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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Sorry for the double post but I wanted to post a list for public assessment and it was completely disconnected from my assessment of SotT lol. I worry this list is too heavy into Alarielle but it's really a test list on how I might go about using her now that the FAQ is out and we can still "strike and fade away (from the place that isnt our enemies)" Nomad prince (General, ironoak artisan, spear of the hunt) Knight Azyros (adjutant) Sorceress (cage of thorns) Sorceress (cage of thorns) Alarielle (ironoak skin) Eternal guard×20 (retinue) SotT×5 (lifesurge) SotW×20 Dreadspears×10 Emerald lifeswarm Soulsnare shackles Extra command point So the idea here is to deep strike the prince, sisters, and knight Azros for some targeted alpha. Eternal guard dropped in as well to form a wall. Sorceresses and spears in the back, moving forward as needed and using their spells as support or otherwise just casting and dispelling my own endless spells. SotT are second line following Alarielle to heal her or buff the spears. Alarielle and her summons (most likely kurnoth hunters but I've got options) just move up as an absolute wrecking ball with the potential to heal 2d6+1d3+1 every hero phase she'll need to die all in one go or not at all. Combined with ironoak skin for -1 to wound she should be able to pretty recklessly be applied as a wrecking ball to the enemies face while also being a caster herself. I could swap a sorceress for battlemage of hysh but I worry that adding phas protection on top of everything else could be too much and convince my enemy to just kill everything around her. I suppose I could bring the hush mage to buff the spears and just give my opponent hard choices between a walled off shooting base or an absolute monster barreling down on him. It feels a bit light on bodies but I suppose I could use Alarielle's summons on dryads if i need bodies or revenants if i need mobility. Rather than always a treelord or (more likely if I don't need the stomp) a treelord. Thoughts?
  2. Sisters of the thorn are playable just for being highly mobile casters. Consider their attacks entirely optional and you're just paying 40 extra points for double movement over a battlemage (which can be important for positioning endless spells and such or parking at 30" of an enemy wizard to get an unbind attempt). Other than that their own spell is pretty good for throwing on a block of Eternap Guard (2+ save if they stand still and reflect mortals on a 6). Their weapons are a formality and they're too squishy to use offensively in my mind.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean by same type, but you are correct that you can't cast the same spell (or even attempt to) twice in the same turn. So the goal is to pump out the endless spells turn 1 or 2 and then use them to cast cage and ironoak every turn. Though I'm realizing then that I should probably leave them further back and instead deepstrike the revenant and hunters (and make the rev my adjutant) so I can cast on turn 1. I just have to be in position to cast the buffs by at least turn 2.
  4. My current list plan is looking like Living City Nomad prince, Ironoak artisan, spear of the hunt Sorceress, adjutant, cage of thorns Sorceress, ironoak skin Arch-revenant EG×20, retinue SotT×5, lifesurge Wildwood rangers×10 Wild riders×5 Wild riders×5 SotW×20 Darkshards×10 Kurnoth hunter w/sword×3 Shadow warriors×10 Emerald lifeswarm Soulsnare shackles The 2 sorceress was originally 2 battlemage but I decided I like the added reliability for endless spells over the versatility of the battlemage (this may be wrong) but I'm paying for those spells and I'd like to get value from them. The darkshards are literally just there to feed the sorceress and maybe get resurrected by the lifeswarm to be sacrificed again. They could be replaced with any of the cheap dark elf units and may become spears. The shadow warriors are a concession of points and would be 10 more sisters of the watch otherwise, but they aren't bad units themselves and do offer me a bit more surprise mobility. The whole list revolves around disrupting my oppnened movement phase the most. Multiple slows to hopefully force his army to reach my lines piecemeal. Mobile units to threaten to grab undefended objectives and the like. Present my opponent with enough choices and eventually he makes the wrong ones right? The list feels really solid defensively but maybe lacks punch? Idk. I'll get some games in as soon as I can and report back. Any idea how to wood elf some darkshards or should I just paint them to match and call them city allies? Gave it some thought. I think wildwood hooded heads on the shards and a matching paint scheme should do it. I might even give them bird skull masks to match with some of the rest of the armies masked scheme. The shadow warriors are going to be LotR Mirkwood rangers. I know the scale is off slightly but I'll put them on raised stones and stuff for LoS and fluff up some reason they're so thin. Maybe they are the younger less experienced hunters vying to become sisters of the watch? Maybe they're a religious order of hunters who starve themselves to honor the hunt by only eating worthy prey or something along those lines?
