patterns then they should, but I'm not sure how long it usually takes for them to put them out separately.
  15. Oh shoot just remembered the spreadsheet leak listed the SC box as $95! If that's true, that's a great price, even cheaper than the new CoS SC boxes
  16. Yeah I think $100 seems like a pretty decent price for them, since I'm assuming the new sculpts are gonna command a higher price than what the current sculpts are selling for
  17. Yeah it's awesome, as long as the new box isn't like hugely overpriced it'll be great being able to buy all the new sculpts with some savings
  18. Yep they mention in the article that the beasties are getting warscrolls that StD can use
  19. I feel like they HAVE to, unless they like really change up the weapon profiles or something? The old ones will definitely stand out in comparison to the new ones if you have both on the table (which I'm gonna end up having haha)
  20. They mention the Warcry stuff in the battletomes, wonder if they're gonna expand their rules in the book or just still use the already released warscrolls
  21. So you think it'll replace this one instead of the Manticore one? I can kinda see it based on the looks of the revealed model https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Lord-on-Daemonic-Mount-2016
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/02/new-reveals-chaos-sororitas-tanks-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=WHTV&utm_content=whtvbloodandglory021119&fbclid=IwAR1MMNWBKSI1zg0lISmNp0efXZqE1pOhLf9SPzaeCQZOcdzn0oWL0r4GmI4 New Warriors, Knights, and Lord...so so good
  23. All those new StD models look so good, really make mine obsolete! haha
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