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Tropical Ghost General

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Everything posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. Unfortunately mercs aren't matched play legal. The original 2 mercs were in Forbidden Power. These rules got superceded by a later publication, GHB19, which expanded the mercs to 8 or so different options. Meaning that the mercs in Forbidden Power were an older publication of those particular rules and no longer usable for match play. When they did the recent list of usable publications for matched play, GHB19 wasn't on the list, so mercs are no longer matched play legal (without consent from your opponent). Forbidden Power was on the list of usable publications but the mercs part of it had already been updated with new rules, that were then redundant with the release of GHB20. All it needs is for a slight rewrite to change it to the bearer becomes a Wizard. Therefore it gains the wizard keyword, knows arcane bolt & mystic shield and can try and dispel or cast endless spells.
  2. Yes, logically it should. But endless spells are different to normal models in that they don't have to abide by the rule of staying outside of 3". As longshanks specifies models with a wound count, endless spells don't have a wounds characteristics so don't fall into that category. They also don't full under the category of terrain either. So currently longshanks doesn't work with endless spells.
  3. So the gargant artefact allows to cast/unbind like a wizard. It doesn't let you dispel endless spells, because you don't gain the wizard keyword, instead it only let's you cast or unbind 'like' a wizard, nothing mentioned about dispelling like a wizard. So this currently means that you have no way to dispel endless spells for gargants, even if taking this artefact. Now add into the mix something like Soulsnare Shackles. Casts on a 5 and can be set up in a triangle formation around the large base of the mega gargant, with the 3 models of the spell. You can't fly as a gargant and you can't even use the 'longshanks' ability to walk over endless spells. So until an FAQ corrects this in-game interaction, your 500pt mega gargant can be completely immobilised for the entire by a 40pt endless spell.
  4. What's going on with the bonegrinder? No review I've seen has mentioned him. Also, on the subject of reviews, are there any that aren't just adverts for the new book/models? The facehammer one was laughable as a battletome review.
  5. I think it's one of those sounds good, but in practice never happens when you need it to and always happens when you don't abilities. As well as being in your hero phase, you also have to be within 1" of it. So you may hold the objective but aren't within 1" of it due to opponent's models, so won't be able to move it. Then it's 2d6, which is uber spikey. Narratively it's brilliant and fun. Competitively it's a bit meh and incredibly situational.
  6. Krakeneater, needs to hold the objective from the previous turn to move the objective. As it's in your hero phase on an objective that you control.
  7. I find blades only need to retreat 3", because they lack the punch to kill something in a single turn ðŸ˜Ē
  8. So something that helped a lot was double vamp lord, for twice the healing. It's sending me down a 'how to max out guaranteed healing not requiring spells' rabbit hole with the list building now 😂.
  9. So 3 games against lizards. Twice was coalesced, once starborn. All 3 games were over by turn 2. I rolled well below average throughout all 3 games as well 😂. The joys of power creep 😂.
  10. Yeah, and a surprising amount of people being vocal about how they knew this all along, it was always obvious, lol, OK 🙄.
  11. This is excellent news. My 36 myrmourn banshee list was dead in the water without the forgotten scions battalion. And the fact that they admitted that their previous ruling was unclear and caused confusion is great to see from them, as they rarely own up to mistakes (40k app as an example). I am all aboard the spook train once again.
  12. Question for the group. The new ETB warriors and knights from the start collecting look great, but obviously they lack the many normal options available to those units, such as swords for the knights, etc... So what are people using for these alternative options, considering that GW aren't bothering to offer them? (happy to use 3rd party or 3d printed stuff)
  13. @Shadowcortax the hobby is what you get out of it. If you only play with negative players, you'll have a negative experience. Look for local players in your area, local clubs or events, and expand your pool of opponents. Also, there is often negative players who have no idea how egregious they are being, because this hobby is full of shy people who won't ever confront bad behaviour. If you explain to this negative players that they create a negative play experience, being constructive as you do so, you'll often see radical change to their behaviour because no one has ever called them out on it before. It's also important to not mistake passion for negativity. Often when something horrendous happens in a game, and I get tabled on turn 1 or something, it's a difficult and frustrating situation to manage, knowing that your choices lead to a complete and utter failure of a game. It takes a few minutes to process before you can return to normal. I'm not saying that this justifies bad behaviour, but sometimes a little empathy to how your opponent may be feeling during the game, as no one likes taking their toys off the table 😂. But this is all the physical gaming stuff. As for the Internet, it's the Internet, people moan and vent. You don't have to engage with it. I'm part of fifty million hobby related facesmack groups, but they aren't the be all and end all of the hobby, they're just a forum, and like any Internet forum you often have to wade through the ðŸ’Đ to find the 🌟
  14. Short answer is you can't really learn everything without practice. Personally I remember 2 or 3of the new rules relating to the faction and then play using those. Then next game do the same thing. So you don't overload yourself with too much info all at once and can play the game at normal(ish) speed. You'll lose games for sure, but after 4 or 5 games, most of the info will have sunk into your brain and you'll be able to start to learn the smaller nuances of your new faction.