  5. Mine is the old Orion model because they moved them to 32mm and Orion just fits on that. I had to buy him second hand and replace his missing hand and horn (but now he has a cool wooden hand from a Kurnoth Hunter and a neat bit of backstory for my sylvaneth allies.) I'm building the base now to use the two dogs as a marker for the "harrying birds of prey" ability. Like the hounds showing the targets status as "prey".
  6. So I think I've figured the list I want to run for Living City. Nomad Prince; Ironoak artisan, spear of the hunt Battlemage; cage of thorns, not sure which base spell. Adjutant. Arch-regent Eternal guard×20; honored retinue Sisters of the watch×20 Sisters of the thorn×5; ironoak skin Wildwood rangers×20 Wild riders×5 Wild riders×5 Kurnoth Hunters w/ sword×3 Emerald lifeswarm Extra cp. That's 2000 on the nose. However I'm considering dropping the extra CP (as you can see I'm not using the turn one monster ambush command ability) and bringing either Soulsnare shackles with their massive 27" reach OR Shards of Valgharr for consistency and I cant decide which one if either is worth taking. Basically the list wants to bunker up the sisters and guard while using the spells to slow his army and break up its approach. The 300 points of sylvaneth are open for debate as I'm sure there are other things I could spend the points on including shadow warriors or even tree revanant for more mobility. Also considering taking the druid command trait and gyrstrike instead of ironoak/spear just to have s 3rd caster as I kind of want to be casting shield/cage of thorns almost every turn and would still like to try to use ironoak or one of the endless spells sometime. Thoughts?
  7. So I didn't want to just ignore your post but I don't really know what to suggest because your list is a bit all over the place and I don't know which direction you wanted to focus to offer advice. A prince that's only buffing EG seems unnecessary. Having both a dragon AND Durthu seems excessive. The Hurricanum is a lot of points to be buffing only 200 points of Darkshards etc. So what do you most want this list to do because it could with alterations morph into a few different things.
  8. The original concept for my wanderers had them tied to Ereth Khial. She had worshippers after all and unbeknownst to the Prince his wife was one of them. So when the end times came the clan fled into the Endless Vale. The Wood Elf underworld seeking shelter. There they wandered the endless bone tree groves for countless years until they lost all sense of self. One day however the distant sound of a hunting horn drew them from their fugue and they followed its call in pursuit of a pure white Stag who led them on a chase through and out of the underworld into the Mortal Realms. They now live as most of the wanderers do save the rare times when they are all drawn to some distant battlefield by the far off sound of a hunting horn that they believe is Kurnous himself. This was because I wasn't a huge fan of the death of the old wood elves lore and also to give them an interesting visual quirk when painting. They follow a pretty typical green and bronze color scheme but they have bleach white skin from their time in the underworld. They're like the Altansar of Wood Elves if we have any eldar players here. So yeah they and their Sylvaneth allies worship Kurnous rather than Alarielle who they believe has become imbalanced and fey without her Consort whom once took the burden of their wars so she could take the burden of their peace. So now they seek him, drawn by the sounds of his ever distant hunting horn in the hope that returning him to Alarielle will bring balance and peace back to their races. That got longer than intended. Maybe I should make an army blog. I've already got a decent chunk painted. Might motivate me to paint more... how does one make an army blog on here? Just like making a post?
