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Everything posted by Mikeymajq

  1. I think while Blood warriors didn't get a buff per se. (they actually got a smidgeon of a nerf with their goreglaive being useless on the sergeant now for some reason) but their spiky fists got better, and the support for them seems better if you want to focus on them, I think the same applies for skullreapers too. you can easily have them reroll hits and wounds. in fact one of the battalions with reapers and blood warriors makes all rend against them one worse, so depending on its cost I will run that one. It used to be a similar battalion but for wrathmongers. That one now instead have the wrathmongers fight twice in a row if they are close to the skullgrinder. edit: I'm probably just gonna spam stuff I find for the rest of the day, sorry!
  2. actually it's models slain on the cannon now instead of wounds, so depends on what it's fighting. Oh, they changed Bloodcrushers to be the same as Skullcrushers murderous charge? That's a bit odd considering they got updated in wrath and rapture. for 40 pts more you get an additional wound and a better save, more attacks too (but no mortals on 6's to hit). I honestly still like Skullcrushers more. If one does Brass stampede I'd consider Crimson rain and definitly slaughter triumphant.
  3. btw, I love how you can just missile Blood warriors across the table with the Goretide and a bloodstoker, 14" move and then charge Plus a full reroll to wound wich really negates their lackluster 4+ to wound. Reapers of vengeance seem really strong for Bloodletters, basically taking a page from Flesh eater courts. The bloodlords must be for multiple Bloodthirsters?
  4. Depending on your list, Banners of Khorne might be worth considering now, 12" wholly within instead of 8". And the guy's probably moving up with the unit anyway. The reroll charges could be solid. He might actually see some combat too now
  5. This battletome truly changes everything we know. Mostly it seems to bring the more crazy spikes down while upping the lows. I like that. Some rules that went away were fun and unique though, so that's a bit sad. Hopefully the points cost are.. uh... on point. 🙄😉
  6. Our summoning got changed a bit too with the 8th blood tithe points no longer being a summon in hero phase anywhere outside of 9". I will miss that but I sort of should have seen that change coming I guess
  7. I suspect we have a robot in our midst!!! Seriously though, congrats man!
  8. Wouldn't Slaughter triumphant make bloodletters deal 2 MW's on 6s? That with super easy access to reroll 1s sounds pretty nasty.
  9. If they lose their "stop hitting yourself" ability I will be sad indeed. I was planning on getting a 2nd unit so I could do the ignore rend -1 battalion (because it feels really thematic for my Chamon based army). But now I'll wait and see if it or they change. Also I will neeed to buy that altar and the battletome I suppose
  10. What's the "base" size, and height of the Loonshrine? I might build my own, but until I can afford it I need something to temporary stand in.
  11. I was gonna do that awesone blue/purple-ish from Duncans tutorial, but I had already basecoated him in a warmer bone white/biege and I didn't feel like painting it over with gray D: Plus I finally got more use out of my orange wash. Had a fun idea for a concept when doing those barnacle-like mushrooms. A Troggoth army rising from the sea after the bad moon has hovered over it, crushing an Idoneth deepkin settlement on their way up. Like a "coral reef" coming to life 😅
  12. Wip on my Troggboss. Such a fun model! Edit: the Glowy howzit, do you have to roll the saves one at a time?
  13. This is similiar to what I want to try out, but with some changes. 1xWurrgog (general) 3x wardokks 1x maniak wierdnob 1x Orruk warboss 30x Morboys 30x Morboys 10x Arrowboys 1x Aleguzzler Gargant Emerald lifeswarm Kop Rukk Drakfoot warclan. 2000 pts on the dot. Maybe it's a little light on bodies, and maybe too many leaders and it is certainly lacking in big stabbas ( ) , but hopefully the amount of buffs and spells will make up for it, with the emerald lifeswarm trying to migitate casualties a bit, and Morboys going to town with extra attacks and rerolls and Blood waagh + the wurrgogs command ability they will be quite nasty. Altough with so many wizards it's almost hard to get enough spells to throw around. From my last game I felt reeeally command pts starved even with 1 extra from being 50 pts under. the orruk warboss cmd ability is just so good! And so is the wurrgog... But so is not having d6 naked butt orruks flee in the morale phase everytime a unit takes a hit @Requizen I think arrowboys are ok, but almost mandatory to bring in units of 30. (but to me rolling 90 dice is a bit of a painful time consumer when hitting on 5+). I have a unit of 20 and even on full strength I feel they do mediocre to ok. I think I'd prefer another block of Morboys tbh. @PlasticCraic That's one horrible list for sure! I'd never play it, partly because it feels more like a chore, but also I'm not a tournament goer so I'd much prefer something fun (but that still has a bite)
  14. Warclans aren't that expensive, so no not really. All they require is 1 other battalion (depending on what warclan it is) with some more units in it. There is 1 megabattalion that is probably meant for bigger games. Also, I just won against Stormcasts (1250 pts) I think this might be the 2nd time I manage to win with this faction and I always struggled against Stormcasts because of our lack or rend... and lack of attacks... and poor saves But I allied in the Orruk warboss for the first time and he was amazing for the Morboys and big stabbas. Especially since he works in an aura instead of picking only one unit. And the banner on top of that was sweet! Now I just want a Maniak wierdnob to hand out rerolls to hit too because 4+ to hit is... sad.