  15. Anything NH. With picking between units that do 1 damage with 0 rend or 1 damage with -1 rend, you often get spoilt for choice 😂. The book is full of magic and abilities that have 12" range, so useless for the ultra squishy heroes, as they'll rarely be able to get into range to use them unless you put yourself in range and hope for the double turn, knowing that if you don't get it those heroes are gone for the rest of the game. Then there's the basically non-existent casting/unbinding/dispelling bonuses, which was fine at the time, but sucks plums now. Plus the Briar Queen lacks the wizard keyword (don't know why, yes I've written to the rules team multiple times) so can't use endless spells or the spell lore. The synergies are mediocre at best, with many doing things with bravery, which hasn't been a thing in the entire game of AoS since Gitz book came out years ago. In the lore they are beings that cause fear and terror to all, yet in the game are one of the armies most susceptible to bravery and battleshock ðŸ˜Ē. You're always forced to take the dreadblade as the general due to the generic command ability of teleporting a unit back to the general (which is really, really good and pairs incredibly with the dreadblade's own teleport ability), but it means you'll never see another general in a NH army unless the player is being fluffy and using Lady O. This is boring but I suppose fits well when choosing between your units that do 1 damage with 0 rend or 1 damage with -1 rend ðŸ˜Đ. Without the incredibly spikey unmodified 10+ charge the army has nothing. "But you have fly and a 4+ ethereal and a 6+ ward save", yes but fly doesn't mean toffee when you get dealt a metric shed ton of mortals each turn or get charged by your opponents units that can easily cover 24"+ in a single turn, before dealing out such a huge amount of attacks and/or damage, that sheer weight of dice easily renders the 4+ ethereal and 6+ ward pointless and redundant. We have some of the best looking models in the entire game. And not only that, a contender for best overall model, which just so happens to be the most disappointing unit in the entire NH range, the Black Coach. It has a cairn wraith driving it, a cairn wraith who is a hero when on foot yet for some reason when driving the BC lacks the hero keyword (it's not like it would be a broken OP unit with the hero keyword either). It's huge base size combined with it's fast movement and the need to be wholly within 12" of a hero, means it never gets a 6+ ward save in game without dedicating a further 90-120pt just to babysit it for the entire game, which makes it's durability even worse than it already is. It degrades quickly. And should you be able to get it into combat it can't punch it's way out of a paper bag. Yes it can heal units and itself but 12 wounds on a 4+ doesn't last long in the game atm, especially with the large amount of mortals bouncing around. This model really needs justice, it really needs to have a decent warscroll worthy of the sculpt. Rant over. ps. I love my spooky bedsheets. I just wish they had more varied rules for the huge variety of models. The book was bad on release and hasn't aged well and makes them very boring to play with. pps. I really do love NH as a faction, after 3.5yrs of playing them, I feel exhausted trying to get them to work in the increasing power creep of the game.
  16. 40k has much more scope for unintended rules abuses than AoS imo (and yes I know there is lots of abuse-able stuff in AoS as well) . And I'm not keen on AoS becoming identical to 40k in terms of rules and how things interact. If I want to lay 40K, I'll play 40k, not fantasy 40K because AoS has used 9th edition as the basis for it's own ruleset. And already 9th edition is suffering from lots of issues, such as the cap on modifiers, which is very good as an intended rule, but doesn't work in practise. For example, if your opponent is in dense cover they are -1 to be hit, so because you are already maxed out on negative to hit modifiers, you can then ignore any further negative modifiers that you might incur, such as moving and firing heavy weapons, which allows you use units in ways that you wouldn't normally when stacking up negative modifiers would normally give you something like -3 or -4 to hit, instead it's just capped at -1. So yeah, core looks great for 40K as a way to stop certain rules abuses, but it's not needed for AoS.