  9. That Tempest eye bunker maybe better served with eternal guard than dwarves. They get an easy 3+ by not moving. Throw them in cover or use the sisters of the thorn spell to get a 2+ save wherever you want. Mystic shield if you really want to go in on it. Tangentially related to the above I personally think the emerald lifeswarm is really strong in CoS due to the boost in healing/resurrecting to d6. Any tough to kill unit (like say eternal guard, phoenix guard, even sequitors) are going to become exponentially harder to shift if d6 of them are coming back every turn. Imagine sequitors with a Lord arcanum nearby, boost them with terrain or SotT and they're going to be rock hard to shift, the arcanum ability can allow you to leave one alive one one wound, then the Living cities attuned to nature kicks in putting him back to full, which triggers the emerald lifeswarm to go from heal mode to resurrect up to 3. That could make quite an anvil on which to break your enemy. Form a solid wall backed by sisters of the watch and the 3" range on their "loose until the last" means they can soften whatever charges the defenders without being in combat themselves.
  10. From the Cities of Sigmar book: "With heavy hearts, the forest rulers abandoned their ancient glades and forest kingdoms and retreated to Azyr alongside Sigmar the God- King. They became the Wanderers a nomadic people with no homeland to call their own, fighting for a world they had already lost. Neither Alarielle the Everqueen nor her Sylvaneth warriors would ever forgive their flight from Ghyran, and the Wanderers would forever be denied a place at their deity's side. " It flat out says they retreated WITH Sigmar and yet they will never be forgiven for doing what she already forgave Sigmar for... bruh?
  11. Ghoul kings ON terrogheist and Keeprs of Secrets were what I was thinking of specifically. As for cities. I kind of really like Tempest's Eye for non living city lists. The +1 to wound on ranged attacks command trait seems really nice.
  12. So I didn't see anybody mentioning it so maybe I'm wrong but the Nomad Prince "harrying birds of prey" ability says "...within 18" of THIS model" not "18" of ANY model" like the kharibdys. So am I correct in assuming you could stack the debuff as many times as you have Princes within 18? It's not super important but I could see running 2 nomad princes with one as your warlords adjutant or what's it just to stack on -2 to cast or more importantly slap it on some big scary monster hero that wants to crash into your lines.
  13. If you want to play sylvaneth/ stormcast and that's a big if for a lot of people. I should say despite my gloom I DO play sylvaneth. Here's hoping the wanderers warscrolls make them more worth bringing.
  14. They are not. They are "memories of the ancient guardians" so they are the trees memories of elves which is just silly when the entire wood elf line is RIGHT THERE and GW are just like "oh woah and weal if ONLY there were SOME elves to help the sylvaneth! Alas! Alas!" Stupid.
  15. So the Kurnothi are Sylvaneth and I think this may be the death knell of Wanderers and AoS for me.
  16. Don't forget you can kit bash an extra dryad with the branchwych to get a branchwraith if you want (pretty much swap the arms and maybe add some more branches and flock)
  17. I was a little confused about your caster comments. I was like "dang I know the Branchwych is bad but is she a literal non unit on the table?" I'm fairly new to Sylvaneth. I moved around some of the spells with regrowth on the TLA and I could probably put verduous on the wych, It's just a hard cast for someone with no casting buffs so I liked it better on the branchwraith which doesn't HAVE to stay miles away from the front if I can protect her. So against non-lfying factions I can screen. I like the sword hunters but may consider some way to proxy or maybe magnetize the weapons so I can run a 6 man scythe unit in winterleaf sometime. Trust me keeping Durthu healthy is one of my prime goals. The hope is to hide him from LoS of anything long ranged and scary with trees and then use regrowth and nurtured by magic to hopefully keep him going. Heartwood hasn't really been on my radar but I'll give it another look and yeah Harvestboon is a serious contender in my mind but I feel like I just like Gnarlroot better for some reason I can't place. I appreciate that synopsis and hope I can use chaff screens to pick fights on my terms. I'm not super familiar with the local meta but I don't think there's much HoS and they changed FEC's ASF to only in their turn right?