  15. That's strange and feels like an oversight. I hadn't considered the colossal squig (I'm not much for Fw stuff). But I will give it a look. Would there be any point in bringing two gargants? As they seem to come in a box of two's for some reason 😅 Also is anyone using the drakkfoot warclan? The amount of wizards and all the bonuses to cast seem intruiging, and the exclusive spell is rather nasty. Especially with a wurrgog command ability too. I think I'd prefer the wargrinz clan but I don't field the normal boyz nor feel like having 4 units of arrowboyz But the bonuses are kinda tempting.
  16. Of the new gloomspite 'Monsters" does anything in particular stick out as a good ally? I'm running lots of Morboys so I'm always looking for a good monster to send in. I'm terrible at seeing how good anything is on paper sadly But the Dankhold Troggoth seem nice, quite tanky, maybe that's bad if I want a monster to die and buff my boys? Mangler squigs might be better off?
  17. Yeah I figured as much... Problem isbhe gets to plop down those huge wyldwoods on an objective, sometimes stretching to reach 2 of them, in some scenarios. And if he gets 1st turn he can conjure up more woods on another objective and 'deepstrike' a blob of dryads. It kind of puts me on the backfoot even before deployment. I guess it doesn't help that we're on lower pts still and thus play on a 4x4' board. Hopefully it'll balance out if there's more ground to cover... maybe.. I tried the runemaster out but got LoS blocked in that game so he didn't really get to shine much. But the extra attacks were welcome once he got into range of the treelord... who still didn't die because 2+ rerolling 1's and ignoring -1 rend is a thing.... I did enjoy my Auric- magmapike dudes however, lots of shots before the army charges is nice. Do wish more runes affected their guns though. Anyone gone for the Dispossesed Runelord as an ally? That unbind would be hellova welcome since we lost our only artefact that helped in that regard.
  18. Ah smart thinking with the battalion. Would it be wise to teleport into the starting forest to block it, or is that suicide? ... By Grimnir, I hate fighting Sylvaneth 😒 I have 20 but would like 30. Or two units of 20.
  19. Whoa, Bloodcrushers can have some serious impact now. Not only will they get the d6 mortal wound way more often, but it went from a lousy 4+ to a 2+!! you could potentially kill half a 10 man unit before combat with a good roll, that's pretty wild. Or at least bump off a Stormcast or two. now if you hit the same unit with more than one unit of bloodcrushers... *giggles in Khorne* pretty stoked I have 9 of them now I'm totally fine with them changing bloodletters. It was obviously coming too. Anything that pumps out 50+ mortal wounds in one go is obviously not in line with the rest of the game.
  20. I'm so damn happy that we'll finally get plastic doggos and Karanak ! How many pts do you guys suspect he'll be if they change him? 120-140?
  21. Yeah the better save is nice too. Especially with the reroll from the battlesmith. ^^ On another note. Anyone got any advice against sylvaneth? I'm getting a regular beatdown in our firestorm campaign Their wyldwood spamming and spells are annoying. And they feel about as tanky as my troops with their dryads. 😧
  22. I think 2x axes might be the optimal choice in most cases. But I run shields and picks. Partly because tossing the shields is fun and does a few mortal wounds before combat kicks in. But I really like the rend on the picks too. Especially when the rune that adds rend to weapons activates and the swing with -2 rend (or even -3! With luck). That should get through most armour
  23. I play firestorm 😂 I used a Khorgi in Skirmish. It was pretty brutal. Especially with the bloodstoker making him race across the board to pulp enemies 😛
  24. I'm considering buying it, is it any wobbly?
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