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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Everything posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. Hi, everyone! I asked this question in the Beasts thread and thought I'd get a perspective here! If building a list for Depraved Drove, is it generally a better idea to play Hedonites Allegience with the battalion, or is it a case of "Beasts and Hedonites do different things but each has its strengths"? Playing as Hedonites would cause me to lose out on the Allegiance abilities, and I think I might miss Ambush. Essentially what I'm asking is: would a Depraved Drove list lend itself better to Slaanesh allegiance or Beasts with Slaaneshi allies?
  2. Sure, just message me how much you want for it and all that! Is it assembled?
  3. Someone in the Cities of Sigmar Facebook group emailed GW about the kit and got confirmation that it's been removed for Cities of Sigmar though the email adds that "great new kits" are coming for it.
  4. From what was said at Nova it seems like we don't have very much longer to wait. Maybe even next weekend, who knows?
  5. If building a list for Depraved Drove, is it generally a better idea to play Hedonites Allegience with the battalion, or is it a case of "Beasts and Hedonites do different things but each has its strengths"? Playing as Hedonites would cause me to lose out on the Allegiance abilities, and I think I might miss Ambush.
  6. @Forrix This is Skeleton Horde over Wraithbone. One coat, ten seconds max.
  7. I can attest Skeleton Horde is a great paint, and it's probably the best of the line in my opinion.
  8. I'm also curious. Would anyone be willing to give a quick rundown? There's the 1d4chan tactics page but they tend to be a little hit or miss with their AoS tactics.
  9. This was kind of exactly what I was hoping for. I love the aesthetic.
  10. I'm not ashamed to say that I moaned orgasmically at that trailer. I love it. Oh, Nagash. Oh, those are so beautiful.
  11. I've always found that to be the best policy with releases. Often I hear people expecting new models for a range (with no evidence that any are coming) and then get frustrated when the don't get anything. If I don't see it I don't expect it.
  12. You've got as many answers as the rest of us. I know that's not what you want to hear but that's how it is.
  13. Odd, you're the second person I've heard call the Watchtower repurposing lazy enough to be GW. I'm not criticizing, I'm just amused that I've seen it twice. Unless it was you both times? Who knows? I also like the watchtower. I was disappointed that their terrain kit was an old model for like half a second before I kind of shrugged and realized it was basically what I wanted from their terrain piece anyway! I hope the Demigryph general is true. I want to be able to convert my Marius Lietdorf into a general!
  14. Thanks! That's kind of what I was expecting. I love the model so it makes me sad that I can't really get a consistently rewarding experience using them on the tabletop.
  15. I wonder if we'll keep Darkshards, Bleakswords, and Dreadspears as three seperate units or combine them together?
  16. I think it would be good for holding objectives if nothing else. Appropriate for the dwarfiest of trees.
  17. What does everyone think of Ironbark? Thematically I like them a lot and I think I'd rather field them (or Heartwood) once I paint up my Sylvaneth. They might not be the most competitive choice but damn the torpedoes! Having said that, I'd like to know what everyone's thoughts are on Ironbark. Even if it's "Ironbark sucks and you suck for using it".
  18. I'm pretty crushed; the high elf dragon sold out right before I got paid. I was hoping to paint it as a gift for a friend. Should have gotten it sooner; now the option is gone.
  19. I think that if we were getting new models (other than terrain and endless spells) we would have been given hints to lead with.
  20. @Kaleun You. You have a great looking army and a great avatar. I tip my bonnet to you.
  21. Insult to injury, after Asuryan revealed that Malekith was the true Phoenix King. Isha: "Isn't Malekith the one responsible for thousands of elven deaths?" Asuryan: "Yes I'm high Karen, what does it matter?"
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