  18. In order the TLA is the general which is why I gave him the easy to cast regrowth though I know that's not as good as the chalice or the gem I don't consider getting the warlord trait to go off every turn to be a requirement. The branchwraith is always going to have the issue of being torn between summoning and whatever other spell she's given, I almost consider her 2nd spell to be non-existent with the 30 dryads I'm bringing for summoning and maybe I'm over valuing the free units but the consistency of summoning is one of my biggest draws to Gnarlroot. I appreciate that the VG is THE option to pick but my issue with it is that there isn't a deep woods lore spell I want to cast every turn and I'm more likely to cast "awaken the woods" from the TLA than anything else due to low MW output in this list. I feel that way in general about the gem, our spell lore isn't bad but the warscroll spells are often better in my mind and the gem does nothing for them. The Branchwych is also there to be a frontline caster even if shes not the toughest caster she's not hard to hide either. I have considered tree song instead on her, an idea that is much more appealing if I change glades but the RR on wounds isn't wasted either way. I hope all of that wasn't too argumentative as I do appreciate that feedback. That said I do not have another caster to add to the list so which glade do you think better fits the list? I've considered winterleaf but I don't feel like my list has enough weight of attacks for the 6's nor a suitable target for the kernel. I also don't dislike Harvestboon but it feels like a more situational RR 1's than Gnarlroot, I do like it's command ability better and could double up with the arch rev but again I'm not sure my list has a unit that's really designed to benefit from the glad (something like a 6 man scythe hunter unit), and I trade out reliable summoning for... the silent sickle. I can certainly try out a few different configurations.
  19. So I'm considering going to my first local tourney with Sylvaneth and wanted some thoughts on the list. My model selection is a bit limited so I guess it would be more fair to ask for general weaknesses in the list so I know where my strengths lie. Gnarlroot Free spirits batallion Treelord ancient - nurtured by magic - regrowth Arch revenant Branchwraith - verduous harmony - chalice of nectar Spirit of Durthu - Ghyrstrike Branchwych - the dwellers below Dryads×20 T Revs×5 T Revs×5 Kurnoth hunters w/ sword ×3 Kurnoth hunters w/ sword ×3 Kurnoth hunters w/ bows ×3 Changes I can make are in artifacts and spells. I have 30 more dryads and 5 more T Revs as well as 3 more sword wielding Kurnoth hunters. Any thoughts on strengths/ weaknesses of the list?
  20. Oooof I'm a little late here but I have painted 5 tree remnants and one out of 3 kurnoth hunters just yesterday so if you'll excuse my basing (it and flock will be added after the whole army is tabletop colored when I'll add some extra shades and dry brushes) I should be able to commit to painting 5 tree revs, 3 hunters, and 1 treelord ancient ready to post by Wednesday!
  21. Well I would of course not suggest you leave them on the same base... scenic bases and maybe add some feathered wings (dark eldar scourge kit) to bring their height up and put them more in line with the kurnothi beast elves. Or just high scenic bases if that's what you prefer.
  22. Dishonor on my family! I forgot glade guard because I've run sisters as long as I've been in the army. For shame. Anyway on the subject of decent heroes I don't expect any new profiles so what we have is what we get sadly
  23. So as much as I don't want to think about it with the new book on the horizon and 5 of our meager warscrolls ripped from us, what's everyones plan for their discontinued models? I know I for one won't be rewarding GW for this move with more sales and I've got a nicely converted spellsinger and waywatcher that are just going to get real good at math because they're gonna "count as" super hard. So far Spellsinger - easy battlemage Waywatcher- knight venator ? Waystrider- knight questor? Wayfinder- also knight Venator? Just trying to figure out hoe to keep using models I love that fit with my army without giving GW the satisfaction of trying to force me to buy their crappy "not" space marines.
  24. Let's make a Facebook group and get enough people together in an "Order rebellion" group going until GW has to acknowledge us lol.
  25. Thinking of going with a horde approach as I dont own any eels. Namarti banner Namarti thrall×7 Namarti reaver×4 1000 points exactly. Though I do lose access to our best abilities and will be looking to add at least one prince when I can. Final list will probably be Morsarr prince Morsarr guard Thralls×3 Reaver×4 In that list I can swap a morsarr guard to a Lothian guard and swap one reaver for a thrall. Not sure though.
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