  17. To make fluffy lists, take less than optimal units. For us that's glaivewraiths, spirit hosts and harridans. So I'd personally try something like this: - Reikenor - Knight of Shrouds (on ft) - Guardian of Souls - 10 x chainrasps (battleline) - 6 x spirit hosts (battleline) - 8 x glaivewraiths - 10 x harridans 970pts - you can add an endless spell, or just be a little bit under and go for a triumph or be a bit under and leave it. The list will give your boy a variety of different units to deal with, yet none are massively overpowered, so if they get into combat there should be a few rounds of back and forth combat.
  18. Plus as the teleport is a command trait, you get it for free each hero phase. It's helpful, but I definitely need to try running my latest list in hagg narr, to see how well it goes.
  19. @DJMoose pretty much nails the answer. Because DoK really gets going on turn 3, instant teleporting monster morarthi in turn 1, let's the rest of your army sit back until they are revved up to go.
  20. Yeah, in the test games this was an issue, but tbh the 2 x 5 stalkers worked well enough for throwaway objective holders. Morathi teleported in was amazing, but the best bit of khailebron was the -1 to shooting armywide. The 5+ ward save from Hagg Narr requires a beefy general to make the best use of the command trait, plain medusa is too squishy. So it means making the medusa into a shrine medusa. You also need to have one of the other cauldrons (hag ideally) for the bloodshield and witchbrew. So that's around 500pts on 2 leaders just to buff make the most of Hagg Narr. I'm not married to the temple nest battalion, but the 2nd relic and CP is handy, as is potentially having all your battleline in a single drop (if in Khalieborn). The mortals on 1s, did a surprising amount of damage across the 3 games, way more than you'd think just from looking at the ability. I could run a Hagg Narr snek bomb: Bloodwrack Shrine, Morathi, Hag Queen Blood Cauldron, and then 3 units of blood sisters. It's 6 drops, much more brutal and efficient, but as you pointed out before, it lacks any bodies for leaving on objectives, for screening and stuff. Tbh, I think if stalkers had 2 shots, or DoK had any command abilities that could be used (only slaughter queen or morarthi as general having any is old book syndrome sadness), then the lack of bodies in the list might be offset a bit. I think I need to try the hagg narr snek bomb and see what flaws it brings up in game, as on paper it's hard to truly tell 😂
  21. So played first set of games with 2k khalieborn pure sneks. All against coalesced lizards. List changed from original version, definitely learned some lessons. Lizards in coalesced are incredibly fast and can hit incredibly hard. 4 kroxigor got 26 damage through on 10 sneks with a +1 to their save from the cauldron, and the krox weren't even fully buffed ðŸĪŠ. ------------ So question is, should I be running the list in khailebron, keep the -1 to being shot, keep the teleporting morarthi, keep it at 3 drops. or Should I switch to hagg narr, gain the better shrug save, get the better rerolls to hit, but go to 4 drops instead? (final list pic attached)
  22. until

    Below is a list of those who are keen to attend one of the next mini-league events for the Little Bo-Peep GT heats. The groups listed are not finalised and will be subject to change, so please don't assume that this is who you'll be playing in your mini-league. Any questions please let me know in the comments. (resv) = reserved spot/ yet to pay (tickets for this event are not yet on sale) ------------------------ So far the list of people who want to attend one of the new mini-league events are: Group 1 1. Mark Caseley (resv) 2. Andy Monty (resv) 3. Ross Harpool (resv) 4. Thomas Challen (resv) Group 2 1. Chris Lewis (resv) 2. Tom Davis (resv) 3. Ivan HF (resv) 4. Thomas Holmes (resv) Group 3 1. Vicki Simms (resv) 2. Matthew Feltham (resv) 3. Tommy Potter (resv) 4. Simon Potter (resv) Group 4 1. Zac Rowe (resv) 2. 3. 4. Group 5 1. 2. 3. 4.
  23. Event Title: Little Bo-Peep GT - Grand Final Event Author: Tropical Ghost General Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 04/24/2021 09:00 AM to 04/25/2021 07:00 PM The Grand Final for the Little Bo-Peep GT. More details to follow. Little Bo-Peep GT - Grand Final
  24. until
    The Grand Final for the Little Bo-Peep GT. More details to follow.
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