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Where do the aelves stand now?


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So I get that the End Times managed to funk up the High/Dark/Wood elf triumvirate, and now we've got less-fractured "aelves" that hang around with Order. I haven't really looked in-depth at the aelf lore; I just know that now our aelf models, despite looking like their original factions from the world-that-was, are technically all allied. I've always liked the background of the High/Dark elf civil war, and the fluff that came along with the different kingdoms of Ulthuan and the cities of Naggaroth. The End Times really brushed that under the rug, and AoS has seemingly neglected tinkering with the background for the time being.  I don't know what GW has in store for the aelves - they might get rolled up into Battletome factions, or remain clinging for dear life on the edge of the Grand Alliance book as an "old models, new rules" army, as they are now. 

In any case, what exactly can we do with the aelves as they are now? I've seen that some of the aelf units have been distributed among different sub-factions, like the Darkling Covens, Daughters of Khaine, Order Draconis, Wanderers, etc. etc. So the original factions at large have been done away with, but then separated again into smaller collections. Can purists rely on these sub-factions to field viable armies under the traditional High/Dark/Wood themes, or is AoS really trying to encourage a new direction, with a mish-mash of former enemies? Are there any good synergies to be found in cross-mini-faction armies? 

Chaos has my attention now, begging me to finish the starter Bloodbound while I wait for my Skaven to arrive, but I have always loved the elf backgrounds and I remain cautiously optimistic about the prospect of collecting them one day... AoS setting pending.

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5 hours ago, Warchief Varard said:

Morathi will show her face unless she died in the end times (cant remember)

Nah she didn't die. I am sure she got grabbed by a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh and dragged in to the Realm of Chaos for a 'chat' though. Probably about the importance of wearing a bra that covers the nipples.

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There is an image of Marlarion in one of the campaign books, he's merged with his Dragon and lives in the Realm of Shadow. Teclis/Tyrion are in the Realm of Light... I'm sure we will see them all next year.



As we all know, GW are only doing art for models they have, so we should probably expect Malarion to look very much like this :) 


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1 hour ago, Bowlzee said:

There is an image of Marlarion in one of the campaign books, he's merged with his Dragon and lives in the Realm of Shadow. Teclis/Tyrion are in the Realm of Light... I'm sure we will see them all next year.

I am intrigued what Teclis really is. Is he maybe just an extension of Tyrion's subconsciousness or perhaps still an aelf but connected to Tyrion somehow...

It is going to be a long wait until we find out. I'd like to build an aelf force but somehow it feels I'd be building with remnants of the old background, even with the Phoenix Temple being a legitimate force in the background.

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I'm certainly intrigued by what has happened with them. Other than the mention of their leaders they haven't appeared in any of the background I've read. In fact I seem to remember something about Tyrion waking up and being distraught because he couldn't sense any Aelves in the realms. 

Judging by the Silver Tower models they are definitely going to be part of the unfolding narative and I hope they take the Silver Tower aesthetic further.

My vote is with the others who have mentioned an Aelves Vs Slaanesh story arc. 

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1 hour ago, Bowlzee said:

Order is a very loose Alliance of factions against Chaos. It's not 'Good Guys' Alliance.

People need to realise this, then seeing things like 'Dark Aelves' in the Order alliance isn't such a big deal :)

Indeed some of the stuff sigmar has been pulling in the general fluff so far and in the books have been quite eeer questionable... Order does not mean "good". We should see them soon considering the realms of light and shadow have pretty much just opened up in the all -gates book. 

I suspect the next chapter will focus on Tzeentch(Got slaanesh captured and according to the short story is also looking for the location of slaanesh according to the slaanesh short story), Aelves and slaanesh. 

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1 hour ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

In fact I seem to remember something about Tyrion waking up and being distraught because he couldn't sense any Aelves in the realms. 


Which is strange, because the fluff in the big rulebook says that there are aelves living in Sigmar's big happy land in the Realm of Heavens.




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1 hour ago, Tiger said:

I am intrigued what Teclis really is. Is he maybe just an extension of Tyrion's subconsciousness or perhaps still an aelf but connected to Tyrion somehow...

Tyrion was blinded in the End Times and I believe when he became the God of Light in the new Realms, he still can't see. I remember reading the Teclis is his eyes. I'm hopeful for a cool miniature with a Godly Tyrion and Teclis on his shoulder directing him :) 

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That was quickly mentioned. It's is my theory that "Teclis" is more of a Tyrion's mind coping with what happened to him, I find it more interesting rather than simply both brothers survived the end of days in rather interesting circumstance. 

Morathi was described to have a likeness of a shadow daemon, how it varies from a chaos daemon will be interesting to read. To be honest I imagined she would end up like Lady Cassandra from Doctor Who.

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2 hours ago, Neil Peckett said:

Which is strange, because the fluff in the big rulebook says that there are aelves living in Sigmar's big happy land in the Realm of Heavens.




It certainly does in the description of Azyrheim. It's earlier when it mentions that Malerion and Tyrion can't find any other Aelves. I suspect the imprisoning of Slaanesh may have something to do with it. Quite a lot of time has since then and the Age of Sigmar so they may well have found them. I'm hoping for it to get filled out when they get onto the Alves

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47 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

I don't think, other than Sigmar (and maybe even not him), anyone "survived" the end times - they were reborn after the end times, which has the same ultimate effect but a very different flavour.

I imagine it as the souls from the Old World being 'reborn', and if Slaanesh ate all the Aelfen souls, it would explain why they couldn't find any.

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I came to the conclusion from reading (and reading between the lines) that Slaanesh and the new Aelves will be remade/rethought. I'm hoping so, and seeing what comes about (even though I don't really care for Elves cuz Green iz Best Ironjawz 4life). 

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2 hours ago, Dez said:

I came to the conclusion from reading (and reading between the lines) that Slaanesh and the new Aelves will be remade/rethought. I'm hoping so, and seeing what comes about (even though I don't really care for Elves cuz Green iz Best Ironjawz 4life). 

All dis reading, and even between da linez!  You sure youz no poncy aelf?

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