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  1. Today
  2. Same here. Im not starting a new army 4th even if its Gitmob. Just simply cant afford it. I will set my sights on 1 army and spend my time on that. I think i am going with Orruks too. I do hope Big Waaagh will continue to exist, but im not holding my breath on that one.
  3. As someone just getting into it (and only as a painter) those Weirdbrutes look really cool... but they just don't seem worth it in the slightest
  4. This month I’m hoping to get my Fangs of the Blood Queen box done. I’ve already started on 5 wolves and will be mostly drybrushing so should be achievable! alongside that I’m going to build a unit of Stormcast Vanquishers and maybe Stormdrake Guard too if I get time.
  5. Yesterday
  6. @Lord Kroak the other Old Ones that they listed are all having their own icons now so yeah notice that all the old ones got something from the wave Sotek-->Kroxigor warspawn Tepok-->Raptadon Hunters/Chargers Huanchi-->Hunter of Huanchi Itzl-->Aggradon Lancers Chotec-->Spawn of chotec except for Quetzl who i think is what the new saurus guard will be their patron warriors with a Carnotarus look to them
  7. Goonhammer recently posted a Brayherd Faction Focus. Really interesting read, their articles are usually top notch. https://www.goonhammer.com/old-world-faction-focus-beastmen-brayherds/
  8. My top choices for a CoS second wave Unfortunately it only like a reference in two places one in the beginning of Dawnbringer to remind people that CoS isn't standard High-middle age fantasy rather more Da Vinci-punk. The second the 3 edition COS tome how Talhia Vedra got the Castlite idea by rounding all the steam wagons around as cover as her handunners and spearmen was pair together (the historical parallel Talhia being AOS version of Jan Žižka the Bohemian commander during the Hussite wars) There also this (pic below) the wagons the hangunner are on from Hammer and Bolter in which i think is suppose to be a steam wagon
  9. I held off on buying a printer, but I find I'm spending far more on paying people to make me resin minis than on GW product these days. Was going to buy some weirdbrutes yesterday, but - even with more than enough disposable income - I can't quite countenance spending £35 on three infantry models. With the price hikes, that's only going to become more uneconomical. Maybe it's just time to embrace the potential cancer and respiratory illness and learn how to print my own minis. God knows, its a golden time for miniature sculptors and there's some real amazing stuff out there.
  10. It also comes just a few weeks before the next fical year starts. Upping the sales on the latest days, I'd guess.
  11. Must be why they announce the Squating of armies last month. like the outrage of BoC and Sacrosant getting discontinued has largely died down now. It probably still sting but people move on in the end.
  12. I've kit bashed an O.C. Stormcast using Yndrasta+Reikonor's mount wings+a blood knight helm to create the daughter of a fallen underworld who's trying to reclaim it. She was given the soul blight curse as she died, and its influence on her soul has gotten worse with each reforging. I'm also working on her undead father and treacherous uncle, the Demi-god guise Belakor's wearing to convert the civilization that lives in the underworld to his cause, and some duardin and orruks who are there for profit and mayhem. Pictures to be posted later since I have a test today.
  13. I've been pondering it, I thought they may give us a break as inflation has eased in the uk And lets not kid ourselves they participated in the greedflation over the past two years. I have plenty of backlog to keep me busy. I've been luck the past couple years to have little outgoings and a national average paying job. But I'm getting to the point in my life where this will change more work, responsibility and less time for the hobby. I also have to put more money towards everyday things. I am lucky to have been drawn in by battleforces after the first year and managed to pick up a few for £80/90 before the average with the 20% discount became about £100-110. Specialist games now after the loss of so many warbands, I'm just leaving them well alone and I've purchased quite a lot of warcry and underwolds in the past. Not going to lie I've bought the darkoath box and grombrindal recently if the dwarf old world box comes out before the rise then that and maybe the 4 editon launch boxes will be my final purchases for a long time. I'm lucky to have been able to make large purchases but feel bad that more people will be priced out. I think a lot of their (gw) success over recent years was because of the start collecting boxes and offering real value with a lot of support, well come second edition for aos. A lot of the customer base too has been people who wished they had it as kids but didn't have the money now do. But now has pretty much become a higher end luxury good again, even more so if considered so before.
  14. Another price hike is really pushing it now. I'll be holding off on growing my Cities backlog (apart from a Spearhead when I'm done with what I have) until we maybe get a christmas Battleforce and/or new army set. But on the topic of Cities, I've been reading Lexicanum maybe a bit too much, and have come up with another wishlist. Explanation Wave 2 is dead and I'm killing it.
  15. They did have the Butcher doing the ritual in Behemat’s corpse. Or they invade Skavenblight.
  16. Yep. Had my eye on the Biophagus as a healer for my Frostgrave warband, but $33 for one dude was a bit much. And that price is going up now? I'm with you that it really is "discount bundles through retailers that offer a discount on top of that" for me, but that's honestly just hitting the ballpark of what GW prices used to be instead of feeling like an actual discount these days. Not to say GW is not making cool products; I still like their stories and miniatures, but with an exorbitant cost and no credit to the underpaid artists in their employ I'm having a harder and harder time staying "in it" each hike. Like, outside of centerpiece models for a couple armies (that I'll push off buying for much longer now) I'm really just hoping for a bundle of new Chaos Dwarfs and I'll cross my fingers for a holiday box with the Sylaneth models I was aiming to grab for my wife. I'd had some designs to maybe kitbash my Perry knights with Cities and Bretonnia stuff, but at this point I'm just going to enjoy them for what they are. I've got enough to build and paint, so it's not huge loss, but it's wild that I was priced out of this in high school and early college, and now I've got a career and I'm hitting my price ceiling again. Could I afford it? Maybe! Should I? Do I want to? Nah. Yeah that's not it: I have not received a 40% increase in pay in that time! This is a hobby and a luxury and I've already been eyeing 3D printers as a new hobby venture and getting more invested in other miniatures company's products. Not saying "I'm just going to 3D print GW IP " more, like, there are so many other pretty models out there that I'm having a hard time justifying not going for them instead. 3D printing is a whole new venture I've avoided the learning curve on, but it's getting to the point where the "best deal!" starter bundles are just about $180 after tax in my state. I'm sorry; that's insane. There was a point in time where GW would've been my first choice for miniatures, with other studio's offers facing an uphill climb to even get me to consider them. I'd like to play D&D and Frostgrave with miniatures for the NPC's. Moving forward, GW has pretty much priced itself out of that for me.
  17. There's a reason they suddenly pulled out this news right before revealing their edition launch box. People will instantly forget about price hikes and crave the new FOMO plastic. It's psychological manipulation.
  18. I'm resisting starting any new armies too, it's just Orruks for me in AoS.
  19. Its the final straw for me. Im officially now only able to collect 1 Faction with this increase. If it goes up again I wont be able to afford the hobby.
  20. "Number must go up" is not a sustainable business strategy. Many major retailers have come to the realization that there simply isn't any more money to squeeze out of people and have lowered prices. Meanwhile GW announced that not only is your investment no longer safe (we'll squat whatever we want) they are also asking you to pay more up front?
  21. If they wouldn't be making insane profits... it would be understandable.
  22. they could least afford to pay their employees and talent better after their increasing profits year after year, or even just credit them on their work properly
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